Surely there’s some sort of cutting edge treatment we can send Gutho overseas for in the off-season. Didn’t seem to be moving great in the last few tries they scored. Maybe his brother in law can donate his knees
I have posted about this before, but this place(Emcell) is literally the only place on earth that do these type of stem cells therapy and if people took the time to see what they have actually achieved most would surely think it is nothing short of miraculous. I wish all our players would just go and get this as a booster let a lone when they have injuries. Like I said there is no other place on earth that does it. Even other science labs around the world have stated that fetal stem cells are superior to all other types and some labs are trying to artificially synthesise them because, one they then can claim the copy right and secondly they would then get around all the controversy and legalities of using real fetal stem cells and the ban that the western world has put on them.
Note: The only fetal stem cells that are used are between 7 and 12 weeks old that have been of discarded through early termination. They are not embryonic stem cell. This is a very specific and important distinction. There are health and major moral issues in using embryonic stem cells, of which I also would have an issue with. Not so with fetal stem cells. But it is all explained in detail in the video and in many of Eric Merola's numerous other podcasts and videos.
But synthesising something like this is fraught with danger and as has been the case so far in testing and besides why synthesis something that is perfectly designed naturally and is so effective with no harmful side effects after over 30 years of use and great results and constantly advancing as they develop even better new technics in using them?
Yes I know it is hard to go to the Ukraine at present, but people are still travelling from all over the world to go to this clinic that's how good it is. It just means that they need to go to Poland first and then coach or train into Ukraine/Kiev. The fighting is not anywhere near Kiev(it is happening in the South-East) so there is no real danger. If anyone wants to know more on this just go to Eric Merola's youtube channel and he even gives out his email address for anyone to contacts him with any questions they may have on the treatments or how to get to Ukraine at present or anything else on the subject. I believe he is going himself again this month(August) and he has been meeting up with other people that are getting treatments and they train or coach it together.
Anyway someone like Gutho who has chronic knee issues I feel would benefit immensely from this treatment. It may actually even restore his knees like new again. I really believe this. I just want to make it clear, I am not in anyway connected or gain any monetary or other type of inducements or anything from anyone or any organisation. I am simply stating what I believe after years of following stem cell developments and research due to, as I have previously posted, how my former partner suffered from Huntington's.
Anyway I hope this can be of help to anyone suffering from a medical condition that they have been living with and has caused them pain and suffering. Cheers