Ace's and 8's storyline started strong as it ran alongside the BFG series and added some nice subplots such as making it look like Storm was involved with them and various finger pointing at other wrestlers.
After the BFG series it dragged on a bit with TNA standing in the ring calling them out (sometimes they showed, sometimes they didn't) and various all out brawls. The thing for me that is making it drag is that we've had Aries vs A masked Aces & 8's member and now at BFG we've got Sting/Bully Ray vs 2 random Aces and 8's members. At some point they have to pull the trigger and show us who they are, but I have a bad feeling they're going to show us all of them at the same time rather than revealing one or two, and then teasing that there's someone else behind it all etc. It's starting to feel like a slow build for a very quick swerve.
Knockouts aren't doing a hell of a lot. Tara turned heel. That's about it really. Velvet gone, Winter gone, Micke James rarely seen. They had some silly angle with Madison Rayne having a crush on Hebner but that's disappeared. Sarita hasn't been spotted for ages. Then there's Brooke Hogan's horrible acting.
X-Division hasn't really taken off with Zema Ion as champion. They're not really giving him much time to be fair. He's got a personality, they just don't showcase it often and there doesn't seem to be any genuine challengers being built up, more like random matches thrown together. I guess the plan is to keep Ion strong until Sorenson is recovered whenever that will be as he's been doing a few post match injury angles to make it look like he's putting guys on the shelf. At the moment he doesn't even have a BFG match (will probably end up with some sort of multi man match thrown in at the last minute involving all the guys he's beaten since becomming champ.)
Storm V Roode has been one of the stronger feuds. I like the way they've kept the two apart for the better part of a year but at the same time they've always been at each other.
Roode was the one who originally accused Storm of being with Aces and 8's and started that whole angle, then after losing to Aries he disappeared for a month before returning to screw Storm at BFG. Since then they've just been brawling, which sounds a little like nothing but the history between them makes it better and both guys are selling it.
Aries as champ has been great. There's definite similarities between Punk and Aries in the way they're being booked against fan favourites. At the moment TNA don't seem to be pulling the trigger on any heel turn though as opposed to WWE who have been pushing Punk hard as a heel. One more Impact until BFG so maybe they'll pull the trigger there. Not sure how to feel about it as he was getting very over with the Impact crowd until they put him against Hardy.
Bully Ray has been gold. Got to admit I groaned a little when they made him a singles wrestler and pushed him, but he's making it work. He's been working as a heel the whole time but also has been pro TNA/anti Aces and 8's which has put him on side with Sting and other faces. Strange contrast, but it works. There's rumours that Bully will screw TNA and line up with Ace's and 8's at BFG. Hope that isn't the case. Kind of like the "Bully with honour" thing he's got going on at the moment.
Something will happen at BFG with Ace's and 8's, that's a given. Whether TNA move forward strongly or take a few steps back will depend on what happens and how they follow it up.