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Watto storms out of India


Phil Hughes, Maxwell, Doherty have all applied themselves and are all crap

That's because they lack ability. Certainly Maxwell and Doherty, anyway.

Having talent doesn't excuse you from doing the necessary work to be the best you can.


The task was geniused. The players didn't do it because they don't believe in it or management.

Watson has had no issue whatsoever devoting his time penning articles and giving in depth interviews over the years outlining how Australia can best help Watson (how many hours has he spent bitching in the press about how opening would improve his game).... yet baulks at being asked to spend 20 minutes on how Watson can help Australia.

The only player of the 4 punted that will be missed is Patinson, and with a test series already done and dusted perhaps this will be the kick up the arse needed to sort any attitude problems he may be developing right out of him.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
How it should be.

f**k Watto off!!!
Only issue I have with the punishment is what would happen if 6 or 7 players had failed to do the work? Then I doubt they would have been dropped, needing 2 or 3 players on the plane to India just to be able to field a team in 3 days?


If it had been the Show and Derpety, I'm pretty sure we would have been better off fielding an 8 or 9-man squad.


The task was geniused. The players didn't do it because they don't believe in it or management.

Actually the players did do the task.

The ones that didn't were told to man up and be part of the team. The 4 of them obviously didn't care to think about what could have been done better, and so they weren't required for the next test.

I notice only Watson has wet his undies over the whole issue. Kind of shows that they made the right move on him doesn't it??

"Hi guys, I'm Shane Watson, if yu let me plai next test I can make 27 runs in each innings and drop 4 catches"


I honestly don't see what was wrong with the task requested.

the coach asked each member of the squad to identify what they believe they can bring to the test side judging on how the series has gone so far. Seems like a pretty straight forward "be honest about your strengths and weaknesses" exercise to me. Doesn't sound like they were asking for some long essay.

I wonder how many league players would refuse to complete such a task if Meninga or Daley asked them to do so in Origin camp?

Totally agree. Nothing wrong with the task put forward.

Some blokes just wrote a few thoughts on a piece of paper and stuck it under Arthur's door.

I'm glad Watto didn't do it, and I hope his test career is finished as a result.

Gidley Up

Watson left because his wife is expected to give birth and there was no point hanging around if he wasn't in the frame for the third Test. As for all the talk about completing "essays" and "Powerpoint presentations"; they had 6 days to send Mickey Arthur one text message and they didn't.


Watson left because his wife is expected to give birth and there was no point hanging around if he wasn't in the frame for the third Test. As for all the talk about completing "essays" and "Powerpoint presentations"; they had 6 days to send Mickey Arthur one text message and they didn't.

He left for the birth of his kid but had a dummy-spit on the way when he told reporters he would have to reassess his Test career.

Hopefully the selectors reassess it for him.


If he was leaving purely because of the birth of his kid, any genuine vice captain would have made that VERY clear to the media on his way out. Instead Watson put on a big ol' show about reassessing things and blah blah blah.

f**k him off and stamp his papers. The team doesn't need him (and given the state of our test side that is truly saying something)


Staff member
We will give it to india in the 3rd test, and also win the 4th

hence retaining the border/gavaskar trophy

nothing is surer now


:lol: @ People defending Twatto.

The task put forward was reasonable but the penalty for not doing it excessive and ridiculous. Leaving the tour is unacceptable and his comments to the media highlighted his selfishness and immaturity. He should not be anywhere near the Australian side and hopefully this is the wake up call management need to keep him out of the set up for good.

My only disappointment is that Notch didn't join him on walking out. Hopefully Khawaja and Pattinson learn from this harsh lesson.


Staff member
Fully agree with Arthur and Clarke. 3 points, that's all that was asked for, not the essays some here and there are talking about. The criticism is comin from the usual quarters (eg Ian Chappell, Jim Maxwell etc) but they have no idea what the modern approach to cricket is, so it should be expected. Just using what's happened to push their conservative agendas.


Heard The Big Show had some great slide transitions and WordArt, he's good all the toys that bloke.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
Well personally I am happy.

I am of the opinion Clarke was to close to his players, something Punter really suffered from.

This will give Clarke a little distance, and make players understand, it is not jobs for the boys. In the end he carries the responsibilty for results as Captain.

Bouns was it was Australias most selfish, self over rated player, who spat the dummy like the child he is.

That said, having a baby tends to mature a man, might come back a better man and a better player for it.


Classic tool of a management team that has failed at delivering its responsibilities.

Pass on the responsibilities to those lower down the food chain then you, happens at my work all the time.

How would someone like Uzi contribute to that task WITHOUT putting shit on his own team-mates and the coaching staff? (Not to mention come across like an egotiscal idiot).

Uzi's dot points:

- Pick Me
- Drop Hughes, he is shit against spin
- Sack the Coach

Obviously a bit over the top but you would think it would be a variance of the above, just phrased better.

Seriously mate, there has to be something in life that Manly fans can analyse without having to bring a Brett Stewart analogy into it. There are families who lost people to terrorism that have gotten over it quicker than Manly fans have gotten over a couple of weeks of bad press.

Its known amongst cricket fans, true cricket fans, as the Uzi-shake.

It is

- Chip casually to midwicket
- Run casually between the wickets
- Field like a 47 year old lawn bowler


Big show would have presented it in hardcover novel form.

He would have presented it as a video montage of his three good strokes he's played in international cricket - all played to Eiffel 65 "I'm Blue" and Celine Dion "My Heart Will go on"

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
DUMPED paceman James Pattinson says he deserves his axing for a disciplinary breach and claims former Test stars do not understand the culture the Australian team is trying to build.
Speaking for the first time since his demotion for Thursday's third Test, Pattinson admits there is "no excuse" for failing to invest in the team culture, revealing he had apologised to the playing group.
Pattinson, Shane Watson, Usman Khawaja and Mitchell Johnson were yesterday suspended for one match for failing to take part in a peer review of Australia's performances and the Victorian quick says his actions were unacceptable.
"It shows a lack of respect to the coach, the captain as well, and the rest of the team. I know if I was in their position, as a team member, I’d be quite disappointed in them for being a bit selfish," Pattinson said.
“People talk about it as a harsh punishment but looking deeply into it you realise probably it’s not.
"If you want to be part of the Australian cricket team you have to do everything right. It’s not acceptable. I believe it’s the right punishment.
"Everyone in the group needs to understand that this is the lengths we need to go to to be successful as a team.
"We had a training session yesterday and we apologised to the team about it.
"It does hurt, missing a Test match. It’s not only that, you let your team down as well.
"At the time I was told I was quite upset. At the start I didn’t take it as well as I probably could have.
"The easy thing for me was to make excuses and say it’s a harsh punishment. But the reality is it’s not – it’s part of playing cricket for Australia.
"You’ve got to do everything right. It wasn’t hard for the other 12 blokes to get it in on time and they took the time out to really reflect and do what’s best for the team whereas us four didn’t.
"Right now I’m still hurting about it but in the long run I think it’s going to make us a better team."

The young member of the team showing the vice captain to take it like a man.

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