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Three years jail for ex-Knight Danny Wicks


Wont surprise me if his not the only one in the NRL involved in selling drugs

These players are beyond a joke.. they have a life every football fan could dream of, and they throw it away like its nothing.

Jake friend for instance is only 19!! Danny wicks would only be 23 or 24.

But on a lighter side, drug dealers would get alot of money, and with the full time training these players do and the little money most of em get, doesnt suprise me they do anything for money, not giving em an excuse! But they were given the money they deserve working a full time job as an nrl player, alot of this may be prevented

Wicks was on close to 250,000 the first 2 years of his contract and around around 125 for his next 3 which seems like an amount I'd want to do their job for.
I think we can all now agree that we are sick of the Newcastle scumbag club bringing the league into disrepute.

Time to kick them out of the comp and bring back the Mariners.

Ding, ding, ding. Stop the thread, i'm not even gonna read the next 8 pages. You get the thread MVP award.

Newcastle are a f*ckin disgrace.


total disgrace, I'm disgusted about the light hearted humour. These idiots are going to be the end of first grade.

gunnamatta bay



I love that everyone is coming in here all high and mighty about how bad the Knights are, when every team in the comp has had players that have brought the game in to a bad light. Yes the Knights have had their fair share, and I am shattered that all the work the club has done to clean up the image and culture within the club has been brought undone by this fat f***. If the allegations that he was supplying other Knights players are correct I'll be utterly distraught.

But for people to come in here and parade the fact that the Knights are in some trouble again...pretty f***ing rich. Particularly Raiders and Roosters fans - your clubs have done huge amounts of damage to the game in recent years.


First Grade
the damage done?
Dark Knight: star on drug charges
December 17, 2009

TIMING is everything. As the Newcastle Knights prepared to announce Coke as a new sponsor yesterday, it emerged one of their players had been arrested by police, who said he was a kingpin in a drugs distribution network supplying ''coke'' - among other substances - on the North Coast.

Wicks remained in custody last night after being unable to raise the $50,000 bail.

gee, where are all his "friends" now :sarcasm:


During the bail application for one of Wicks's co-accused, Steven Stefanouski, the Newcastle Local Court magistrate asked

if a reference in the Crown's case that said "supply team members" referred to Knights players. "That's an inference, yes," replied police prosecutor Jillian Kelton.

Responding last night to the inference that Wicks had allegedly supplied drugs to other players, Knights chief executive Steve Burraston said: "I have no knowledge of any other players being involved in any way. At the moment, we're just dealing with the Wicks matter and until we're fully briefed and know the facts of all the charges pending against him, and whether that involves anyone else, it would be wrong of me to make any comment."

When asked if he was aware of the same allegations implicating other Knights players, NRL chief executive David Gallop said: "I can't really say any more about it."

During Wicks's application for bail, solicitor Mark Hanlon said the Knights player would be defending the eight charges laid against him, six of supply and two of possession. Kelton said the amount of drugs involved was "twice the trafficable quantity" and that the supply occurred over a matter of months.

"We are talking about hundreds of kilos that have been supplied over time by this offender," Kelton said.

She said Wicks was a flight risk, having allegedly "fled the scene" on November 20 when he was first stopped by police. That night police stopped a ute being driven by Wicks

along Glebe Road, Merewether. They allegedly found a large foil wrapped in a pair of board shorts containing one ounce (28 grams) of amphetamine behind a seat.

Both Wicks and the owner of the vehicle, who was sitting in the passenger seat, denied any knowledge of the drugs. Wicks allegedly made an excuse to walk away from the car, and never came back. It is alleged police then found one gram of cocaine on the driver's floor, plus a "point" deal of 0.1g of amphetamine, according to facts tendered during the bail application of Stefanouski.

Kelton said Wicks then made some panicked phone calls, and that his behaviour indicated a "very strong consciousness of guilt". She said several attempts were made to contact him by investigating police but the phone calls were disconnected by him.

Hanlon said those allegations were denied by Wicks, whose version was that he had been given permission to leave, that he had not terminated any calls from police, and that the passenger in the vehicle had pleaded guilty to the possession of those drugs.

Regardless, Wicks had not been arrested at that point, Hanlon said. "My instructions were he didn't want to be seen on the side of the road when the police have pulled over a car ... because of his profile," Hanlon said.

Magistrate Sharon Holdsworth granted Wicks bail, saying it would be virtually impossible for him to absent himself and not be easily located. She made it a condition that he not contact his brother Brett Wicks, 22, and his sister-in-law Tristen Davenport, 25, who were arrested in Grafton and each face five charges of supply drugs each.

He is also not to contact, personally or through a third party, Knights player and former housemate Christopher Houston.

Wicks is due back in court on February 3. Stefanouski's matter was adjourned to today to determine bail.

He sounds like a total scumbag to me.

Ronnie Dobbs

An ounce of go-go behind the seat. Thats a lot of gear. A LOT of gear. That in itself is a very serious "supply" indictable quantity.

If he's been supplying to the Clarnce as well & as the magistrate implies "hundreds of kilos" then he's not going away for a 2, 5 or 7 stretch, Wicks will be gone for 12 plus.

At least.


I love that everyone is coming in here all high and mighty about how bad the Knights are, when every team in the comp has had players that have brought the game in to a bad light. Yes the Knights have had their fair share, and I am shattered that all the work the club has done to clean up the image and culture within the club has been brought undone by this fat f***. If the allegations that he was supplying other Knights players are correct I'll be utterly distraught.

But for people to come in here and parade the fact that the Knights are in some trouble again...pretty f***ing rich. Particularly Raiders and Roosters fans - your clubs have done huge amounts of damage to the game in recent years.

Yep, how dare the Raiders sack players who misbehave. That really brings the game into disrepute.


She said Wicks was a flight risk, having allegedly "fled the scene" on November 20 when he was first stopped by police. That night police stopped a ute being driven by Wicks

So the Knights claim they knew nothing until yesterday??


Yep, how dare the Raiders sack players who misbehave. That really brings the game into disrepute.
Firstly, your players are far from perfect and you coming in here preaching about the Knights conduct is hypocritical to say the least.

Secondly, you didn't sack straight away - you gave Todd Carney how many bloody chances before finally getting rid of him? The Knights have stood Wicks down and made it clear if he is guilty they will sack him. Not sure what more they can do.

Thirdly, Ben Kennedy was allegedly on the gear and the Raiders didn't sack him - they dealt with Kennedy the same way we are dealing with Wicks - innocent until proven guilty.

And finally, Jason Bulgarelli. Your club has had the same drugs issue that the Knights has/had.

You are a hypocrite. How about you concentrate on your own sh*tty clubs culture (let alone their mediocre performance on the field) and we'll worry about ours.

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