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Time frame for Unity Boards first action


it is glaringly obvious Unity got in on the back of 1 very important & emotional event. The sacking of the 4 staff members. Obviously that has enraged the members sufficiently to give them a mandate.
Now seeign we all knew that the existing board was revisiting the dismissals with a view of returning the decisions, Unity canot be afforded that same space IMO.
They wre voted in to soemthing very easy.
Pick the phone up, ring the employees that were dismissed & tell them to get back to wrok tomorrow or ASAP.
I think Monday should be be the absolute latest that the 4 individuals should be back at work.
No investigations required. No reviews. No need to consult lawyers.
Do what you your mandates insists you do immediately.

IF These guys are not back in work by Monday, Unity has severely failed its members on its very first decision based upon its very onw election winning mandate.


There will not be a carbon tax under the Unity Board Committee I lead. They lied.


Reefy, I really think they now need to get a handle on all this before hastily rushing in. I agree that these people should be returned providing all is as it seems. I hope we've seen the end of knee jerk reactions. I think we owe the new board reasonable time before we judge them.


Glenn Gorick made a similar point on facebook this morning, regarding Unity being held to account for this commitment


First Grade
I think that next Monday might be pushing it Reefy, but I do agree that they prevailed on the basis of member discontent, so they need to get early runs on the board.


Fron the Unity website:

Like many members we do not understand Club’s handling and communication in relation to the four Sharks staff members. On appointment we will:
    • We will immediately reassess the relevant information and review these decisions
    • Re-assess and correct any governance failings that were identified.

Card Shark

With so many new people on the board, they need to take things slowly to understand what had gone on before them. Making any hasty decisions is not smart at this time, even if it is their mandate.

Card Shark

It will be very interesting to find out what their review finds out.

I'm tipping they'll only be reinstated I save face, not necessarily because they they were innocent of wrongdoing.

Someone, besides Irvine, must take responsibility for this mess. Who is it going to be??


Post Whore
They must resign en masse if the fab four aren't reinstated by 3.15 this afternoon!

And then they must turn over all their money to the club immediately


First Grade
I dont think the 4 people should be re-instated at all personally.

They should review the paper work and admit the old board was right, but they wont.


I don't even think that's the primary reason they won. Most voters are footy fans first. The notion of TC not re-signing if DI was returned would of been a bigger motivator for mine.

Their first order of business should be to get the TC deal done. Give him an ASADA clause if need be but get him committed to The Sharks.


Post Whore
I don't even think that's the primary reason they won. Most voters are footy fans first. The notion of TC not re-signing if DI was returned would of been a bigger motivator for mine.

Their first order of business should be to get the TC deal done. Give him an ASADA clause if need be but get him committed to The Sharks.

Ya recon?

Everyone I spoke to was absolutely astonished by the asada press event complete with asada linked officials calling the shots

The icing on the cake and the elephant in this little thread was the equine press leak

No iffs no buts

Carney didn't rate a mention

The Popper

Wot annoys me most is that members of the previous Board indicate that they are not able to relay some details about the ASADA investigation to we mere mortals. For goodness sakes, many of us are members of the Club. That means we OWN the Club. If the Club goes bust the liability of each member is limited to $1. The Board are repesentatives of the owners - the owners are the members. They are elected by the members (owners) to run the Club on their behalf. Thus, I believe the the Board, are obligated to keep the owners (members) up to speed on these contentious issues. The Board are the people we have chosen to run the club on our behalf. They are not our rulers, albeit some may seem to think they are. :shock:


With so many new people on the board, they need to take things slowly to understand what had gone on before them. Making any hasty decisions is not smart at this time, even if it is their mandate.

Bullshyt. Absolute bullshyt.
These guys were voted in by members whos main grudge were that the 4 people were fired.
They very first commitment in every press release were that these 4 people would be returned immediately. They later changed it slightly.
I am not sure if you understand what mandate means but their mandate was to NOT GO THROUGH the same procedures that the previous board were unertaking themselves. That is, to review the situation & to see if they got it wrong & re-instate the personnell.
The new board has to fre-hire these people immediately without any reviews & Monday is probably too long a period.
If they rehire these people & it turns out that the previous board were correct, then the mandate was wrong & their has been an illegitimate board put in place under a false mandate.
Now these guys would nto answer a question to a soul prior to the election. So the chances of them sticking to their pre-election commitment is close to zero.
So what will be seen by Monday, is the new boards first fully blown lie, capitualtion & failure.
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Bullshyt. Absolute bullshyt.
These guys were voted in by members whos main grudge were that the 4 people were fired.
They very first commitment in every press release were that these 4 people would be returned immediately. They later changed it slightly.
I am not sure if you understand what mandate means but their mandate was to NOT GO THROUGH the same procedures that the previous board were unertaking themselves. That is, to review the situation & to see if they got it wrong & re-instate the personnell.
The new board has to fre-hire these people immediately without any reviews & Monday is probably too long a period.
If they rehire these people & it turns out that the previous board were correct, then the mandate was wrong & their has been an illegitimate board put in place under a false mandate.
Now these guys would nto answer a question to a soul prior to the election. So the chances of them sticking to their pre-election commitment is close to zero.
So what will be seen by Monday, is the new boards first fully blown lie, capitualtion & failure.

They Lied, they lied, they are liars. There will be no reinstatement of employment under the board I represent.


If they rehire these people & it turns out that the previous board were correct, then the mandate was wrong & their has been an illegitimate board put in place under a false mandate.
that's a long bow reefy - they cant fortune tell

but they can argue rightly or wrongly on how the whole situation was handled irrespective of findings they had no knowledge of

the decision to sack all four staff smacked of protecting the current board

the irony is had they sat and called ASADAs bluff, then its highly likely they remain in office

im gob smacked that clown on four corners last night got off even after the text messages they had on him

a new precedent has been determined and its called the 'i was joking' defense, and it has worked a treat as curtis johnson is back playing footy having been let off


Post Whore
Yeah that was bizarre

I was only joking

The scary flip side is some people put shit like that in writting

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