I think Perth would be an easier market than Melbourne. Melbourne is very protective of its beloved code and I think there's a cultural bias against Sydney and Rugby League that exists there. The Storm are probably lucky that Melbourne is such a large city and has so many expats to be honest. I reckon Perth is similar to Brisbane in that they will get behind any sports team if it represents their city. I'm just speculating here though...
Correct, i reckon Perth could easily sustain 2 NRL sides, the important factor is establishing one first, to me its a no brainer to involve West Coast Bears, and when thats up and running, and when it becomes normal with league participation growing as it did in the late 90s, then recreate or fabricate the return of the Western Reds/Pirates some seasons later, it would get as big as the brisbane derby is now, within a decade..
Then you'll see support for both teams one being a relocation and the other as a home grown WA born entity.
The problem everybody is hung up on the amount of licences, again they are not finite, they don't cost anything, or who owns it, how it should work, , none of that matters, we should all be supporting league over there, it will only boom with the population that they have, the quickest way to start is to let the bears start it off so that the naysayers can quell, and the NRL can cement a following, then push forward to increase the footprint, otherwise we'll be here in another decade saying why is there still no perth..
I've been saying for ages, the quality of junior participation isn't upto the standard against clubs that are regularly in comps from the east coast, a relocated team would advance that, and then will come the fruits, it happened with the reds, they had plenty of imports, and WA juniors started to come thru, then it all fell apart and they got snapped up by the Storm after SL war