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Todd Carney caught Drink Driving!!


It is a little disappointing that we keep getting these drunks, maybe Uncle Nick will just have to invest some money into some educational systems down there ;-)

:D Would certainly make things easier as they make the inevitable move to the Eastern Suburbs, yes.


id hate to see the uproar on here or in the scummy papaers that cover our game if it was one of the sharks caught dui

especially gallen


id hate to see the uproar on here or in the scummy papaers that cover our game if it was one of the sharks caught dui

especially gallen
Phil Rothfield is in your corner and so far up Gallen's arse he could wipe Gal's nose with his eyebrows.


Like others, I don't think what he does outside of the game should have a massive bearing on his club career, we don't see the cleaner at Coles lose his job or get fined by his employer for being arrested for a summary offence.

Also like others I have to question how well his "business meeting" was going to go since he potentially had consumed a skin full the night before.

My sympathy level for his "I am an alcoholic, woe is me, I can't drink or I'll just go completely bat sh*t crazy, wah wah wah" is unfortunately f**king minimal.
Having had a love affair with Mr Jack Daniels before, I can say it is possible to just put the sh*t down and stay away for a while, after a long time you can go back and have little bit every now and then.
Personally I've never believed it to be a disease, even when I knew I was going off the wagon (a bottle a day for a 4 day weekend) I faced facts and maybe he should do the same, after I said "I think I might be an alco" a wise man sat me down, looked me in the eyes and said this:


If he is going on with crap about not being able to, he needs to HTFU.
It is doable and whats more it is doable with f**k all "professional" help.
No excuses.


Ignorance is a pretty pathetic excuse when it has happened a handful of times already.

No sympathy here, Todd dug his own hole through his alcoholism, no one forces the booze in his hand and he and the Roosters know all too well the potential for Todd Carney to go off the rails.



I think a fine will suffice. Don't think it's necessary for him to be removed from our game

A fine and a slap upside the head so he can come to terms with the fact that the cure to his "disease" is a simple one - just don't drink.
Hardly like dodging bullets.


Storm in a teacup. The only question is how much and why did he drink the night before.. but oh well when the season comes he won't be drinking. More worried about what will happen with the courts.


First Grade
I'm loving these roosters fans defending this grubby ponce. 'He was only having a quiet beer with mates' 'he was only a little bit over the limit' 'he just had 1 schooner too many'.
Carney is a wanker. He might be a reasonable footballer who will serve your club well but he's a wanker. He was a wanker at Canberra, before he got to Canberra and now.
This is the first incident since he became 'reformed' that has gone public and been proven but there have been plenty of others that have been kept under wraps.
He's a reasonable footballer (not the next big thing) and good on the roosters fans for supporting his on field success but please don't try telling anyone that 'toddy' is a decent young bloke.

Nice to see you're letting your personal feelings get in the way of facts

Someone was an actual witness to his drinking and confirmed he did the right thing and caught a cab.

You're aware that it takes a minute amount of alcohol for a P plater to be over the limit which occurred the following day after actually drinking and yet you call Todd a wanker and make out he erred deliberately.

If you're going to let your feelings get in the way of the facts, don't be surprised when we do the same.

Personally, I don't know the lad. Never met him, probably never will so I'm not going to cast judgement. But I do know that what happened to him happened to me and there was no intention in it. The only difference was that I was legally allowed to drive with almost an identical amount of alcohol in me. I'm fairly sure that you and any other of the keyboard hero's passing judgement on his actions yesterday with a holier than thou attitude would have done the same at some point and you'd have been just as innocent in your intentions as I was.

Yes he's made some decisions that were monumentally stupid in the past and I will agree that he shouldn't have been drinking anything at all this close to the start of the season. But the moralising and high horse sitting in this thread is rather laughable.

I for one am happy to be judged. But then, I'm guilty of alot of things I'm not proud of and I accept that fact. I'm also guilty of getting things wrong inadvertently. I accept that in cases where I erred without malice that I was also guilty. But I don't expect to be condemned for honest mistakes and neither should anyone else, regardless of their past record of not so honest mistakes.


Nice to see you're letting your personal feelings get in the way of facts

Someone was an actual witness to his drinking and confirmed he did the right thing and caught a cab.

You're aware that it takes a minute amount of alcohol for a P plater to be over the limit which occurred the following day after actually drinking and yet you call Todd a wanker and make out he erred deliberately.

If you're going to let your feelings get in the way of the facts, don't be surprised when we do the same.

Personally, I don't know the lad. Never met him, probably never will so I'm not going to cast judgement. But I do know that what happened to him happened to me and there was no intention in it. The only difference was that I was legally allowed to drive with almost an identical amount of alcohol in me. I'm fairly sure that you and any other of the keyboard hero's passing judgement on his actions yesterday with a holier than thou attitude would have done the same at some point and you'd have been just as innocent in your intentions as I was.

Yes he's made some decisions that were monumentally stupid in the past and I will agree that he shouldn't have been drinking anything at all this close to the start of the season. But the moralising and high horse sitting in this thread is rather laughable.

I for one am happy to be judged. But then, I'm guilty of alot of things I'm not proud of and I accept that fact. I'm also guilty of getting things wrong inadvertently. I accept that in cases where I erred without malice that I was also guilty. But I don't expect to be condemned for honest mistakes and neither should anyone else, regardless of their past record of not so honest mistakes.



lol that article is pathetic, I'd like him more if he said:
" I'm a pisshead! Kiss my arse you rotten motherf**kers! f**k Mobb Deep, f**k Biggie, f**k Bad Boy as a staff, record label, & as a motherf**king crew! "

:lol: Please dont take me out of the game it was puffs idea.


Low grade offence, the law recognises this, so should the media, fans and the NRL.

Maybe a small fine from the club, give the dopey bastard a breathaliser home kit and tell him next time he'll be suspended for a match.

Spanner in the works

First Grade
Apparently Rothfield wants jail terms and a $50000 fine. You're a wanker Rothfield.


Teach Todd a tough lesson

SO TODD Carney's giving up the booze again. He's sorry and he's shattered. Woopidoo!

The star Sydney Rooster has been caught allegedly over the limit and has been charged with driving under the influence when his provisional license stipulates he cannot have a sip of alcohol.

If, as he has since admitted, he was drinking and he is confirmed as being over the limit, how about a jail sentence too and a $50,000 fine for shattering the NRL's image again. And throw in a four-week suspension.

An overreaction?

Cast your mind back to June, 2007. Canberra magistrate Maria Doogan warns Todd Carney that he would end up behind bars with one more traffic offence. "You have to take responsibility for yourself," she said.

So he's had the warning.

And the $50,000 fine? For a bloke earning $400,000 a year, he can afford it - and deserves it.
Blog live with Buzz on Carney saga

Two years ago when Brett Stewart got into trouble over his behaviour, David Gallop stepped in and rubbed him out of the game for a month.

In that instance, the case wasn't cut and dried because the Stewart matter was going to court. There are no grey areas in Carney's case.

And there has been plenty of drama since Maria Doogan's warning about going to jail.

Urinating on a person, stomping on cars in Goulburn and trying to burn a mate's groin in a disgusting New Year's eve prank.

Last year we all know Carney gave up the grog and became a great advertisement for a game and a club that were prepared to give a person not just a second chance but a third and even a fourth. But again, he has let the entire game down.

For the past couple of months, players from all NRL clubs have done some wonderful things, not just to promote rugby league, but to help many in need.

Visits to Brisbane to help flood victims. Visits further north to help cyclone victims. School appearances and coaching clinics in country towns. The work of indigenous youngsters during the All Stars build-up.

On Saturday night in Tamworth, I thought about Carney as Jamal Idris and Alan Tongue stayed on the field for an hour after the trial game to sign autographs and pose for photos.

I thought about the Sharks and the Knights doing coaching sessions with juniors in Muswellbrook. About Preston Campbell visits to Tingha.

About Cowboys players Dallas Johnson and Ricky Thorby crossing the Daintree River and travelling 30km into the Daintree Rainforest to visit the 37 students of Alexandra State School.

Isolated from main roads, the school had been waiting seven years for a visit from its sporting heroes.

And the Parramatta players, including cult heroes Jarryd Hayne and Fuifui Moimoi, visiting more than 5000 students across 20 local schools during the Community Carnival.

Unfortunately, these great ambassadors of the game don't make the front page or lead items on the news bulletins - or turn mums and dads away from the game.

Todd Carney does. So what is likely to happen from here?

Knowing the Roosters it will be a paltry fine and a handful of hospital visits, with Channel 9 cameras doing their usual PR job for Nick Politis and his club. This time David Gallop has to step in and not wait for the court because it's a clear case of DUI.

Stuff the Roosters, stuff Nick Politis, stuff the two competition points they might put at risk if he spends a short period behind bars.

That's where he belongs.

He has no respect for the law and needs to be taught a lesson - once and for all.

By his logic, a billionaire who is a repeat offender should be fined 1/8th of what they earn in a year. Maybe Rupert should be fined $125 million dollars for repeatedly hiring this douchebag. And a jail term? Talk about an overreaction.

Ram Man

Im a Roosters fan and dont condone what Carney has done, but Rothdick is a fuggin idiot.
He is comparing a DUI with an alledged Sexual Assault(although it was dimissed).
What a load of $hit!
He has always had an agenda on Rugby League.

"Unfortunately, these great ambassadors of the game don't make the front page or lead items on the news bulletins - or turn mums and dads away from the game"

Does he not decide what is written and where it goes in the paper as the sports editor. So in fact he is admitting to giving every minor incident (not saying this Carney incident is minor) ridiculous air time to try and denigrate the game at every turn and not putting the Hindmarshes etc on the front page for going to kids hospitals...you are a hypocrite Rothdick!
Dont even get me started on that stupid mole Wilson.


Why didn't the Daily Telegraph get Rebecca Wilson to do an article damning Todd Carney about his DUI...oh yeah, that's right, I forgot.


Nice to see you're letting your personal feelings get in the way of facts.
No problem Mr Impartiality.

Someone was an actual witness to his drinking and confirmed he did the right thing and caught a cab.
Did this same witness see Carney get out of the cab? Did this same witness see Carney brush his teeth, say a prayer for the poor little children and tuck himself into bed? He could have got into a cab gone to the cross and drank three bottles of metho (which is his right). He could have got into the cab and asked to be taken on a round trip to Goulburn and back.

You're aware that it takes a minute amount of alcohol for a P plater to be over the limit which occurred the following day after actually drinking and yet you call Todd a wanker and make out he erred deliberately.
Yes, I am aware. Too bad Carney wasn't. You'd think that a footballer with past discretions for DUI and all the education that clubs offer players would. Did I make out he erred deliberately? No. Did I call him a wanker? Yes, just like I would call my son or nephew a wanker if they did the same.

If you're going to let your feelings get in the way of the facts, don't be surprised when we do the same.
Here are my feelings - Todd Carney is a wanker because he DUId. Todd Carney is a wanker because he treats people like sh*t. Todd Carney is a good footballer. Here are the facts: He DUId. He's a repeat offender. He has a problem with alcohol. He is a good fottballer. He treats people like sh*t - from complete strangers to family members.

Personally, I don't know the lad. Never met him, probably never will so I'm not going to cast judgement.
Have met the lad, when he was a lad, 16 during my enforced (not prison) Goulburn days. Arrogant Wanker, no problem a lot of teens are like that. Met him again a few years later - same arrogant wanker. But of course now he's reformed. So he can't be a wanker, he's now Jesus' second coming in a roosters shirt.

But I do know that what happened to him happened to me and there was no intention in it. The only difference was that I was legally allowed to drive with almost an identical amount of alcohol in me. I'm fairly sure that you and any other of the keyboard hero's passing judgement on his actions yesterday with a holier than thou attitude would have done the same at some point and you'd have been just as innocent in your intentions as I was.

Yes he's made some decisions that were monumentally stupid in the past and I will agree that he shouldn't have been drinking anything at all this close to the start of the season. But the moralising and high horse sitting in this thread is rather laughable.
Almost as laughable as the attempts to defend him.

I for one am happy to be judged. But then, I'm guilty of alot of things I'm not proud of and I accept that fact. I'm also guilty of getting things wrong inadvertently. I accept that in cases where I erred without malice that I was also guilty.
But I don't expect to be condemned for honest mistakes and neither should anyone else, regardless of their past record of not so honest mistakes.
I'm not a priest but thanks for the wonderful confession. Have you read any of my posts on this issue? The ones where I said I hope Carney gets no punishment except the one the courts give him? The posts where I've given him a gobful (not that he would care about a internet users spiel) but haven't condemned him as the spawn of Ivan Milat and Patti Newton?
Or any posts where I've displayed bitterness over his playing at the roosters? I'm glad he's at the roosters because of two reasons
1) He's not at Canberra, he did his dash there.
2) Even dolts like him deserve to make a living, the Roosters are providing him that opportunity.

I called him a wanker. I called him a fool. Get over it. I'm sure Toddy will.


First Grade
Why didn't the Daily Telegraph get Rebecca Wilson to do an article damning Todd Carney about his DUI...oh yeah, that's right, I forgot.

I might pose him the question on the low f**ker's blog.


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