I agree that Scott was much better, but i saw a few things in Walshy's game that were pretty encourageing too. He played pretty much all of his firstgrade last year with an ankle injury and had lost his zip, but last night he made some very handy bursts, one which very nearly got him over the line, and he had a big second rower run at him on the line and he dropped him on his backside Johns like - the best tackle i've ever seen Walshy do.sneaky_is_here said:Last nights game was pretty disapointing. Defence was really poor a few tries down Lulia's edge. In the central Newcastle game Scott played the first half and walshy the second. Scott played better, It looked like walsh was afraid to get tackled.
Back to Scott - the try he set up by throwing a 20 metre bullet pass to cut out three guys and hit Warren on the chest for a simple jog to the line, and the grubber kick to the corner from 35 out that nearly saw Uate score were both top class moves, and nearly every touch he made was classy.