Marcus: "On evolution... if humans came from apes... then why do we still have apes? - why haven't they evolved? "
All Species have evolved... especially Apes who are evolving more than most other species.
The Bonobos evolved into an unique ape species in only 5000 years after they were separated from the Chimpanzees by the Zaire river.
Its like saying, why hasn't the Shark evolved? When in fact the Shark did evolve and still is, its just that it's evolution has slowed over the last 10 Milliion years.
As for Humans evolving from Apes, we don't know that. There has been two or three unique fossilised remains found that show a 'branch' of uprights who had spinal characteristics that are consistent with humans.
By 'branch' I mean a branch of evolution.
Rather than thinking that Humans evolved from Apes, we should think of an evolutionary tree with many branches going off in all directions.
People try to simplify evolution in an attempt to bring it down, when in reality, its quite complex and hard work. Its certainly more complex than believing totally in the writings of one book.
"For those that don't believe in the after-life/ or spirits well you might want to play a ouija board - get at least 3 people to play it."
Excuse me?
You may have to elaborate here. Are saying thatyou are a Lutheran and you also play Ouja boards and you believe in Ouija boards?
Its a rather childish pursuit imo.
I used to shove the little piece around a bit as kid just to scare the folks. When I wasn't doing it, someone else was. It frightened the oldies so much that they burned the
"There has been thousands of cases of people having near-death experiences or out of body experiences to validate such claims. "
There have been millions more that have seen nothing. The near death experiences are explained by images in the brain as it battles for survival.
In simple terms...
If you firmly believe in heaven andall its glory, then you'll most likely seea bright light when the brain is in trauma. If you believe in hell and have a guilty conscience, you'll see fire and despair. If you are an Athiest, you'll see and recall nothing before being brought back from the operating table.
Marcus... I don't know what to say about your beliefs in witchcraft and faith healing. I'm tempted to think that there is one born every minute and con-men pray on the gullible. But I guess I'll have to settle for leaving you to your opinion and your 'smorgasbord' of spiritual beliefs...
Better let you back for a double helping.