And in your comparisons how many games at right centre has Lomax played for you to draw a realistic and fair comparison?
After all the discussion is about Lomax as a centre and surely that is the base line for any comparisons or do you think that comparing someone playing out of position is fair for you to promote your arguement?
Indeed.. But in your anger you’re also forgetting a quite important variable being the quality of opponent, both team and direct opposite player, which will have a compounding impact upon the ability to break a line.
In addition there are also contributing factors such as strength and direction of wind (determines where the ball ends up off opposition kicks), not to mention if it is wet or dry at the time as this will impact upon the speed and grip of the player.
So to get a true representation, it is important that Lomax and Aitken play the exact same number of games in the exact same position against the exact teams in the exact same weather conditions..
Or.. Given that Lomax has played most of his games on our wing, I could also point out that our no.1 and no.3 players for line breaks are wingers..
So in a new competitive set of wingers..
Line breaks:
Ravalawa 14
Pereira 8
Lomax 2
Hell, even your mate Benny Hunt has made 7 line breaks*..
*Albeit they weren’t playing in the same position or against the same opponents or in the same weather conditions..