Up until this morning I would have argued with you but not after that crap, that was inexcusable, we played like a 3rd division team
This ridiculously high line that we play has backfired on us against teams like Newcastle and the Spammers. We play so high that most of the team are in the opponents half and when you have centreback as slow as Dawson you will get beaten on the counter more often than not and that has happened but AVB is way too pig headed to change his ways.
He seems to only know one way. He always plays a 4231 no matter who we play and he wants his fullback to play as wingers so there is no one at home if we turn the ball over.
Its so frustrating seeing Paulinho play so well and thread fantastic through balls to his forwards for Brazil yet for Spurs we are so compact as we all all in the same half, there is just no room for him to work.
I really like Soldado's skill set and I think he will do well but he has never had any room to move because we are so compact, he has 2 or 3 players on him every time he gets the ball.
Eriksen played very well at the start of the season but when he learned AVB's way he has gone backwards.
As for last night, I have no idea, thats the worst defeat I've ever seen as a Spurs fan.
AVB has to change his ways or he just wont last because we have a good squad on paper.
I reckon he'd be pretty nervous atm.