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Staff member
Yeah, I dug it. Hell of a main event for their mini Destination X (can't believe it's been a year since I was there), but feel bad for Sabin getting the rug whipped out from underneath him.

Big Pete

Can't fault TNA relying on an old WCW favourite. A double is one of the best wrestlers they have and this is a rematch I'm interested in seeing.

Bound for Glory can't come soon enough. I really want to see the company move on from the Aces and 8s angle and starting looking towards pushing the likes of Magnus and co.
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Big Pete

I'm cool with Magnus, not so much Joe.

In terms of booking, Joe is the TNA equivalent of Kane in that they've booked him so horribly over the years that it's completely extinguished my interest in him. Heck, it clearly affected his work which went from being world class to sloppy.

To his credit he's improved but he simply doesn't have any momentum and I believe they should have let him pick up steam in AAA, NJPW and the Indys before bringing him back in after 6-12 months and hope he's picked up a couple new tricks.

Magnus I'm completely fine with. For awhile there, he'd been completely forgotten about but it's good to see TNA get behind him sometime last year. I think he's a very well rounded package and could easily work a few transitional main event programs. What I like about Magnus as an option is that he's a new guy. The likes of AJ, Daniels, Joe etc. is that as good as they are, they've been in this company forever. It's akin to watching Orton, Kane & Mysterio receive pushes.


Staff member
It's Sabin/Ray again after Sabin won a three way over Aries and Manic (Suicide's new moniker).

Big Pete

At first I wasn't thrilled with the news but after hearing about Sabin's promo I can get behind this match. Good to see another fresh face in the mix and hopefully it puts him in good stead heading into 2014. Aries is already been there done that, even if he's a LU favourite.

Big Pete

SGL said:
Except Madison I think, and Joey Ryan didn't get his contract renewed.

Which is why I worded it the way I did.

TNA won't miss any of these talents although I'm sure York and Ryan would have been handy additions on the undercard. Correct me if I'm wrong but they never really involved Ryan in the X-Division and York was more or less an Xplosion guy wasn't he? I reckon York would have been a handy guy to have around, the guy can definitely work and be the Mr. Fix-It in the X or Tag division.
York had a great initial run, including wins over Jeff Hardy after he had just dropped the TNA World Title, and a World Title match against Austin Aries. But after that first run he just disappeared.

Joey Ryan was horribly used. Whoever thought aligning him with Matt Morgan should be shot. Would of been great for getting younger talents over.

Madison Rayne is trying to start a family, fair play there.

The rest, meh. You can add Doug Williams to that list to, who was head trainer at OVW. I was surprised by that, particularly since he is on a number of their upcoming PPV's reforming The British Invasion with Rob Terry. And he is another great vet to use on the undercard.

Big Pete

TNA need to make some big decisions and remove the Hogan/Sting umbilical cord and move on. These guys are alright as short term attractions but you can't keep booking them as feature attractions year round because the public have been watching these guys since the 80s.

They need to go on a massive scouting mission, devise some interesting personas and attatch them to guys who can play the part. That doesn't mean they should go out and just buy the PWG roster but certainly give these guys a look.

Wrestling needs some new stars. I wonder if they can take any notes from Hollywood?
I have no problem with either Hulk Hogan or Sting being there, but they both need to be on TV less. Sting should be building talents now instead of chasing titles, and Hogan should watch a lot of Raw with Eric Bischoff or William Regal as GM to see how the role is done right.


Staff member
Raiding CHIKARA would probably be a better source of future talent than raiding PWG, but I agree with Pete's idea in principle.

Lots of rumours that Sting will be in the WWE once his current contract ends, so he my get his wish.

Big Pete

Actually, my point was that they shouldn't just sign a bunch of Indy darlings. PWG is the promotion I chose because it's basically what ROH was - the Indy darlings promotion. They need to look outside of signing just those guys and look to bring in a range of different freelance talent to provide different dynamics.


Staff member
Actually, my point was that they shouldn't just sign a bunch of Indy darlings. PWG is the promotion I chose because it's basically what ROH was - the Indy darlings promotion. They need to look outside of signing just those guys and look to bring in a range of different freelance talent to provide different dynamics.

If not the indies, where do they find guys who can wrestle? Moreso than the WEE, TNA has experimented with bringing guys in from outside of wrestling. King Mo, Rampage, Hermie Sadler, Pacman etc.

Big Pete

Let me try this again...

Don't just sign the likes of Richards, Strong, Edwards, O'Reily etc. because they have a bit of hype on the Indys.

Sign a bunch of different talents based on what your company needs.

More workhorses isn't going to solve the issue.


Staff member
Let me try this again...

Don't just sign the likes of Richards, Strong, Edwards, O'Reily etc. because they have a bit of hype on the Indys.

Sign a bunch of different talents based on what your company needs.

More workhorses isn't going to solve the issue.

Which is why I used CHIKARA as an example. Not a roster full of workhorses, but every one of them a good performer. Some amazing workers, true, but an assortment of big guys, spot monkeys, technical workers, storytellers, and personalities.