A wise forummer once said: "The great thing about these discussion groups is that we sometimes come across a debate which has the power to change our opinion - the trick is to be able to acknowledge that change of opinion".
So Moffo, I dip me hat to ya.
'"Isa Lutheran who believes who believes in witchcraft, faith healing, Ouija boards and the paranormal a Christian, or someone who
sees himself as a Christian?'
btw, I'm not saying this for marcus's benefit. It just struck me that you christian guys tend to stick together. Good on ya for that I suppose.
But ifFred Blotwas aChristian member of this community and busted inearly to declare his Mormonship, you
may have been quicker to havethat change of mind...
"Willow: "...and how is believing in witchcraft, faith healing, Ouija boards and the paranormal a bit like you and your catholic teachings?"
Moffo: "What? Don't get it. Does the question have to do with faith, as in there is no proof that any of theseexist/work? "
I said that because you said:
"Marcus is a Lutheran who has his own take on several things that may not exactly be in line with Lutheran teachings <u>(a bit like me with Catholic teachings</u>)" and I was just asking what the connection was between marcus'sBIZARRE beliefs and your more conservative catholic beliefs. The seem miles apart to me.
(disclaimer: the word 'bizarre' was too hard to pass up and unavoidable. If this word offends, please replace it with 'broadminded')
Anyway, apart from all the shit stirring etc, I just thought that belief in the occult was in some way against the teachings of the church... I must have read that somewhere.