Assuming that God is real, why doesn't he show himself? Why doesn't he give people a reason to believe?MM
Maybe you haven't heard, but Christians believe he did show himself. Here's a hint - what do we celebrate in 2 days?
It has been pointed out on many occasions that man is imperfect. Yet the bible was written by man. Christians are people. Why should people, therefore,have faith in the bible,a book written by man?Christians who believe in the Bible's authenticity say it was written by men who were inspired by God in what they wrote. The Bible itself says this too. Now, there are all degrees of more liberal Christians who don't fully believe that.
Why should people have faith in the beliefsof Christian people instead of the beliefs of Muslim or Hindu people? The short answer is that Christians believe that Christ really was God in human form, and that those other religions came from men, not God. Again, some liberal Christians wouldn't hold that position strongly, and of course Muslims and Hindus wouldn't agree. Some people throw up their hands and say no religion is true, others investigate them and decide that one is true, or none.I believe it's up to the individual to decide - you can't be born into a religion as some, including Catholics, believe. Where I do object is when people say that religion is only a blind faith, and no intelligence goes into it.I did a lot of reading before I became a Christian, and became convinced, like C.S. Lewis (though I'm nowhere near as smart as him), that it was true.This is not to say that faith doesn't enter into it - faith is important too.
But Steve... if everyone chose to follow God'sdirectives according the commandments, they are surely disregarding their own free will. That much must be obvious. Well, everyone isn't going to do it, that's clear from history. But you can follow God's directives and not surrender your free will. When Australia entered the 2 world wars, some men chose to join the army, right? They made a free will choice (though I know many felt compelled for social reasons) to join something bigger than themselves, where they would be governed by rules and the orders of a higher authority.
To say otherwise is making a moral judgement and that is in violation of God's law. Sorry, I don't follow understand your point here.