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Thoughts on society.....


Assistant Moderator
If you read my previous post, #218, you see that I anticipated this misconception.

Are you serious about not knowing the difference Moffo? I don't want to insult your intelligence but there is clear difference between Nihilism and Atheism.

"And which one are you and everyone else in here?"
I'm an Atheist... lol... I reckon you know that. I suspect a few others are Nihilists... but I don't follow. You want to know what about everyone in here?

Fair enough mate, sorry about that, the effects of Christmas have left me a little dusty

Ive never read up on Nihilism to be honest. Im not suggesting that they are the same, im just saying that ive never read up on it. Are the Bonobos Nihilists? ;)

To be honest, i was more taking issue with the previous point from MM i believe who mentioned that believing in nothing is not a big a leap of faith as believing in a God. Personally speaking, id dispute that. I took the reply out of this from MM:

"I guess it comes down to an individual's personal view on things. To me, believing in a higher power requires more faith simply because you are believing in something (which cannot be proved). On the other hand, I don't see atheism as believing in anything"

Being an atheist at least, as far as i know, is not believing in anything. But when an atheist dies, im assuming they think that its all over. Isnt that still believing in something? (ie: that nothing happens)?? Or am i off track?




<tt>you guys are seriously messed up in the head! You don't make any sense at all. Look at everything around you...how can you say that there is not a God! How can you guys live with yourselves...you must be depressed all the time and want to die. Why don't you just kill yourselves if your life is meaningless. Believing in nothing is a belief in itself. You say your families are just people that you resent and wouldn't be friends if they weren't so codependent on each other...my family is the most important thing in my life and I don't know what I would do without them, I feel bad for u, your families must hate you. Your mother gave you the gift of life and all you guys do is sit around and feel sorry for yourselves and tell each other that your life is meaningless... GET OFF OF YOUR ASS AND DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE WITH YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GUYS ARE A BUNCH OF BABIES WHO WANT ATTENTION. GET OVER YOURSELVES AND QUIT TRYING TO RUIN OTHER PEOPLE'S LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!! The world could be alot worse but instead of thinking how much worse it could be why not think how much better it is.</tt> <tt>That's all I have to say. You guys piss me off!;)</tt>


Nope Duque. His lifelong ambition is to be a pencil sharpener.

Oneye, I don't think I've ever met a bigger wank in my life. Why you decided to inflict yourself on anyone is beyond comprehension.

You cut and paste other people's thoughts because you are incapable of putting your own thoughts into words. I'm not sure if it's because you are atrocious when it comes to the English language or if it's because you are a complete and utter mental defective with all the wit and charm of a small green piece of blotting paper and the writing abilityofa stapler.

You now have, at a guess, 30 passports in this community and between them, they don't have the intelligence to consider you just plain stupid. Their level is as far under stupid as Upper Voltain Cricket is to Australia.

I have a recommendation for you that will, I think, assist you in being the best you can be.

Commit suicide by ramming your head repeatedly into your computer. Let's face it, you do it anyway, just not literally.



Assistant Moderator
Moffo: "Being an atheist at least, as far as i know, is not believing in anything. But when an atheist dies, im assuming they think that its all over. Isnt that still believing in something? (ie: that nothing happens)?? Or am i off track?"

That sounds a bit likea narrow track to me.
There are more things in the world to believe in or disregard than the concept of afterlife.

My understanding is this, in simple terms:
Nihilism is the belief in NOTHING.Nihilists arethe most cynical of people imo. (nothing wrong with cynicism but it can be taken to extremes) Nihilists disregard all notions of belief anything, be it family, love, god, nature. They basically think there is no purpose in anything.
A lot of people who drew the short straw at birth are prone to Nihilism... so its too easy to write them off as being losers.

Atheism is quite easy in comparison and almost the opposite to Nihilism in most places. Atheists simply don't believe in any religious system of belief. An Atheist, for example, can still believein family, football, cricket and the power of ron cooting.... yes, Atheists love their fellow and non-fellow human beings.

There's more to it but thats the general drift.

El Duque

He's probably busy scouring the internet for a reply to your post. If he doesn't find one I'm sure we'll see something like

woof woof ;)


i remember starting a thread that said Jason Stevens and Mat Rogers believe in GOD, who else does? it posted over 200 replies and your "joke" about being Jesus was used then as well..
and i meant Gus Gould talking about his roosters, not yalking, a simple typing error


Assistant Moderator
I remember that post... it was on WORL you dork. :D
You're getting your forums mixed up.

It was early last year... and had nothing to do with LWOS. You claimed earlier that you have been shouted down... you have never been shouted down here.

I recall that you were using a footballer'sname, Jason Stevens, just so you could talk aboutJesus on a RL forum. WORL, unlike LWOS wasn't diverse enough... I even remember being told off for talking about cricket a few times. In any case, your post wasn't structured very well and no one understood what you were saying... nevertheless you managed a reply or two so well done... but it wasn't here.

"your "joke" about being Jesus was used then as well.."
Which joke was that..? There's so many...lol... sorry, you've lost me.

"i meant Gus Gould talking about his roosters, not yalking, a simple typing error"
I knew you meant 'talking' - it still didn't make sense.


Assistant Moderator
Back to the original theme....

After an afternoon painting a house together,my nephew said to out of the blue, 'I think human beings are the only species on earth that don't know right from wrong'.

It was an interesting thing to say. He meant that humans are too confused to properly focus on the differences.


Religious threads in a sport community are stupid. I know this wasn't one but I really detest preaching in this type of community.

I hate Dubby already.

Preach to oneye Dubby, he'd even be stupid enough to tithe.


Are there any other religons other than christianity that insist on trying to convert everyone else?


i,m fairly sure the hare krishnas still hold their membership drives up queen street every friday nite.....;)


<span>THE FIRST human baby has been born through cloning, a French scientist and member of the Raelian cult said last night.Im geting my self cloned a 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times &amp; taking over the universe to;)</span>