Questions from the floor without notice to all the League Unlimited CSI-ers in here.
Has it been identified as to how these burns were afflicted?
Was there some sort of combustible agent added to the genital region of the recipient?
Did the recipient knowingly allow the combustible agent to be added to his person?
Was there intent to disfigure the recipient?
What agent was used to ignite the combustable area, cig lighter, match, hot breath?
Was there more then a party of one involved in the act of igniting the combustable area of the body?
Who was the person who actually ignited the combustible area, was he acting alone, was there a conspiracy involving more then one person to disfigure the genitally of the recipient?
If so who, and were they acting on behalf of unidentified party, i.e. a jilted lover, a jealous boyfriend, or was it a set up to defame a certain high profile sports person?
Was it some form of wierd consensual group sex?
Or was it just a bit of fun gone wrong with a group of young blokes including one known dickhead who were holidaying on the Queensland coast over New Years Eve?
Which LU CSI-ers can solve this one before the season kicks off. Stay tuned.
Declared Idiot #88