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TV pays top-rating NRL half as much as AFL


It stinks, RL is getting the rough end of the stick in every way in Australia.

Less money, less shows, less media on Fox, less media about the games, more media for BS made up stories, SL 1 week after it's played, yet a country about 2 hours away by plane who follow other sports more get it live, the list is endless.

Something needs to be done.


First Grade
News Ltd just see RL supporters as cash cows to milk for pay Tv, I remember reading an article by Master around GF time in 2001 saying league was being driven towards just being a pay tv game, whilst we have News lackies in power there is nothing to stop them.

The AFL TV rights were sorted over a year ours were done and dusted in basically a week? No debate, nothing? It's a joke.

Isn't this about supply and demand? We have what they NEED not want they need, yet they get it cheap. What did we get for Monday night football, two Fridays, night GF, giving up Saturday afternoon, moving our finals around to suit TV, and not allowing radio coverage of TV games?

What is Gallop doing to ensure we are perceived as a national game, that's what it's all about, perception, where are our plans for the future, what are the finances. Where's the transparency????

Gallop is nothing more than a puppet. What worries me is that the current administration is putting people in place who are News Ltd lackies who will continue to bow down after Gallop and News have left the game.
LeagueXIII said:
News Ltd just see RL supporters as cash cows to milk for pay Tv, I remember reading an article by Master around GF time in 2001 saying league was being driven towards just being a pay tv game, whilst we have News lackies in power there is nothing to stop them.

The AFL TV rights were sorted over a year ours were done and dusted in basically a week? No debate, nothing? It's a joke.

Isn't this about supply and demand? We have what they NEED not want they need, yet they get it cheap. What did we get for Monday night football, two Fridays, night GF, giving up Saturday afternoon, moving our finals around to suit TV, and not allowing radio coverage of TV games?

What is Gallop doing to ensure we are perceived as a national game, that's what it's all about, perception, where are our plans for the future, what are the finances. Where's the transparency????

Gallop is nothing more than a puppet. What worries me is that the current administration is putting people in place who are News Ltd lackies who will continue to bow down after Gallop and News have left the game.

the AFL tv rights were sold over a year ago, ch9 made the best offer, then ch7/10 had 2 weeks to match or better that offer and the rights were theirs...which they did

the fact that it took another year to get the paytv rights sorted is the problem of all the bitching between 7 and foxtel and has nothing to do with the AFLs management

the AFL also got massive deals for multimedia rights on mobiles, internet etc...
and record deals for radio rights, where now every game is covered on radio in melbourne through 3AW (5AA and 6PR in SA and WA), MMM, SEN, ABC, K-Rock and NIRS


Great interview with Roy Masters on 2SM this afternoon. Paraphrasing him, he said "There comes a time when officials and clubs have to stand up and run the ball up instead of expecting people like Phil Gould and I to do it".

He had an air of desperation about him in regards to everyone's self interest.

They spoke about News Ltd role and Paul Langmark made a remark about "...the only way News will report on this will be via a snide remark in the Daily Telegraph" plus "the players are too worried about their security to give the RLPA enough power to make a difference" in response to the players' intellectual rights being sold without them getting anything from it.

Without sites like this or stations like 2SM you none of this would get an airing. Ray sure as hell wouldn't comment on it.
Ice777 said:
In all fairness which i know you have trouble with, but it was either the Sth Melbourne and Fitzroy relocated/merged or they wouldn't exist as any entity today and it has absolutely nothing to do with AFL moving away from tradition.

So, nailing two foundation clubs isn't dispensing with tradition?

Of course it has to do with ignoring tradition.

Ice777 said:
Now this might be just me, but if my team was going to fold and the only way they could survive was to relocate or merge, i'd take one of those options in a heartbeat.

You might, if given the choice.

The Swans fans weren't given a choice.

Ice777 said:
You're a Tigers supporter aren't you? Would you rather a merged team or one that doesn't exist at all? No need to answer i know it already.

No you don't, you wouldn't have a clue.

Ice777 said:
Bottom line is i'm sure the NRL didn't want to break with tradition and merge these sides just as the AFL didn't want to either, but both leagues and the teams involved had no choice and as mentioned getting away from tradition had jack sh*t to do with it.

So, which is it?

The AFL had to break with tradition or it didn't by making South Melbourne move, like you said in paragraph 1.

I bolded the 2 statements for you.

Ice777 said:
As for you saying the AFL again moved away from tradition by not playing at suburban grounds, can i ask you this? What choice did they have but to do so? To stick with tradition should they have kept playing at the grounds and deny the people to see their own footy teams? I highly doubt even you think they should've done that. As much as i loved nothing better going to the footy at Victoria Park, Princes Park, Windy Hill to name a few the fact is the AFL simply outgrew these suburban grounds and they could no longer sustain the crowds. Victoria Park only held 30 odd thousand, what do the Pies aveerage to home games now? About 60K? It's not just them it's every team but they're a prime example.

I didn't say it was wrong, I said it lacked respect for tradition. And that's poignant given your argument that "AFL don't want to break with tradition by moving the GF".

They don't give a sh*t about tradition. They'll use it when they can make money from it and they'll dispense with it if it costs them.

Ice777 said:
So again that has nothing to do with the AFL eagerly and readily ignoring tradition, again it was a necesessity. The name of the game is to grow it and not stifle it which is exactly what they would've done if they hadn't have made the move away from suburban grounds.

That is a load of bollocks.

The AFL will carve tradition in a minute if it suits them.

As it did with the Swans, Lions, State of Origin, suburban grounds....

State of Origin, there's a good discussion point.

What did the AFL do to that?

Tried to turn it into a provincial competition and when it didn't work what did it do then?

It dumped it with no regard for the tradition involved. And don't even try to bullsh*t that there wasn't tradition involved with the "Big V"....

If the AFL felt there would be an advantage to going to Sunday nights, it'd be there already.

A question for you;

What time of day were the AFL preliminary finals held in 2006?
eelandia said:
Great interview with Roy Masters on 2SM this afternoon. Paraphrasing him, he said "There comes a time when officials and clubs have to stand up and run the ball up instead of expecting people like Phil Gould and I do it".

He had an air of desperation about him in regards to everyone's self interest.

They spoke about News Ltd role and Paul Langmark made a remark about "...the only way News will report on this will be via a snide remark in the Daily Telegraph" plus "the players are too worried about their security to give the RLPA enough power to make a difference" in response to the players' intellectual rights being sold without them getting anything from it.

Without sites like this or stations like 2SM you none of this would get an airing. Ray sure as hell wouldn't comment on it.

Wasn't it a brilliant interview?

I felt sorry for the bloke, he really feels deeply for the game and he's hurting. It's a pity the people at the top of the NRL don't have his passion.


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
Wasn't it a brilliant interview?

I felt sorry for the bloke, he really feels deeply for the game and he's hurting. It's a pity the people at the top of the NRL don't have his passion.

That combined with Gallop's performance recently leaves me a tad worried.


First Grade
It's a pity the people at the top of the NRL don't have his passion.

That's the problem. As much as Arko and Quayle had their faults they loved the game.

I used to like Gallop but now he just makes me sick with all his rhetoric and News BS.


First Grade
I wonder how much potential revenue is being wasted?

Any organisation that has no transparency like the NRL you have to wonder what's going on. The AFL make public their plans for the future and reveue. Yet we know jacks***.


First Grade
Get over to the TFC's TV rating's thread:

Some facts:



What Australia loved on Pay TV this year: 1. NRL Storm v Roosters (220,500); 2-10 NRL matches; [11 Rugby Union - Bledisloe Cup (188,000), post: 12-29 NRL matches, member: [B"]30 AFL - Western Bulldogs v Geelong (161,500);[/B] 31-94 Footy matches, mostly NRL; 95 Cricket test match (112,000); 96, 97 Footy matches; 98 Rock Star Supernova The Verdict (110,500); 99-113 Footy and cricket; 114 Rock Star Supernova Finale Part 1 (103,000); 115-118 Footy matches; 119 Golf: British Open Round 3 (100,500); 120-161 Footy and cricket; 164 Motorsport MotoGP Turkey (83,500); 165-193 Sports; 194 Movie - Sky High (75,000); 195-217 Sports; 218 The Simpsons Interactive (68,000); 219-240 Sports 241 Movie: High School Musical (62,000). The other non-sporting shows in Pay's top 300 were a documentary on Vietnam on the History Channel (61,500); WWE Raw wrestling (58,000); and the movie Ice Princess (55,000). The first time a new series makes an appearance in the pay chart is at No 308 -- Family Guy on Fox 8 with 48,000.

AFL GF ratings in Queensland & NSW
2005 () 1n 000s
Qld 176 (177)
NNSW 201 (239)
SNSW 206 (230)
Sydney 765 (994)
Brisbane 330 (341.5)

Totals 1.678 m (1.9815m)

Down 303.5.5 or 15.3%;However, Sydney was down 23%.


First Grade
To those who are calling for Gallop's head, I ask who would you replace him with? Whoever it is will also be towing the company line or not doing the job.
hmmm, who to replace Gallop with.

Well, a blind, dyslexic, geniused duck would suffice at the moment. I'm quite sure the duck could out-negotiate him.

Anyone who heard his interviews with the talkin' sport boys on Monday night radio rights realises that Gallop is out of his depth. He's starting to remind me more and more of Neil Whittaker.

But, unfortunately nqboy is right, moving one News sycophant out and replacing him with another is probably a waste of time.

The problem is passion. The bastards running our game have no passion for our game.


Brian Waldron. Despite his club being owned by News, he still comes out and disses them.
He has balls, I like balls.
russ13, the fact that there is only 1 AFL game in those WA ratings for foxtel is far from surprising....in the previous television rights contract which finished at the end of '06, all games involving WA teams were on 9 or 10 either live or on 30minute delay and only shown as a replay on foxtel 3 or 4 hours after the game had finished, same went for SA

in these new rights foxtel has exclusive rights to some games meaning if WA people now want to watch games involving their teams, then they will have to get foxtel


the guy who brokered the afl deal is now the head honcho of football australia.

watch NRL fall even closer to the pack with monkeys like gallop running the game
Collingwood Storm said:
russ13, the fact that there is only 1 AFL game in those WA ratings for foxtel is far from surprising....in the previous television rights contract which finished at the end of '06, all games involving WA teams were on 9 or 10 either live or on 30minute delay and only shown as a replay on foxtel 3 or 4 hours after the game had finished, same went for SA

in these new rights foxtel has exclusive rights to some games meaning if WA people now want to watch games involving their teams, then they will have to get foxtel

Read it again.