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Time frame for Unity Boards first action


Sloppy in record keeping? We all wish it was this.

The allegations as i understand it from media reports are that they oversaw the injection of untested and unknown substances into perfectly healthy young men hoping it will improve their performance because some bloke told them it was ok.

They were sacked for it.

End of story.

farcan dope.
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Read today's papers champ?

No apology required, it is implied

No I'll say it.
I'm sorry you are such a flickwitt. Suck a flickwitt that you believe leaked sections of reports that are biased & induced in order to create hysteria, not find a solution.
Reports in papers that grab the worst of the leaks & reword them so as to have the bleeding lead they need each day.
Yes , you are a gullible flickwitt alright.


No I'll say it.
I'm sorry you are such a flickwitt. Suck a flickwitt that you believe leaked sections of reports that are biased & induced in order to create hysteria, not find a solution.
Reports in papers that grab the worst of the leaks & reword them so as to have the bleeding lead they need each day.
Yes , you are a gullible flickwitt alright.

(laughing aloud) "Perhaps you should complain to the Editors or perhaps the owner of the Newspapers about this. It should not be allowed. It is unethical "(sniggers)

Geeze I've just logged that one in. It's in the vault. Talk about having cake and eating it.

Ohhh well

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
I read in the paper, Julia Gillard is a good leader.

Read headed Victorian backstabbing moron, a good leader.


How many of Rupes Pommy reporters have been arrested now. Shame it can't be done here ...... yet.


I read in the paper, Julia Gillard is a good leader. (I agree)

Read headed Victorian backstabbing moron, a good leader.

Is this the red haired leader youse was talking about Angry.



Its a news paper Quigs. You need to grow up & realise it has been that way since day dot & they will always be that way. Take your tinfoil hat off & grow up.
The funny thing is, everybody with sceric of common sense knows how news services work & adjust in life accordingly.
You don't. You jump up and down liek a spoilt brat & for that reason, Rupert owns you. he will own you for his & your entire life.
Life advice for Quigs. "What you most resist, persists".


Its a news paper Quigs. You need to grow up & realise it has been that way since day dot & they will always be that way. Take your tinfoil hat off & grow up.
The funny thing is, everybody with sceric of common sense knows how news services work & adjust in life accordingly.
You don't. You jump up and down liek a spoilt brat & for that reason, Rupert owns you. he will own you for his & your entire life.
Life advice for Quigs. "What you most resist, persists".

MORE CAKE OVER HERE THANKS. Comrade Reefy has eaten his but he expects to keep it... and now he wants some more.

Its a news paper Quigs. You need to grow up & realise it has been that way since day dot & they will always be that way.

Newspapers are dying you fool, their sales are plummeting, advertising income has and is drying up. Not just here but world wide.

Hop on a morning commuter train and count the papers.

everybody with sceric of common sense knows how news services work & adjust in life accordingly.

So here we go again speaking for everybody. Did you see how everyone in here reacts when ....... ummm lets say DUI Beck or Pisshead Phil print an article in the Telecrap about the League.

At least we have you in here that always has that sceric of common sense and knows how news services work and you don't jump up and down like a spoilt brat.

Perhaps you and I could go back through some of the threads relating to Newspaper articles and Reports and how they / we reacted to them.

I know some blokes really go off in here. Right over the top so to speak.