I don't profess to know the solutions to all of the Knights problems, however I will offer up a suggestion or 3.
The first and most important thing is understanding we can only worry about things that are in our control. That means while it is a major worry that players are not attracted to Newcastle ( for whatever reasons ), there's very little we can do about the perception of players of the city etc. Sure we can help our own image as far as coaching appointments etc, but there are too many factors stopping players from coming here to focus too heavily on just the coach.
So, that leaves us with THE most important thing we CAN control - and it needs fixing badly.
Our junior development system.
We have one of the largest footballing nurseries anywhere. And it seems to have gone to sh*t.
Get things right in our own backyard, start developing stars of tomorrow the way we always have in the past, and recruiting from outside the area becomes less important. Instead of chasing a Mark Gasnier, we need to be doing more to develop our own.
Over the years this region has produced superstars in this game, and can continue to do so.
Polynesian recruiting needs to continue, but MUST be limited to only those polynesian players who are FOOTBALLERS. Thats right, footballers, not just athletes with the perfect size and build.
It's a worrying trend that has infiltrated our junior development in Newcastle. Sure there are some very talented polynesians in the NRL, but the vast majority of true superstars both now and in the past are not polynesians.
We must learn that size and strength and perfect builds does not make a good footballer.
We have to focus on the nursery that is our junior system and make sure the best players grow as footballers and go onto become the future first graders here at the Knights.
There is some light at the end of the tunnel. There are a few players with good futures, but we need to be doing more at junior level.
Improving our professionalism and judgement at junior level, and replenishing our first grade side with future young stars from our own backyard is one solution to our issues.
Then, worrying about signing superstars from elsewhere ( which is currently a pipe dream ) becomes null and void.
Our biggest worry needs to go back to trying to work out how to keep other clubs away from all our talented juniors, as opposed to dreaming for the unattainable stars from other clubs as we are now.