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We have signed Chris Walker


Oh dear. Perhaps I should have said "stopped being a factor in the minds of most sensible people"?

My, aren't we condescending today. Perhaps you just shouldn't have said anything at all.

The current Board's crusade against older employees has left it open to accusations of having a ridiculous axe to grind. (Personally I think that was more about a scummy HR tactic to erode the existing workers' conditions and rights, and replace them with new cheaper "recruits", a tactic I personally would never choose to vote for.)

Yes, I'm sure nobody 'older' was ever let go at Parra prior to the new board coming in. What a wonderful utopia it was. Do you have a white cane?


No, Bart, I`m not saying you don`t have credibility. You have far more credibility than I do. You`ve been on this forum a lot longer. And I`ve read your posts in the past and greatly respected what you`ve said. I was on here during the last election, but I must say I didn`t take much notice, nor did I take an active part in the conversations. I might also say that when I first came on here I was amazed at how much anti-Denis Fitzgerald stuff there was on this forum. I couldn`t believe it. Every second post seemed to berate him and blame him for something. So I can see where you`re coming from there, too. Maybe I should just bow out of this whole conversation because I really don`t know anything about the political history of our club.
I don't think anyone has any more credibility than anyone else on an internet forum Lingard, that's why I questioned what you were getting at in using the term.

I really value forum colleagues who are willing to put forward their opinions here, but hopefully to do it in a way that doesn't belittle other posters here. I respect your posts, because I feel that for the most part you've done just that. However you (among others) have chosen to challenge my right to hold an opinion, and so I've replied accordingly (also having crossed the line of belittling fellow posters in response).

The only reason I`ve been commenting lately is that it seems here is no clear evidence of any actual wrong-doing by the current board that I can see, and most of the 'analysis' of what they`ve done wrong is based on supposition, inuendo, implication, etc. And people like Casper with his conspiracy theories don`t help, either. But, then, I suppose the same thing happened during Denis Fitzgerald`s reign.
That's actually the entire point behind my posts of a critical nature regarding the current Board. You have indicated that you read the forums at the time of the last elections and noticed the nature of the anti-Fitzgerald conspiracies that abounded too. I wasn't a Fitzy fan, and voted for change at the elections, but always believing in the power of change to continue to keep elected people honest. I looked forward to the time where the same level of accountability and pressure would be applied to whoever was elected, so that they would continue to improve things we as fans wanted improved.

However that hasn't really happened, a lot of the promises haven't come to fruition and communication about those things has been sporadic outside of the original campiagn/s. You haven't offended me at all Lingard and I hope I haven't offended you, as you can at least admit what you can see comparing the posts from two years ago to now.

Unfortunately, there are those who aren't willing to admit the hypocricy of how they have been carrying on here, and attempt to portray themselves and their posts as unbiased - when in my opinion they are far from it.

I`ve been (and still am) involved in middle-management and I encounter a lot of silly people making assumptions and generalisations based on absolutely no real facts whatsoever, and I guess it gets under my skin when I see it (or think I see it) happening on this forum. In the end, it`s none of my business - because I choose not to make politics my business.
I can understand that perspective. I probably haven't made it clear that my posts on the matter (and the descriptions I have used) aren't really heartfelt - I'm actually having a bit of fun tripping up those voiciferous posters here who wanted it all one way (anti-Fitzy) at one election, but aren't willing to respectfully abide similar opinions (with similar justifications) being expressed for similar reasons in relation to those currently in power now.
So this is the last I`ll say on the matter. Sorry if I offended you.
No need Lingard, no offence taken (and none caused I hope).

My heartfelt opinion on the whole matter is simple that I don't like seeing people have their consciousness raised (as it was during the previous 3P campaigns), only sink into the same old apathetic funk, and accepting similar tripe being dealt up to them by those they've elected. Change shouldn't be a one-off thing, as fans I believe we need to keep our Board (whoever they are) honest, and hold them to their promises rather than blindly sing their phrases.


My, aren't we condescending today. Perhaps you just shouldn't have said anything at all.
No, just returning the serve at the same speed M.

Yes, I'm sure nobody 'older' was ever let go at Parra prior to the new board coming in. What a wonderful utopia it was. Do you have a white cane?
There's a difference between "letting go" and having a regular booking at unfair dismissals hearings...


There's a difference between "letting go" and having a regular booking at unfair dismissals hearings...

There was always bound to be friction between the Fitzy crew and the new board when the empire came to an end. I'm more surprised that those who were punted before the end of the old regime (Kaye et al.) didn't kick up more of a stink.


Well, I was. You're right about a catalist though. Bart has been the major protaginist in this hysteria, and has rarely backed it up with fact.
I'd hardly call anything on here "hysteria", and if we're looking at major protagonists I'd be looking at all the leaked stories about our club that have appeared in the media, rather than some banter on an internet forum.
Furthermore, he has taken offence on many occassions when challenged on this very issue, and resorts to the old freedom of speech crap in defence.
Ultimately, he is just a broken record stating the same old sh*t all the time. Boring. That's just my opinion though.
I don't take offence about this place Suity, especially not to any of your challenges or "opinions". I merely state my case, and am amused by how some people get in such a lather about what other people on here happen to think or post... and how they go on the attack as a result (hence the freedom of speech references).

If people were happy with their own opinions, they'd simply express it, and allow it to stand on its own two feet unless directly challenged (by quote or reference to posters' name). People that aren't happy to respect different opinions being posted in isolation might perhaps have some other (political?, biased?) motivation happening (despite their continuing protests to the contrary)?

Just my opinion of course... seeing as I was mentioned directly by name.


There was always bound to be friction between the Fitzy crew and the new board when the empire came to an end. I'm more surprised that those who were punted before the end of the old regime (Kaye et al.) didn't kick up more of a stink.
I agree, I thought Kaye's (temporary) involvement with 3P might lead to something more afterwards. But apparently not, one can only presume she got jack of it all and moved on, and/or didn't like what she saw.


I agree, I thought Kaye's (temporary) involvement with 3P might lead to something more afterwards. But apparently not, one can only presume she got jack of it all and moved on, and/or didn't like what she saw.

Jack of the politics on both sides no doubt
There was always bound to be friction between the Fitzy crew and the new board when the empire came to an end. I'm more surprised that those who were punted before the end of the old regime (Kaye et al.) didn't kick up more of a stink.

I agree, I thought Kaye's (temporary) involvement with 3P might lead to something more afterwards. But apparently not, one can only presume she got jack of it all and moved on, and/or didn't like what she saw.

Jack of the politics on both sides no doubt

Okay, so this is more just for keeping both sides in play.

Aunty Kaye, after her termination from the club, was asked to work for Tony Zappia at Cronulla, and did so as far as I know until his demise.

I ran into Tony at the Parramatta football store at the start of this year, about a week before the Hindmarsh record game, I was in the store to get the jump on the truckers cap that the previous store and merch manager had shown me and told me they would be added to the catalogue for the week before.

Any how Tony was there with his two kids buying Jersey's the person behind the counter at the store was Aunty Kaye.

I know that a number of people were upset when Aunty Kaye, and Gur et al. were let go, but not a one of them went to unfair dismissal. Not one. They were given as far as I was told by people who know them and spoke to them, fair and equitable payments, promptly. Making a clean cut of things, no matter how hard personally they were on both side of the termination line.

Now Mick, I have been reading this forum and your comments for a very long time, outside of this forum we are friendly right, so please take this a friendly question.

You spoke about Bart, and that he sees only the dark Clouds in the sky and talks about them, others have called this a glass half empty stand points.

So can I assume then that for you, for the 30 years before 2009 the sky was dark, and that those grand final appearances, those profitable years were only pin pricks of light in vastly dark time, or did the darkness only come to you when you heard of no guarantee for 5 years or a $9 Million loss?

How would you describe the weather at the club now?

For mine, personally the weather may be indifferent, but I see our situations in race car terms. Each year we roll out the fastest, best presented, and well built car, yet we have drivers now, who were either too conservative in their driving style or now are driving fast and lose, burning up the rubber and making us slow at the back end.

The combination of the drivers (driver change like at Bathurst) had the car in a great position when it was handed over to the fast driver, so the car could then get used to its maximum up until the end of the race.

Unfortunately we were beaten in that year by a car that was running AVGAS instead of the mandated fuel.


The combination of the drivers (driver change like at Bathurst) had the car in a great position when it was handed over to the fast driver, so the car could then get used to its maximum up until the end of the race.

Coming 3rd last is a great position? Surely you jest Mark

84 Baby

That was referring to 09,

2010 was the flashy fast driver that is using up the car before the end of the race, so we finished 3rd last.
Better analogy would be Descarado coming around the straight in the lead then crashing into the rails and failing to finish


Teach him I cannot. The boy has no patience....:crazy:

Thanks, Colonel, that`s great news! I`m now assuming Humble will have a starting gig in first grade. See, if it was bad news, you wouldn`t ask me to be patient. If, say, a man is due to go to the gallows tomorrow morning, you don`t tell him to be patient. You only tell someone to have patience if the news is good. Woo Hoo! I`m over the moon! Tom Humble a regular first grader! We`re really going places now!


I think MITS post needs those random capitals he usually favours, to make it completely incomprehensible.