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The Wrestling Question Thread


Staff member
Why is brett Hart named one of the best ever? was it his in-ring ability or his personality? or both?

As someone who came into the world of fandom after his glory days, I can only really comment on the few occasions I've seen him. His charisma and character were excellent, and whilst I've not seen a match in which he showed me anything exemplory, he still deserves a lot of wraps. I daresay some of the 'old guard' can provide a better answer


I've seen heaps of Brett Hart's matches, as he came along in a period where I enjoyed Wrestling :p

Personally it was his Wrestling ability that stood out for me. He was awesome - something else in fact. He was better than Angle, better than HBK, better than Benoit (I still think Benoits sharpshooter isn't far off what Hart's was, see this weeks sd! for reference) and better than most other recent technicians you could think of. The best thing is that he was definitely charismatic to go with it.

I agree on the Goldberg front. I think TNA is definitely a possibly, perhaps sooner rather than later. It'd be awesome seeing him feud with someone like Abyss or Samoan Joe. I did read the other day that the WWE were in "serious" talks with Goldberg and there was a real possibilty of bringing him back to the WWE. This popped up just after the deal with Brock Lesnar (another who may be in TNA soon) seemingly fell through.

It seemed to me that a lot of the time people were unaware of his ability on the mic, but it really was very good. Especially when he first left WWF and went to WCW and go stuck into the WWF.

Big Pete

From some of the Hart matches I've seen he just knew how to hit each move.

Besides from that he was pretty good on the mic from what I can remember in his WCW days.

I do however believe he is a touch overated by some fans.


what about the thing with HBK and HHH. i'm pretty sure i've heard that they were best friends a while ago (along with Kevin Nash). Why did they everntually break up and start fueding???....

....and also, I know this is a silly question but why is Shawn Michaels nicknamed the "Heart Break Kid"???


In real life Hunter, HBK, Nash, Scott Hall, X-Pac and Justin Credible are all best mates in real life. They're all in a group called the The Kliq.


Ridders said:
Why did they everntually break up and start fueding???....

After DX broke up, Shawn Michaels came back in mid 2002 part of the nWo. When that story line went down, it looked as if HHH and HBK were gonna form DX again, Untill HHH pedigreed HBK in the middle of the ring.
HHH said that HBK never gave him his shot at glory when they were part of DX, and that Shawn was getting all of the attention, while HHH was the one who was making HBK great. Led to a match were HBK made his in ring return after 4 years and put on a classic with HHH at Summerslam 2002. The feud continued to exculate from there.

Big Pete

Yeah in real life their all best friends.

However the story goes like this if your talking about the WWE.

In 2002, Triple H joins Raw after HBK asks him to at Vengence. HBK at that time was at a managing role and wasn't allowed to wrestle. HBK then had a run in with Eric Bischoff or Ric Flair (can't remember who was GM at the time) and Triple H decided it was time to stick it to them DX style.

So they come to the ring in their DX attire and pose and so on. However Triple H pedigrees HBK. The next night Triple H explains why he did so but he's interupted when HBK is shown backstage in a pool of his own blood. HHH seems really worried. The next week HHH announces he's found the person that hurt HBK and it turns out to be HHH.

HBK then challenges HHH to a No-DQ match at Summer Slam which HBK ends up winning. HHH however gets the last laugh when he gets the sledge hammer and hits HBK in the back with it.

A few months go by and no word from HBK. Finally after No Mercy HBK has an interview in a wheel chair about the match and so on. Suddenly he hops out of it and announces he is able to make a comeback in the Elimination Chamber.

HBK ends up winning the elimination chamber and is crowned World Champion. Triple H however gets a shot at the December PPV and wins it in a 3 Stages of Hell match. The two then go their different ways for awhile until locking horns again on the last edition of Raw for 2003. The match ended in a draw due to HBK being on his back while pinning HHH.

HBK was given a rematch thanks to Sherrif Austin and the two had it out at the Royal Rumble in a Last Man Standing Match. That ended in a draw as well. Chris Benoit then announced he joined Raw, so now he has a shot at Triple H at Wrestlemania XX. However before he can sign the contract, HBK Superkicks him and signs the contract giving him the title shot.

The match is then made a Triple Threat match which Benoit won. The same match was booked at Backlash which Benoit retained the title. The two then battled it out at Bad Blood in a Hell In A Cell match. Triple H ended up winning and so the feud was finished.

They had their last match at Taboo Tuesday where an injured HBK put up a gallant effort however couldn't quite win it.

I'm not sure about the whole HBK idea, I believe it's just apart of his earlier gimmick of being this ladies man.


Okay next question for all you wrestling dictionaries...

When Benoit and Edge were Tag champs last year..were they actually "friends" at any stage? And did Benoit have the world title at the same time as the tag titles?


Post Whore
PARANoIR said:
Okay next question for all you wrestling dictionaries...

When Benoit and Edge were Tag champs last year..were they actually "friends" at any stage? And did Benoit have the world title at the same time as the tag titles?

Yes he did have the WHC. I am pretty sure.


PARANoIR said:
Okay next question for all you wrestling dictionaries...

When Benoit and Edge were Tag champs last year..were they actually "friends" at any stage? And did Benoit have the world title at the same time as the tag titles?

Benoit won at Wrestlemania, then Edge and Benoit won the titles of Evolution (Batista and Flair) in April. So Benoit was Champ at that stage. La Reisistance defeated Benoit and Edge, then Benoit and Edge won it back, only to lose it to Las Reisistance later on. They were actually 'friends' at that stage and Edge turned heel in around September/October.


They won it again at Taboo Tuesday didnt they? Well Benoit won the titles by himself coz Edge walked out on him. Is that right?


Yep thats right. Benoit and Edge were forced to team up because they both lost the chance to verse HHH for the title. Benoit ended up winning the titles by himself.


lol. Yeah I saw that somewhere the other day that because HBK got voted in for the title shot, they got a consolation price.


I have a question. How much have the Mcmahon family involved themselves on-screen in the past? I remember a Shane-O-Kane feud and obviously Vince and Austin..what else has happened?


Staff member
The McMahon family 'ego' ruined the WCW Invasion. Rather than letting WCW storm in and 'dominate', making the focus about WWE's fight for survival - they give different factions to different family members (Vince - WWE, Shane - WCW, and Stephanie - ECW) and basically made the focus on a family dispute rather than an invasion. Ruined what would have been the greatest angle of all time.


I'll do Stephanie first.


Early 1999 she was part of the Ministry vs. Corporation feud, with Undertaker kidnapping her and Vince going WACKO. After that she and Test had a relationship, which wasn’t approved by Shane McMahon. Stephanie pleaded for Shane to back away so she can just be happy, but Shane wouldn’t allow it. This led to a match at Summerslam 1999 where Test took on Shane McMahon where if Test was to lose he would have to leave Steph, but if he was to win Shane McMahon had to back out. Test eventually won the match and Shane then took a face role. The couple were eventually engaged, but their original wedding date had to be postponed after The British Bulldog accidentally hit Stephanie with a thrown trash can, concussing her and giving her amnesia. A later date was set, but, on the day of the wedding (which was to be held in the ring), Triple H showed a video which revealed that he had drugged Stephanie and taken her to Las Vegas where they were married in a drive-through ceremony. This effectively ended the relationship between her and Test. Stephanie abhored Triple H at first, but eventually sided with him, turning on Vince in the process by slapping him in the face.

That began the McMahon-Helmsley era where Stephanie playing the evil wife of HHH. Stephanie was involved in a love triangle in mid 2000, where Kurt Angle was playing the “were just ‘good friends’” gimmick. HHH was frustrated and starting getting into arguments with Steph, until that feud was put to rest with Stephanie eventually falling back into the arms of Triple H.


In 2001, Stephanie returned to rule ECW and form the ‘Alliance’ with Shane McMahon (who was running WCW) while HHH was injured. Stephanie was having a feud with Chris Jericho in the time, where Stephanie would do anything to make sure that Jericho would get hurt. Once the Alliance feud had ended, Steph was then welcomed with the return of HHH in early 2002, who apparently had lost interest in Stephanie and thought he could go further. Stephanie was trying to win back the love of HHH, and that resulted in her lying to him about her being pregnant. HHH then showed the love again as he was going to get a little baby boy, until he found out that Steph was lying resulting to him throwing his wedding ring on the floor followed by pushing Steph to the ground.


In order to gain revenge upon Triple H, Stephanie began foiling his attempts to become the Undisputed Champion. After Triple H won the 2002 Royal Rumble, Stephanie appointed herself as Special Guest Referee in a match between Kurt Angle and Triple H at No Way Out 2002 with Triple's WrestleMania title shot on the line. Though Angle won thanks to Stephanie's somewhat suspect officiating, Triple H defeated him the next night to regain his title shot. Stephanie then aligned herself with the incumbent champion, her former enemy Chris Jericho. However, despite Stephanie's best efforts, Jericho lost to Triple H at WrestleMania X8. Several weeks later, Jericho and Stephanie faced Triple H in a Triple Threat Match for the Undisputed Championship, with the stipulation that, if Triple H was victorious, Stephanie would be forced to leave the WWF. Triple H was able to pin Stephanie, and she was removed from the building by security once more..

In 2002, Steph was later rewarded with the General Manager role of Smackdown. She was a face during this time, and was the General Manager until October 2003 where Vince McMahon beat her in an ‘I quit’ match which saw her lose her job.

On March 13, 2004 she attended the WWE Hall of Fame induction ceremony, and on September 23 she appeared on SmackDown! and talked about her favorite SmackDown! moments, and now has returned to again be a heel and join forces with her family.


lol. Ill take 2nds if I have to, Im not picky :p

You forgot to add the part that she actually got taken off tv because some clowns were planning to jump the fence thing and rip her clothes off to strip her down. The WWE found out about it so they took her off TV, and leading up to her being taken off she was wearing skin tight suits and staying up the top of the ramp.