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Todd Carney caught Drink Driving!!


And the Telegraph is a tabloid. Like I said, they are catering to their market. They are a business, their job is to sell papers by reporting the most interesting news to their readers. They do that by publishing the stories their target demographic most want to read about.

If you don't like it, stop reading their paper and more importantly, stop fueling Rothfield by clicking on his blog. There are plenty of other respected publications out there you could read. The fact we are arguing about it right now justifies their reasoning for publishing stories like this even more.

Haven't bought a telegraph or visited their website in years, simply going off his comments quoted in this thread and over on the roosters official forum.

The telegraph is not seen as a tabloid by most. It calls itself a newspaper and calls its story tellers journalists. As such it should be held to account when it goes on clearly agenda driven nonsense like the drunk one's ranting and raving today.


i put to geohood , adamkungl , danish and the rest of the goosters posters on
here that if toady had injured or even worse killed mabey your mum,nan,sister
daughter,son in a car accident while having a "low-range" reading,would you all hold the same view????????????? (this senario i do not wish on any of you ) .i think not ]

Please, this drink driving charge is the equivalent of getting pulled over for doing 85 in an 80 zone. he was 0.002% above the legal limit (i realise he's not a full licenced driver, but it's not as if your grade of licence has any correlation with the effects of alcohol).

The 'what if he killed your sister' defence is a total cop-out anyway.


Please, this drink driving charge is the equivalent of getting pulled over for doing 85 in an 80 zone. he was 0.002% above the legal limit (i realise he's not a full licenced driver, but it's not as if your grade of licence has any correlation with the effects of alcohol).

The 'what if he killed your sister' defence is a total cop-out anyway.

You are overlooking his priors though. He had over 30 offences at the Raiders - sure most were probably pretty minor but when a judge takes your license off you in 2007 (for 5 years) and you reoffend on a P license which you had to appeal to the courts to get back early??? Surely even a fantically Roosters supporter like yourself can take the rose coloured glasses off for a moment.

Sure I'm a raiders fan but I'm not one of the bitter ones - he really hasn't learnt anything from these mistakes he has made - its disappointing because he was a pleasure to watch last year and I was genuinely happy for him that he had seemingly turned his life around.


Please, this drink driving charge is the equivalent of getting pulled over for doing 85 in an 80 zone. he was 0.002% above the legal limit (i realise he's not a full licenced driver, but it's not as if your grade of licence has any correlation with the effects of alcohol).

The 'what if he killed your sister' defence is a total cop-out anyway.

He was over the limit for non P=platers not just P-platers.

The limit in NSW is actually quite high so the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream is easily enough to impair driving.

The 0.05 figure is not one plucked out of the air. It is the stage where your ability to drive properly is impaired. In a guy his size it will probably be the equivalent of 3 drinks in the first hour and one an hour afterwards. Not just the one unlucky drink as you suggest.

To gwet above the limit you therefore have to be drinking extremely heavily the night before or moderately heavily at the time. 3 per hour at least.

Ram Man

havin a laugh at you gooster fans trying to change the topic by ripping into
that poser p.rothfeild for (shock horror)writing a peice about your golden boy

toady is a repeat offender and this critisim of him is warranted and justified
as his form suggest.

i put to geohood , adamkungl , danish and the rest of the goosters posters on
here that if toady had injured or even worse killed mabey your mum,nan,sister
daughter,son in a car accident while having a "low-range" reading,would you all hold the same view????????????? (this senario i do not wish on any of you ) .i think not ]

as a raiders fan ,i too made excuses for his 31+ indescretions and looking back alot
of my arguments and excuses were ridiculous and weak,his home town rampage was
the last staw for me(he made me look stupid for constantly standing up for him).then
my club sacked him.iam not suggesting your club sack him (his next offence for sure)but the N.R.L. should suspend him for a few weeks until his court case at least ,
then i feel the judge may have a harsher penalty for him(taking into consideration his past driving and alcohol offences)

to all you gooster fans rippin into us raiders fans is laughable ,your arguments and excuses are weak (along with the total lack of consideration/respect for D.U.I. victims/families).your club has made it's bed now sleep in it,dont forget us
raiders fans had him on a pedastool and made weak ass excuses as well ,only for him to turn around and piss in our faces(heads-up has been issued)

As a Roosters fan I make no excuses for what he has done.
He F***ed up...end of story mate.

My main objection is the media and in particular Rothdick are calling for this guys head...almost literally.
There is no doubt what he did was obviously illegal and dangerous and there is every right for him to be charged and have to face the consequences of the courts.
However, Rothdick didnt show the same contempt for Watmough when he was doing 50km/h over the speed limit, also on his P plates, also has a tendancy to be a bone head.

As I said my main objection is Rothdick and his agenda against Rugby League and in this particular case, the Roosters, is pathetic.

Everyone has a right to be upset but a $50k fine, suspension and jail time is a little over the top even for a guy with history like Carney.


i put to geohood , adamkungl , danish and the rest of the goosters posters on
here that if toady had injured or even worse killed mabey your mum,nan,sister
daughter,son in a car accident while having a "low-range" reading,would you all hold the same view????????????? (this senario i do not wish on any of you ) .i think not ]

I feel sorry for all victims of drunk drivers but this whole “he could have killed someone” crap is irrelevant. The fact is he didn’t hurt anyone and he was charged with low range drink driving which is what he will be punished for not what could of happened.

Have you ever done any of the following?

- Exceeded the speed limit
- Sped up to go through an orange light
- Run a red light
- Done drugs
- Driven whilst fatigued
- Been so intoxicated you could barely walk

If your answer to any of the above is yes than you COULD have hurt or killed someone. I know I have done most of the above but I have not hurt anyone thus I have not been punished for hurting anyone.

The bloke is an irresponsible dropkick. He should lose his license for 5 years.

However, to say he should go to prison for this is a little extreme.

We need to remember that these guys are footballers, not Oxford Scholars. They are always going to do stupid things.

The bloke needs help. Suspending him for 4 games, sacking him, or putting him in prison for a week etc is not the answer.

Surely all of the bad press he is receiving will be sufficient punishment.

Totally agree with this post and the suggested punishment.


Maybe my figures are wrong after a very long day but if Carney bloew 0.05 and should have blown 0.00 , isn't he 5 times over the limit ?


And the Telegraph is a tabloid. Like I said, they are catering to their market. They are a business, their job is to sell papers by reporting the most interesting news to their readers. They do that by publishing the stories their target demographic most want to read about.

If you don't like it, stop reading their paper and more importantly, stop fueling Rothfield by clicking on his blog. There are plenty of other respected publications out there you could read. The fact we are arguing about it right now justifies their reasoning for publishing stories like this even more.
Actually I had to laugh (I suppose cry was the other option) when I walked into the the newsagent and saw the Sunday SMH and Telegraph. The SMH front page was about Libya while the Telegraph was about a footballer who drank and drove.

If anyone thinks the Telegraph is a legitimate news source they deserve to read it.


He was over the limit for non P=platers not just P-platers.

The limit in NSW is actually quite high so the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream is easily enough to impair driving.

The 0.05 figure is not one plucked out of the air. It is the stage where your ability to drive properly is impaired. In a guy his size it will probably be the equivalent of 3 drinks in the first hour and one an hour afterwards. Not just the one unlucky drink as you suggest.

To gwet above the limit you therefore have to be drinking extremely heavily the night before or moderately heavily at the time. 3 per hour at least.

The 0.05 isn't high at all.

Throughout the US, in NZ and in a multitude of other nations the BAC limit is set at 0.08.

Studies have also shown that using a hands-free car kit is the equivalent of a BAC of around 0.05 to 0.08 (SOURCE)

I doubt too many of us could claim to have never made a phone call (including using a car kit) while driving.

Not excusing Carney's actions, just putting some perspective on the actual danger of the situation (i.e. very very low). What watmough did was far more dangerous, as was Shillo's high range drink driving charge (both also have plenty of form in off-field incidents, although shillo has the benefit of his being mostly when he was only a fringe 1st grader)
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You are overlooking his priors though. He had over 30 offences at the Raiders - sure most were probably pretty minor but when a judge takes your license off you in 2007 (for 5 years) and you reoffend on a P license which you had to appeal to the courts to get back early??? Surely even a fantically Roosters supporter like yourself can take the rose coloured glasses off for a moment.

Sure I'm a raiders fan but I'm not one of the bitter ones - he really hasn't learnt anything from these mistakes he has made - its disappointing because he was a pleasure to watch last year and I was genuinely happy for him that he had seemingly turned his life around.

Don't get me wrong, I fully expect and have no problem with his licence being suspended for another 5 years. But to expect a jail term or football suspension for such a minor offence is ridiculous. I'm not going to crucify a bloke for a next morning accidental drink drive.

As for rose coloured glasses, my views on this are pretty consistent with most other off field issues. I don't think I have ever called for or supported football suspensions for minor charges, and even most serious ones I believe it should usually be in the hands of the courts (depends on the issue of course, and how likely it is that the allegation is actually true).


You are overlooking his priors though. He had over 30 offences at the Raiders - sure most were probably pretty minor but when a judge takes your license off you in 2007 (for 5 years) and you reoffend on a P license which you had to appeal to the courts to get back early??? Surely even a fantically Roosters supporter like yourself can take the rose coloured glasses off for a moment.

Sure I'm a raiders fan but I'm not one of the bitter ones - he really hasn't learnt anything from these mistakes he has made - its disappointing because he was a pleasure to watch last year and I was genuinely happy for him that he had seemingly turned his life around

Yes and his punishment will/should reflect his priors i.e. a very lengthy driving ban. He should not lose his job over it though.

He was over the limit for non P=platers not just P-platers.

The limit in NSW is actually quite high so the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream is easily enough to impair driving.

The 0.05 figure is not one plucked out of the air. It is the stage where your ability to drive properly is impaired. In a guy his size it will probably be the equivalent of 3 drinks in the first hour and one an hour afterwards. Not just the one unlucky drink as you suggest.

To gwet above the limit you therefore have to be drinking extremely heavily the night before or moderately heavily at the time. 3 per hour at least.

That is a complete load of garbage. For males it is 2 for the first hour and one every hour thereafter. That is one standard drink NOT 1 schooner which is significantly more than a standard drink.

You can be well on your way to 0.05 after eating fruit cake FFS.


Adam - what sort of punishment would you recommend? He sat out a year of NRL because of prior's - what do you think it will take for him to pull his head in?


So how does this guy learn
he continues to turn his nose up at the law
a jail term is now required
3 months not a week is needed
he will kil if not stopped now sadly it will be someone else
I could care less if he liked himself but farkers like Carney have a knack of killing others

big country

it was a very low range drink driving offence - I'd cut the guy some slack and only give him weekend detention until mid-oct


Maybe my figures are wrong after a very long day but if Carney blew 0.05 and should have blown 0.00 , isn't he 5 times over the limit ?


An eight match suspension sounds about right. Adam Kungl looks at this offence in isolation and that's where his argument fails, miserably I might add.

Carney has priors for the same offence and has been caught again. I don't see the relevance in saying Carney was slightly over the legal limit for a normal driver. Simple fact is he is a p plater and the law clearly states that you are not to consume any alochol and get behind the wheel when on your p's.

He knew the risk and now has to pay the price. We all know the Roosters as a club are too gutless to impose any type of punitive penalty on Carney do the NRL has to take it out of their hands and impose a suspended fine of 50k on the club and a lengthy suspension on Carney to show supporters of the game that this will not be tolerated.

If it was his first offence then I wouldn't say much but he has a shocking history with alcohol and the stupidity that comes with being a drunk.


So how does this guy learn
he continues to turn his nose up at the law
a jail term is now required
3 months not a week is needed
he will kil if not stopped now sadly it will be someone else
I could care less if he liked himself but farkers like Carney have a knack of killing others


Show me a similar case where a jail term was the punishment for the perpetrator.

Has anyone in Australia been jailed for blowing 0.052 regardless of priors?

How many times do we have to say it? The correct punishment is a fine and loss of licence. I don’t think a 10 year suspension would be unfair given his priors.

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