Legally speaking, are we able to demote Clearly to Assistant Coach?
Sign Madge, demote Cleary, wait for him to ask for release, deny the release, wait for cheque from Panthers, release Cleary
I think that would depend on the language in his contract, but I hear ya lol.
His duties would be outlined therein and he has contracted to perform them.
I suspect there would be some general clauses about him conducting himself in the clubs best interests and I’m not sure that engaging in covert discussions about leaving the club so he could could coach his son, would be consistent with this requirement.
He might argue that the clause is not designed for that but is drafted to prohibit him from turning drunk up to a sponsorship event -pissed and stoned off his head -spending the night trying to chat up a bar stool or a cigarette machine.
If I could just digress for a moment, such latter antics are just about expected out here in penrith or its a bad nite.
Out here in Pantheria, when police are attending a domestic violence incident, quite often the locals ( male and female) gather around in protest outside to complain that the “dogs” are stealing our heritage.
This of course leads to the odd riot where we can bring our young for the important panther initiation ceremonies.
The first kid to break off a cop cars mirror is often made prefect or school captain in the rare moment that she gets her knuckle dusters through the metal detectors at the front gate.
Sadly, most of the kids out here have heard about the harbour -but have never actually seen it.
When they see it on tv ( ie if a ferry has run aground) your typical 10 year old will say:
“Hey dad, that big rivery thing full of sea water looks ok, what frigging country is that?!”
“Don’t worry about it son, now go and fetch mums .22 from the pantry, dads going up the mountains to try to catch the panther again.
Oh and sonny, you be getting old dad a cold lager as well, and ffs don’t drink it all like last time.”
Certainly ivan’s drunken bar stool love interest would be much more interesting than some of the panther trolls we used to get here!