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We are playing our TRUE enemy this weekend...


I'm with you Aries and Popper. I too am over 50 so the old days still stick in my gullet. It is fantastic to see the once mighty silvertails on their knees and to think they were almost the western suburbs-manly sea eagles be3cause of the ammount of wests players they poached. I don't know any old time wests supporters but they probably hate manly as much as we do. So more than any other match this year we gotta beat those baskets this weekend or it will once again break my heart.............do it for the oldies sharkies


ShireShark said:
As if we care one iota that we took money from that backward, Manly-run organisation the ARL and then upgraded ourselves to first class rugby league with Uncle Rupert's Super League vision.

That so called 'vision' destroyed the game, and my club along with others. If you're proud of that, you've got massive problems. Your precious Sharkies were on their death bed in the early 90's. If it wasn't for clubs like Western Suburbs, Manly, Norths, Balmain etc. along with the ARL you wouldn't even be here today. And Did either club or the ARL get a thank-you or a re-embursement on lending the cash to help keep Cronulla afloat? Pfffff! No, they did the dirty stabbed them all in the back including the game that allowed them to compete in Rugby League and went and joined Ribot and Murdoch's Super Sh#t! And what did that achieve, absolutely nothing, just the death's of Founding clubs and others. If you want to call anyone else scum, have a look in the mirror first and realise that you're being a hypocrite! :roll:

gunnamatta bay

Really all this slinging off at opposing fans is really unncessary. Its going to hopefully be a good game, played in the right spirit with good hearted banter between fans.

And after the Sharks kick their butts Manly can go f**k themselves all the way back to Brookvale!


Gobbso I think you havent got your facts right about the ARL and clubs like Wests etc bailing Cronulla out in the early 90's.
Wrong decade.
The ARL made many many mistakes otherwise nobody would have went to Superleague. Think about that.
If it wasnt for Super League Cronulla would have been in huge trouble(IMO).
If Wests didn't merge they would be dead? I have no idea but the Wests-Balmain merger certainly took the cash to do so.
If 1 year of Super League caused this think about the position your clubs were in.
I dont want any club to go under.
There are heaps of issues with Super League and a lot of things were bad.
They also have done a lot of good things. (grant,professionalism,rule changes-video ref,tv coverage) but there issues in yet another Super League V ARL debate.
If the ARL continued the way they were going I dont know that there'd be many foundation clubs left anyway.


It's not Ironic SS. Alot of Lebanese think that we Aussies are scum. It fails me to understand why they don't pizz off back to Lebanon where there aren't any aussies though.

I don't hate Manly anymore. Like you said Aries, they don't control the game anymore. They have no money. They are a pretty ordinary side and St.George-Illawarra already take up most of my hate. The Roosters are the new Manly anyway!


First Grade
I see your still eyeing off the wooden spoon. Nothing ever changes at Sharksville.

Your day will come... Maybe you will enter the tabloids in such an impressive manner like your super league buddies.

I hardly would be brave enough to say you have parted with Ando. After he sues your club, he will probably own it. :lol: There is certainly no silverware to add to the value of the joint.


well you guys have pretty poor attitudes, so I may as well join you.

I can’t wait till we smash your worthless team, you’ve got some fat bastards up front which last about 50 minutes of the game. I expect manly to run in at least 30 points against your so called team.

2004 is just another year of misery for the club in the shire! After all these years of dissapointment you would think it would of taken it’s toll, and it has. Sharks are going belly up and Ando was the centre of the mess, enjoy watching footy at Shark Park, because if you keep on losing year after year after year after year after year, your club will be gooooorn in the not to distant future.

Sharks = easy beats of 2004, especially with your lack of attacking footy.


Ask any "OLDIE" who their most hated team is, and they will ALL tell you MANLY... 73 & 78 GF's for staters!

The fact they still exist sickens me. I hate them with a passion. I hate the ppl that ran their club in the 70's and 80's and I hate everything they stood for then. I will NEVER EVER FORGET those years and the rampant abuse of the code of Rugby League, just because they had money at the time...

I hope we humiliate them on the weekend and look forward to the day they go belly -up!!

Carn you Sharkies!!

You really need a hobby........all that anger is just no good for you healthwise.

The Popper

Wrong perspective, Gobbso. Very narrowminded. Rupert came to the League with a bagful of money to foster and expand the game. Once again, officials put their own interests before the growth of the sport and those in POWER fought so hard to stay in POWER (Arthurson, Fulton, etc).
So what was the end result:
Rugby League - officialdom nearly killed Rugby League, League didn't reach it's potential (once again).
Rupert headed off to Rugby with a bagful of money. Result: Super 12's was started, Rugby expanded like never before, and now occupies an even greater pre-eninence over League, while League remains a small time local battle in comparison. Yep! Those League officials sure look after the sport...if they give it any attention after looking after their self-interest, that is. :)


as a manly supporter i find it so hard to see where other manly fans r coming here having a go back at the sharkies fans (myself included) coz when u think about it, when they say they "hate" manly, what they really mean is...

a) its difficult for them to come to terms with the concept of LOYALTY, so prominent on the peninsula. earlier comments were correct, take the money n stab the NSWRL in the back. they talk of the way MANLY supposedly treated norths- incorrect AND irrelevent. if the DISGRACEFUL clubs like the sharks hadnt jumped ship in the first place, neither MANLY nor norths would ever have been in that position. think about that fools. MANLY stood by the league when times were tough, we stand for something, the game for us is not just money like u SHARKSCUM. we have pride, we have passion, and we will kick ur f*&%ing arses this weekend :clap: :clap: :clap:

b) its difficult for them to hold any love for the team whos taken away any chance they had of winning a g/f. correct me if im wrong, but prior to S/L, the SHRAKSCUM had only played in 3 g/f's, or was it 4??? by golly, didnt they play the eagles in all of them??? and how many did they win??? #-o #-o #-o MWAHAHAHAHA AND U THINK U CAN BEAT MANLY THIS WEEKEND???





Manly will never ever be a competitive force again. The glory days are over, and they will never be revisited. Cronulla have a very bright future, both on and off the field.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
The Popper said:
Wrong perspective, Gobbso. Very narrowminded. Rupert came to the League with a bagful of money to foster and expand the game. Once again, officials put their own interests before the growth of the sport and those in POWER fought so hard to stay in POWER (Arthurson, Fulton, etc).
So what was the end result:
Rugby League - officialdom nearly killed Rugby League, League didn't reach it's potential (once again).
Rupert headed off to Rugby with a bagful of money. Result: Super 12's was started, Rugby expanded like never before, and now occupies an even greater pre-eninence over League, while League remains a small time local battle in comparison. Yep! Those League officials sure look after the sport...if they give it any attention after looking after their self-interest, that is. :)
The voice of reason. :clap:


sullyfan said:
Manly will never ever be a competitive force again. The glory days are over, and they will never be revisited. Cronulla have a very bright future, both on and off the field.

great sullfyfan, heres where u tell us HOW??? how is the future bright??? LOL :D


great sullfyfan, heres where u tell us HOW??? how is the future bright??? LOL :D

We're financially pretty stable and will have a great side in a couple of years.

Anyway, stop trolling. :lol:


Not quite right there Popper about Union.
News had a multipronged attack & strategy in aquiring content for Foxtel & other world cable TV platforms.
What they couldn't aquire they created.
SU 12's was going to happen regardless.

Agree or disagree, for rugby league, both parties were wrong. An incredible waste of money that was sprinkled around a few players, clubs & tournaments that could have been invested in many areas of League & provided a platform for years of substantial growth.


sullyfan said:
great sullfyfan, heres where u tell us HOW??? how is the future bright??? LOL :D

We're financially pretty stable and will have a great side in a couple of years.

Anyway, stop trolling. :lol:

not after ando strips you of your club! :lol: :lol: :lol:

The Sharks have a pretty poor team and paying close to 800,000 per year for 2 players (Kimmorley and Vagana) has left the rest of the team pretty week.

You'd be lucky to even be with a shot of making 8th spot come finals time!

You will realise this after Manly hand you your 3rd loss from 3 games!


we have passion, and we will kick ur f*&%ing arses this weekend
As long as your mob stick to kicking our arse's as opposed to stuffing their fingers up there everything should be alright.

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