Ok, lets take a look at your so-called stats
^b0ss^ said:
Lets start with what we know about good old :crazy:Brian he never wins thats the first thing.
He dealt with the unexpected retirement of arguably the greatest player the game has seen amicably and has turned us into a team that can cope on it's own without Joey Johns, something Hagan had much difficulty doing. That counts as a win for Brian in my book.
I use to think time after time what is going on at parra, that no one whats to stay We lost SOOOO many young players all the time. We lost so so many and we use to buy players that were so sh*t it was amazing.
Gee, sounds EXACTLY like Hagan
1. top of the list has to be adam dykes
And look at him now - in outstanding form, and running the show at the Sharks. Hardly a crap player
There are soo so many to name why :crazy:brian smith is such a bad coach i know as a fan you dont want to think its the coach but ask yourself has this ever happened to the knights before.
Did you even see Hagans marquee signing Reynoldson in his first years with us? How about George Carmont? Craig Hall, anyone? And who did we lose under Hagan? Ben Kennedy and Timana Tahu, to name a couple.
All players that went to the knights were always happy.Now you have got players wanting out of the club..Just like parramatta had happen.
These players that want out got used to Michael 'one of the boys' Hagans coaching style of 'yeah, sure you played crap, sure we got beat by 40, but at least the effort was there, and I'm willing to give you another 30 or 40 more goes'. Smith has let players know they're deadwood and not part of his future plan for the club, and they can't handle it.
what about poor mullens you got your own coach saying he shouldnt be playing STATE he is too young,how are you going to feel when you have your own coach saying that.
That's because he WAS too young to be making his debut for NSW, especially in a position that he'd played less than 10 games in first grade in.
Wish you guys all the best but it didnt take long for the players to start leaving
These are all players that IMO should have left years ago, so it's fine by me
Also, judging by your incredibly poor spelling, grammar, and fondness of the :crazy: emoticon, I'd hazard a guess at you being 12? Maybe 13? Go to bed, sonny jim - you've got school tomorrow!