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Todd Carney & Steve Irwin under investigation?


Bobby DIGital said:
LMFAO @ You.

Mullen only got in because of the Johns influence.

Rd 3 Raiders vs Knights.....both Carney and Dobson made Mullen (and Johns for that matter) look like fools.

No they didn't, 17 handling errors and stupid penalties by the Knights made Johns and Mullen look bad. No buderus to service Johns in his first game in 6 months made them look bad.

You canberra fans are so blindly biased, i think you really don't realises that all these juniors aren't that impressive and you're in sh*t creek for quite a while.
Red and Blue Knight said:
No they didn't, 17 handling errors and stupid penalties by the Knights made Johns and Mullen look bad. No buderus to service Johns in his first game in 6 months made them look bad.

You canberra fans are so blindly biased, i think you really don't realises that all these juniors aren't that impressive and you're in sh*t creek for quite a while.

Our juniors aren't impressive? LOL @ YOU.

Carney, Dobson & Zillman are all extremely talented guys.

Better than Mullen....and ah..Seage? and...pffttttt. Knights will be sh*t for years.


Evergreen said:
Sorry, but this just seems like a pointless argument.

End of story.

How's that end of story? That don't prove sh!t, it just proves he's important to Canberra. Nothing more. No matter how it's painted or chocolate coated, that's all it is.

So it's not ok to bash a woman (I agree), but similarly by your logic it'd be okay to continue burgling various petrol outlets, even when you're on last chance, because you're the hope of the side?

The bloke was on his last warning with the club. It's taken real balls for them to stand up and follow through on their warning. Other clubs like the Warriors, Cronulla recently have followed through. As long as you're a top player down in Canberra-town though, continually pull the same cr@p over and over we need you so you won't be punished.


First Grade
Red and Blue Knight said:
You canberra fans are so blindly biased, i think you really don't realises that all these juniors aren't that impressive and you're in sh*t creek for quite a while.
Riiiiight! :roll:

I'm very impressed with the talent we've got coming up through the ranks, as is virtually every Raiders fan. They're starting to show their potential, and it's good to see the so-called "experts" coming out and complimenting us (like last night on Ch 9) after they were death-riding us before the season for the spoon.


Bobby DIGital said:
..Ohh you said something Ink. Didn't notice you there you lil fly.

Net hero....throwing out bullsh*t claims left right and centre...yet when pressed to back it up, tosses up some pathetic primary school insult. Net hero.

Gene Krupa

Iafeta said:
How's that end of story? That don't prove sh!t, it just proves he's important to Canberra. Nothing more. No matter how it's painted or chocolate coated, that's all it is.

So it's not ok to bash a woman (I agree), but similarly by your logic it'd be okay to continue burgling various petrol outlets, even when you're on last chance, because you're the hope of the side?

The bloke was on his last warning with the club. It's taken real balls for them to stand up and follow through on their warning. Other clubs like the Warriors, Cronulla recently have followed through. As long as you're a top player down in Canberra-town though, continually pull the same cr@p over and over we need you so you won't be punished.


Gene Krupa

Bobby DIGital said:
^Carney was not drunk on this occasion. Irwin was, and Carney was driving Irwin's car home dumbass.

How do you know he wasn't drunk? He didn't stick around for a breath test, did he?


Post Whore
He hasnt been charged with DUI was he GK?
it can not be proven that he was drinking or over the limit, there for the presumption of innocence must apply

and talk it up all you like, facts are, if Todd Carney was playing in the Knights #7 there wouldnt be an arguement on NSW's halfback, he'd have locked it up weeks ago. Mullen is there for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, he is an exceptional talent, who will play origin for years to come, even if they did pick him a year too early.

and secondly because he plays for a team that has such a some media support, via the johns brothers and channel 9, aswell as the Telegraph, who have put the spot light on him since john's retirment, they have effectively over-rated his ability at this time and the general public and it seems the selectors lapped it up.

Anyone who has looked at the two's performances objectively will see two things:

1. they both have a very bright future and will be rep stars for a majority of their careers
2. Carney is by far the more developed and better player at this point in time. The only aspects of the game Mullen has Carney in is short kicking and defence. As for passing long and short, long kicking, running, vision, organisational skills and goal kicking Carney is superior. That said i believe Mullen will end up a better organiser then Carney but thats about it.

Try as some of you do to convince yourselves otherwise, Todd Carney is at this moment in time a better player then Mullen, though this recent set back for Todd will allow Mullen to bridge the gap


Post Whore
Red and Blue Knight said:
So you take one Knights fan opinion as gospel....Twice!

Wow! Game, set, Match! And what's the weather got to do with this? :lol:

You're a plonker.

:lol: plonker, deadset ordinary insult that.
I take CWB's opinion on this and use it because he is one of the most biased knights fans on this board yet even he, in his weaker moments admits todd is better then jarrod. I suspect that is the case for most of you, you blokes just cant bring yourselves to admit it.

Gene Krupa

Try as you might to convince people otherwise but Carney isn't even close to Mullen. Origin selectors proved that!


Oh and before you go saying, if he was a Knight, I wouldn't care less, I wouldn't want someone that has complete disregard for the management or coaching staff at my club. That would only breed contempt amongst other players. And if he was sacked by the Raiders, I wouldn't want the Knights to pick him up, I wouldn't want a hack like him at our club.

And keep hanging your hat on one game too, it's all you've got. You must be on some "really good" gear! :roll:

Gene Krupa

Raider_69 said:
:lol: plonker, deadset ordinary insult that.
I take CWB's opinion on this and use it because he is one of the most biased knights fans on this board yet even he, in his weaker moments admits todd is better then jarrod. I suspect that is the case for most of you, you blokes just cant bring yourselves to admit it.

What? The same way you couldn't admit Johns was one of the best ever to play the game? Now I KNOW you're smoking some good sh!t, hypocrite!


Post Whore
Gene Krupa said:
What? The same way you couldn't admit Johns was one of the best ever to play the game? Now I KNOW you're smoking some good sh!t, hypocrite!

actually im on record several occasions saying johns is one of the best ever, my arguement has always been that he is one of the best, and not THE best as has been often suggested.

But hey, i know you well enough by now GK, so ive come to expect such tripe posted by you
never let the facts get in the way of a good story eh? ;-)


Post Whore
Gene Krupa said:
Try as you might to convince people otherwise but Carney isn't even close to Mullen. Origin selectors proved that!


Oh and before you go saying, if he was a Knight, I wouldn't care less, I wouldn't want someone that has complete disregard for the management or coaching staff at my club. That would only breed contempt amongst other players. And if he was sacked by the Raiders, I wouldn't want the Knights to pick him up, I wouldn't want a hack like him at our club.

And keep hanging your hat on one game too, it's all you've got. You must be on some "really good" gear! :roll:

come on mate, just let it out, admit it... its not that bad, it might even relax you a little, take a great weight off you're shoulders
repeat after me...

Todd Carney is better then Jarrod Mullen :D

Gene Krupa

Raider_69 said:
come on mate, just let it out, admit it... its not that bad, it might even relax you a little, take a great weight off you're shoulders
repeat after me...

Todd Carney is better then Jarrod Mullen :D

And you call Knights fans biased. SHEESH!


Gene Krupa said:
Try as you might to convince people otherwise but Carney isn't even close to Mullen. Origin selectors proved that!


Oh and before you go saying, if he was a Knight, I wouldn't care less, I wouldn't want someone that has complete disregard for the management or coaching staff at my club. That would only breed contempt amongst other players. And if he was sacked by the Raiders, I wouldn't want the Knights to pick him up, I wouldn't want a hack like him at our club.

And keep hanging your hat on one game too, it's all you've got. You must be on some "really good" gear! :roll:

I agree, in that they've allowed one player to suddenly become bigger than the morales on which the club is founded in. It breeds a contemptuous culture throughout the club, and there must be severe confusion in the squad about what is and what is not allowable under the club's code of conduct. Not a good situation with some players with questionable records already on the roster. It will be of most interest to see how the club handles itself if another questionable act occurs in the future with either Carney or another Raiders player, if they dismiss him I'd imagine they could go them for unfair dismissal on the basis of the precedent set in the Carney case. Hopefully nothing comes of it because I enjoyed the Raiders being successful in the early 1990's and it'd be outstanding to have them back there again playing similar football, but if incidents like this start to snowball the behaviour down there might avalanche into a situation of uncontrollability. And that's not fair on hard toilers like Allan Tongue who deserve to be successful.