There are certainly risks in our bench. We have no genuine hooker on the bench, whilst other teams do. Jake halves sub is really for his kicking game and not disrupting the rest of the team.
If we get through to the GF it will be because we didn’t get any significant injuries or HIAs and BAs risk in rolling the dice has paid off. BA has confidence in Matto and Oregon and he holds his breath when using Makka and Jake. Makka can patch an injury to Lane, Ice, Matto, Marata, Reg, Jnr or Oregon. Jake can patch an injury to Rheed, Mitch or Dylan.
So, is a GF qualifier the right time to be rolling the dice ? Probably yes, because going all conservative now is gutless. Playing gutless is like how we approached the Pennys match, where we were trying not to lose, rather than trying to win.
So with my fingers and everything else crossed, I reckon we stick to what seems to be working.
BTW, I absolutely agree that we should have better options than having to rely on Makka and Jake. Carty can’t be trusted and Brown’s drop in form and/or favour with the coach is a shame. Whilst the Brown issue warrants further examination, now is not the time to be combing through the ashes for answers. Emu’s failure to take a premium opportunity with both hands is immensely disappointing as is Ogden who has only really established himself as a bottom 30 in the depth chart signing.