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We are screwed!!!!!!! Johns has been charged

Gene Krupa

skeepe said:
Yes I can, and I think we can all agree that harsher action should have been taken on the field.

Regardless, I'm reffing kids so the similarities between my situation and what happened on Friday stop at the fact they are both league players. I have to send players off if I want action taken, so it's a little different.

Regardless, the NRL could not allow Johns' direct abuse at an official pass with just a reprimand.

f**k off troll!


skeepe said:
Regardless, the NRL could not allow Johns' direct abuse at an official pass with just a reprimand.

Despite some reactions to your posts here, I have to agree that Johns does deserve to be reprimanded. However, I can not get my head around the severity of the charge- it just reeks of hidden agendas.

And the Newcastle board have also stuffed up majorly. I mentioned in a post yesterday that they should have been more proactive rather than reactive, and punished Johns for his onfield behaviour* before the NRL felt the need to make an example of him. In my eyes, their failure to take any action has only heightened the problem.

*regardless of what you think about Johns' comments made on and off the field, it was always very clear that the media and NRL were going to beat this up into a massive story.


First Grade
You have got to be f**king kidding me. What a bunch of c****.

Goodbye season just about...for the 5th time since 2001...

I tell you what though, if we get knocked out in the first/second week of the finals for the umpteenth time...imagine the drive that all the players will have next year to win the comp and show the system that they can't kick us out of the finals every damn year!!!

Not giving up hope just yet though, we DO have Mullen though you'd put your bottom dollar on Kidley partnering him :(

Edit: I wonder if Simpkins and Checchin will get 4 weeks...of course not.


I think any reaction from both refs and the nrl was unnecessary, from the footage i saw he juz walked away and shouted obsenities to the air. If he was in direct conversation or even looking at the touchy it would be different, but he didnt. The touchy is a bitch, bottom line, juz cop it on the chin. The way the nrl has handled this is just plain over the top, but what can ya do.


Four weeks! You won't even get that much for a high tackle. I agree swearing against any official should be reprimanded, but four weeks is just going over the top.

Any abuse should get dealth with accordingly but not with the weeks Johns has been given. The Knights should ask the NRL what about consistency and if Johns gets charged why wasn't Quinn charged? But the NRL is just so 'anti-Knight' they'll probably just suspend him for the same time as well.


First Grade
He might as well fight it, I can't see it making a difference if it is 3 or 4 weeks, if he misses the first game in the finals unless we're 3-5 I can't see us winning.

7. Mullen
6. Bailey

Wouldn't be bad at all though. In recent times the brilliance of Johns hasn't been doing much, we defend like we have been and it could keep itself together.


If it was any player other than Johns I reckon they would've gotten away with it.
I'm not writing us off yet. We can still make the top 4 i reckon. As long as Mullen is fit that is.


4 weeks for swearing at an official - WHAT A LOAD OF ABSOLUTE CRAP - And I'm sure the judiciary (consisting of past PLAYERS) will see the same.
The MATCH REVIEW COMMITTEE (consisting of past OFFICIALS) has gone WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY over the top here.
And another most interesting fact that I see from todays charges is Luke O'DONNELL - A Grade 1 striking charge. - So an ACT OF INTENTIONAL VIOLENCE towards another player only merits ONE FRIGGEN WEEK and a few words direct at a BLIND OFFICIAL warrants 3 or 4 weeks - I DON'T THINK SO.


First Grade
cram said:
Personally I think 7th and 8th is a huge possibility...

That's pretty flattering for the Cowboys or Panthers.

We are a disgrace at the moment and even a Johnsless Knights should beat us. The Cowboys are even worse than us!


It's incredibly harsh but Joey has been warned for swearing before and this was always going to happen if he did it again. The footage just on Ten News shows that he turns around and says it straight at Chechin.

He is a great footballer and all, but he has to learn to keep his cool. His latest brain explosion has probably cost us a realistic shot at a premiership - I can't see us winning without him at all this year.

I would hope they appeal and maybe if they reduce the penalty we'll be a chance of a miracle in beating Melbourne in the first round of the finals. I don't know if they'll have a chance of getting it reduced though - the footage was kinda damning...

I'm more interested in whose idea the rediculous article in the Telegraph was yesterday. Is selling papers more important to Joey than winning premierships? It sure seems that way...

In saying that, if Chechin is doing any officiating in the NRL this week it will be an utter joke.


macavity said:
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

what a farging joke.

first we get robbed on the field, now off it.

Tell this to the NRL, we need their sympathy for Joey to be let loose.

Robbed on field, and offield.. I would really want to read about this in the telegraph so it puts more pressure on the NRL!


First off, this is a joke.

Secondly if we beat The Cowboys or Panthers or even better beat them both, we will not be 7th or 8th. Therefore we will more than likely make it to week 2 where we would have a fresh and fired up Joey ready to unleash hell.

All is not lost...but its getting there.

Master Vippo

Why is it when Johns is not there we fall apart defensively? If we get that part sorted out, we should be ok. IF!!!! Will Smith and Davico be back? We need them!

garden fairy

I honestly don't think Joey has a hope in hell of fighting the charge - the Knights are likely to fight, but I doubt it will get them anywhere - the NRL have a bee in their bonnet, they know the referees have made mistakes, but they don't want to make themselves look foolish by letting this go.

chinorocks said:
Secondly if we beat The Cowboys or Panthers or even better beat them both, we will not be 7th or 8th. Therefore we will more than likely make it to week 2 where we would have a fresh and fired up Joey ready to unleash hell.

All is not lost...but its getting there.

I like your thinking. I hadn't actually thought about this before, but it sort of calms the nerves a little. We can still make it, and Joey will be more determined than ever.


Red and Blue Knight said:
I've had a busy weekend and ran the City to Surf yesterday so have been bludging on the couch all day so i haven't read or heard a lot about the incident. I was at the game friday night so i haven't seen a replay of what happened.

Fact is, AJ's behaviour has been atrocious. He seems to have an attitude where he feels that his status as the games premier player opens up the right to let fly at officials with foul language. Doesn't matter who you are, it ain't on.

I can understand the heat of the moment excuse, but by geez....if i had a dollar for everytime i wanted to call a customer or colleague a 'effin c' i'd be sitting pretty atm. But do i do it? No, it ain't accepted in todays society and should never ever be defended especially in something as high profile as rugby league been watched by thousands, many of them young children who literally adore Johns.

As a Newcastle supporter - devastated. Yes, devastated that this will probably mean the end of our season but more so devastated that my all time favourite player is stupid enough to continue to tarnish his image so badly. Once again, he wears his heart on his sleeve, he is extremely passionate - but christ, is he 5 or 32? I'd clip my 15 year old brother across the ears if i heard him use such foul language. Another thing - that c word is incredibly foul, extremely derogatory to women. Personally i never put up with language like that infront of female friends and family...

4 weeks? Seems harsh but by christ, where else does the NRL go - 10 lashings? He needs to be reprimanded and harshly. No player is bigger then the game and my team and it's chances to win the premiership isn't bigger then whats good for the game.

Andrew Johns and Newcastle Knights fan i am - Rugby League fan first and foremost but. Well done NRL.

P.S excuse me if i have a tonne of spelling errors and poor grammar in there but i feel like i ran 214 k's yesterday, not 14.

What i wrote in the NRL forum.

What do they call you lot if i am the most biased Knights supporter.... :LOL: