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"Too many NRL teams in Sydney "Gallop.


First Grade
So, in summing up, I think we all agree Sydney has too many teams and that someone other than our own team should move.


First Grade
No, that's being unneccessarily cynical. There've been some good arguments presented here re growing crowds, emotional attachment etc for retaining the status quo.

Personally, I think Cronulla are the most vulnerable despite their asset-rich balance sheet. Wedged btw St George and Illawarra and with limited appeal outside the shire, a move to the CC might be the ticket. If so, in answer to someone who did ask, Yes, I would keep playing 2-4 games there each year in an effort to retain the emotional attachment for the hobbits and also to provide a pathway to NRL for shire youngsters.

One of the best arguments made in this thread is the lament about RL people running RL instead of business people, but we wouldn't want to go too far the other way and lose the soul of RL. Striking a good balance on the board of RL and business types is the ideal, or even better, RL people who are good business people as well.


Post Whore
nqboy said:
Yes, but don't leave it till then. Start now.

Trying to Market Manly on the North Shore right now would have the effect of further entrenching Manly Hatred. The Northern Eagles was less than a decade ago. Need to wait until the kids that were born during the JV are teenagers to not be wasting any money. The integration that exists between the two Districts should be the start of a medium term scheme to convert the area over.


I've got a few more questions about how a sydney club reshuffle would work.

1.) People keep saying the sharks are in trouble because cronulla is in between st george and illawarra, implying that the sharks demise would boost the dragons. Would losing their most hated rival really benefit the dragons?

2.) Would moving the sharks to Gosford work? Would it actually be a better result for RL if the sharks moved down to premier league and the Bears came back at Gosford?

I don't really have an opinion on these, just interested to see what people think.


This is the funniest thing ive ever read ... some git makes his own opinions, and its taken as gospel. You guys need a serious wake up call if you believe this crap ...

End of October 2006

Total revenue: $13.76 million

Sponsorship: $4.02 million

Gate takings: $1,021,000

Leagues club grant: $4.25 million

Profit: $1350

hahahahahaaha when the Roosters won the comp in 2002, nevermind the followup years making the GF in 03 and 04 and also prior to that in 2000, our net profit was WELL over $12 million. This $1350 figure rings true if you are a News Ltd lackie or a Brisbanehead ... noone up there has any semblance of having even a tiny brain. So yeah these figures ring true ... but only to geniuss :rolleyes:


dallymessenger said:
on that score you are correct.

what about the poor TV deal with foxsports.

afl get double the cash per game and get less ratings than RL.

And AFL get priority on FOX 1 meaning they are featured on the big screen at most clubs and pubs.


brendothejet said:
Cronulla should f**k off to the central coast. THey can take their sh*tness with them.

Ah yes the pitifully supported Sharks.....and of course there is another Shire candidate for moving who have dam all support in town. Yes of course the Dragons.

The Dogs can still visit annually to give you a crowd even after you have gone. LOL.


I think the message from Gallop is , we are not going to help the next sydney club that has financial trouble unless they want to move. So each club is in self determination, to survive and flourish or to go down the gurglar or move with assistance.Whilst clubs have private backers or are self funding , then there is no trouble,

I do agree , that New limited imay be shortchanging the code , however the game is stymied as it will never expand beyond Australia and NZ for our local competition , and international expansion looks very limited.

I think over time , the code would do well to have another QLD team , be it a brisbane or central coats and also a Perth team , followed perhaps by a Adelaide and perhaps a Darwin team before we consider another NZ team. Potential 6 teams that could be added to make a truelly Pan Australia competition. 16 plus 6 = 22.

Of course 22 teams too many , so teams can only be added as Sydney teams fail to compete financially. I think a strecth to 18 team competition could be done.

Meanwhile a restructure of Premier league is required , to create a National championship.

As far as promotion delegation for a Premier League competition , does not work due to distances and expenses associated . So Premier league competition can only really happen in Sydney and Brisbane and NZ at the moment as seperate competitions.
Pehaps we can create a divisional championship competition , where the best two teams from QLD premier league and NSW Premier league and NZ premier league at end of each season , go into a Premier league playoff championship. Just an idea.

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