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What is the most useless job society has?

Most useless job

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First Grade
Billy you said should I did not have to bother, are you saying I need too, I have time now and you will egt your response.

I said i didn't really care if you responded to that massive long post. I still assumed you would respond to my answers to those questions you asked me otherwise why would you bother?

Your most recent post shows why there is little point continuing this discussion. You are constantly changing your argument and ignoring most of the points i make. It pretty much makes it impossible to have a discussion.

Bieber is like Milli Vanilli too me, everything the music industry stands for, as I said, I was at the movies saw a preview, gave me a laugh.

What is the 'music industry'? You don't even have to answer that as i know you are referring to the mainstream music industry. However this is not what i was arguing with.

You originally said all musicians targeted children and no one but kids bought music. That is what i disagreed with.

Justin Bieber may well stand for that portion of the market but that doesn't mean that covers every single musician.

BTW why don't you rate Beiber, from what I can tell, he can play instrument, writes his own stuff etc, why do you see him as crap, yet rate dolly?

Reading your posts i often wonder whether you have bothered to read mine. Where did i say i rate dolly? I don't like her music anymore than Biebers. I said she doesn't prey on children and that they aren't her target audience. That doesn't mean i like her music at all.

In fact billy you have inspired my to show how the music industry preys on the young and suckers like you lap it up.

Lap what up? Are you actually reading my posts? I don't like the music you are talking about and i have never said any different.

I also never said the music industry doesn't target young people. The modern music industry does target young people. If this is all you're going to be arguing then don't bother replying.

It's a well documented fact and there are plenty of people who have discussed this issue in depth (including one of the articles i linked to) and they all do a much better job of articulating their argument then you do.

I am disputing your assertion that only children buy music (which has been proven wrong and anyone with even a modicum of common sense wouldn't dispute this). I am also disagreeing that all musicians target young people.

For example next week i am going to see the chamber philharmonia cologne at the Newcastle civic theatre. None of the advertising for this event has been targeted at children and i can guarantee that like most of these types of performances the majority of the crowd will skew towards the middle aged and older people.

These types of musicians don't target younger people (well not children/teens as you imply) and i don't see how anyone can lump them in with the likes of Bieber.

Stay tuned.............

For you to continue arguing with points i never made all the while you continue to change what exactly you are arguing.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
He does a bit of everything, a small amount of farming on his land, 'share farming' I believe. I'm not that up with how it works but I believe he just donates his land to other people that have machinery and so forth and he takes a percentage of the profits from the wheat or canola that was harvested.
So never really took his hobby and tried to make living from it, now he has worked hard his whole life, as opposed to can't get real job useless, worthless musicians.
He makes these great things and is happy to get a little bit of beer money from it, well played I say and good luck to him, he does not prey on the young like the eagles he makes.

Your old man goes all right as far as I am concerned.


First Grade
For me there are only two real goals in life. Be happy and make others happy. In regards to that, I think musicians do pretty well.

And does drug dealer count as a job, because if so, it's not only useless, but also detrimental to society.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
I'm not offended and i never said i was. You can keep up with the insults it doesn't bother me, at least with this last post you attempted to actually reply to all of my post for once.
You are offend and lie about it. People not offend walk away, they don't make posts this long. You are full of sh*t buddy.
You pretty much ignored the whole thing.
summarized, your love your worthless, cannot real jobs people.
What haven't i answered? Point out specific things i haven't answered. I can show you exactly the points that you ignored if you can't do the same then don't bother saying that sh*t.
I asked what crap you listen too, you fail to answer, and still do not. Coward.
Not that many. There is a reason why i haven't answered that question. It has nothing to do with the discussion and it's just a pathetic attmept by yourself to paint me as biased towards musicians.
Well you clearly are, you think they are great except Beiber of course, he is crap to you, but the same as all rest, showing your age Billy, yet to gutless to say what you do like, except Dolly of course, you know the words. hahhaahahah

No it's not. They don't record all the sales made by private companies. That isn't their job. When it comes to games, movies, books and music their are independant trackers to record sales and the goverment is not a reliable source for this information.
Will simply disagree, the gov don't care just record what happened.

Again you can't call my link outdated if you post even older ones. How is it irrelevant? It specifically talks about the music puchasing demographics.
Again your link is from people who make money from it, the government does not. Either way, I am right, young poeple keep the music alive not old people.

Again you have ignored half my post and here is another example. You just ignored what i said about your link and didn't respond to it. Your link Shows that people besides kids and teenagers buy music which means you were wrong. You said no one but kids buy music, your article shows this isn't true.

Go on just ignore this point again, i've said it 2 or 3 times and you just ignore it because you have no counter.

One of the articles you linked to showed that the majority of music sales was to people above the age of 20. It didn't show what you are claiming.
Sorry here, and for adam as well, people of 20 are f**king kids, I have not made myself clear here, kids are people under 25 to me.

The other one still showed older people buying music even if it was in lesser numbers.

Do you even remember what your argument was? You said that no one but kids bought music. So if i can show that anyone besides kids buys music you were wrong.
Young people billy, young people. If you can scum up the courage to tell what you listen I can get your age from it.

Again referencing the age of my link. Yours is older, if you can't find more recent ones than you can't complain about mine being old.
Yes I can and I will yours is an obscure reference which you have yet to back up. You stated it was easy and cannot back it up.

I did produce another anyway about the age demographics of country music fans which you have completely ignored even to this point.
Point conceded, the Alabama hot pockets and banjo players have an older audience. Uneducated people like country.

Wrong again. Never have i said that. I said that kids aren't the only ones buying music. That has been shown to be true in my links and yours.

Again i have never said that. You just try to put words in my mouth to suit your argument.

This is not what you originally posted. You said no one but kids bought music. You didn't say that the rate of buying music just slows down.
This is where you are very, very wrong billy, my original arguement was musicians have the most worthless job, check the title.
I was then asked to expand, which I did.

If you want to change your argument now go ahead but don't pretent that is what it has been all along.
I have not change it billy, I have expanded on it, as I was asked to.
I was asked to expand on why I thought they where worthless.
I said they prey on the young.
I was asked to expand on that, I did, I said, the music industry gets whilst you are young, sucks you in.
I was asked to expand on that, I did, I said people tend to love the music of thier era, and dislike anything that comes later, you being a Bieber hater have proved this.

Vast of majority of people? You have nothing to back that up. Yet again you try and put all musicians in one basket which is ridiculous. They come in such a wide variety how can you possibly think they are all the same.
Pretty simple really, they all want to make a motza from selling music, as they cannot get real jobs.

I'm not offended and i never said i was.
No you a liar because you are offended.

Again ignoring the argument i actually made and fighting against something i didn't. Where did i say Dolly wasn't in it for money? You won't be able to find it because i never did. I said her target audience wasn't children, of course you completely ignored that and changed it to something that would
Dolly is in it for the money, at least you conceed here. It ain't about "the music" which is my point.

What a load of sh*t. People have to eat. Just because they want to make some money to get by doesn't mean they aren't doing it for the love of music.
bullsh*t it is all about the money, cannot get a real job.

Again don't bother replying to me talking about Dolly and bieber (which are apparently the only 2 artists you know of). I've said this before there are thousand of musicians. From the street busker to local pub/club bands, pianists, orchestra players and even the pop stars you are obsessed with.
All worthless, you make a difference between them I do not, all the same. Want to make money.

Every single entertainment industry has independant groups who track the sales of the product. This is true with games, books, movies and music. The government does not and is unable to track the sales of these private companies.
ye they promote thier industry, government does not, they are in fatc indepenent.

I never disagreed. This wasn't your original argument. You said no one but kids bought music. This has been proven wrong in both your links and mine.
As pointed out, you are wrong my original argument was they are useless, I have expanded since.

That wasn't your original argument.
Correct the original arguement is they are useless, I stand by it.

I never said i was offended. You want me to man up what about you? What is your so called real job? What the hell do you do that makes you think that you can look down on so many people.
FTR I work in IT security, and ensure hacker from around the world cannot hack government web sites and government databases nor get your personal information. Not really relevent. but answered.
A garbo does more for society.

Go on make up some BS job. My guess is you do some sh*t kicker job and thats why you are so jealous of these popular musicians making so much money.
ahhhh the old you jealous because you are against arguement, weak as piss.
I am against Islamist terrorism, does that make jealous of a suicide bomber?

Here i am going to restate my position clear from all that BS to make it simple.

You said that no one besides kids bought music. To prove this you have to link to an article that shows 100% of music purchases being for kids. Neither of your links showed this.

One of them showed about 38% of music puchases being for people above the age of 20. The other showed more like 60% of music purchases being above the age of 20. How the hell does that support your argument.

Both of my links also showed a significant portion (over 50%) of the music buying audience were above the age of 20.
Kids by music, granny do not.

What i am saying is that just because Bieber is a talentles hack how only targets children that doesn't mean every musician in the world is the same.
This sums up your arguement, Beiber has the same talent as the rest, but you run him down but not the others.

I buy a decent amount but no more than the norm.
Yes you are a sucker, but a sucker who thinks your tastes are superior. FTR you are not alone.

My position is this. I think musicians bring a lot of joy into peoples lives and that alone means they serve some purpose. If all of the worlds musicians were to disappear would the world descend into chaos? No. I however don't think that makes them worthless.
And my position is, if you think Beiber is a talentless, you are more like me than you think.

In terms of the most skilled musicians (particularly the greats like Bach etc) i have an immense amount of respect for them.
What I like about Bach and mozart, they did indeed do it for "the music" as they died poor.

Musicians are about money and expoilting kids (young people). Otherwise they simply play at home and enjoy it.
The moment you try and sell your music, you are a Bieber, who ironically you hate.
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Mr Angry

Not a Referee
For me there are only two real goals in life. Be happy and make others happy. In regards to that, I think musicians do pretty well.

And does drug dealer count as a job, because if so, it's not only useless, but also detrimental to society.
But it makes people happy? So which is it?

Also, I presume you mean prohibited drugs, alcohol, viagra fine by you.

But prohibited bad...mmmmmk

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
I said i didn't really care if you responded to that massive long post. I still assumed you would respond to my answers to those questions you asked me otherwise why would you bother?
Yet you posted again and said I had not responded, are you schizophrenic?
Your most recent post shows why there is little point continuing this discussion. You are constantly changing your argument and ignoring most of the points i make. It pretty much makes it impossible to have a discussion.
Have not changed it, you cannot read, My original post said musicians are worthless, deny it.

What is the 'music industry'? You don't even have to answer that as i know you are referring to the mainstream music industry. However this is not what i was arguing with.
hahahaha, The music industry is the people who sell music, it is an industry, perhaps being someoine who cannot read fails to see that.

You originally said all musicians targeted children and no one but kids bought music. That is what i disagreed with.
Yeah where you were not offended, full of shyte buddy.

Justin Bieber may well stand for that portion of the market but that doesn't mean that covers every single musician.
Yes you hate Bieber a muso, you tastes are better, yadda yadda yadda, you know real music.

Reading your posts i often wonder whether you have bothered to read mine. Where did i say i rate dolly?
You said I should listen to words, do you deny this?

I don't like her music anymore than Biebers. I said she doesn't prey on children and that they aren't her target audience. That doesn't mean i like her music at all.
Yet you know the words and find her superior to Bieber, I find them the same.

Lap what up? Are you actually reading my posts? I don't like the music you are talking about and i have never said any different.
Yep you do not own up to what you like. Coward.

I also never said the music industry doesn't target young people. The modern music industry does target young people. If this is all you're going to be arguing then don't bother replying.
Don't bother replying, yeah heard that before...........

It's a well documented fact and there are plenty of people who have discussed this issue in depth (including one of the articles i linked to) and they all do a much better job of articulating their argument then you do.
They sure do.

I am disputing your assertion that only children buy music (which has been proven wrong and anyone with even a modicum of common sense wouldn't dispute this). I am also disagreeing that all musicians target young people.
You have only proven you reckon you tastes are better Beiber fans.

For example next week i am going to see the chamber philharmonia cologne at the Newcastle civic theatre. None of the advertising for this event has been targeted at children and i can guarantee that like most of these types of performances the majority of the crowd will skew towards the middle aged and older people.
Oh, how very hign brow of you, you know what people should like.

These types of musicians don't target younger people (well not children/teens as you imply) and i don't see how anyone can lump them in with the likes of Bieber.
I am starting to think Beiber has more talent, but is still worthless.

For you to continue arguing with points i never made all the while you continue to change what exactly you are arguing.
Learn how to read dickhead. Musicans are worthless, check the title.

In the mean time, let everybody know how your music tastes are better than thiers.


So never really took his hobby and tried to make living from it, now he has worked hard his whole life, as opposed to can't get real job useless, worthless musicians.
He makes these great things and is happy to get a little bit of beer money from it, well played I say and good luck to him, he does not prey on the young like the eagles he makes.

Your old man goes all right as far as I am concerned.

I know you only quoted a small part of my post, but the farming gig is basically him letting someone else do the work with their machinery, he just donates the land and doesn't have to lift a finger and gets cash for basically nothing, pretty good gig if you ask me.

on the sculpting front, he is trying to get his art noticed by as many people as he can so that he can sell it at prices and in numbers that will enable him to quit his actual day job on the road gang, he has told me this a few times over the last few months.

I'd say even if his art career does take off, he would still do that above share farming as it's money for jam really.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
And I wish him luck beave, as I have said, had a real job for many years, served the country.

Real jobs, I rate them, musicians I do not, they can't do one.


First Grade
Again you have ignored my last 2 posts. Didn't expect anymore from you. You also ignored the vast majority of my points and also just pretend taht i have only posted one article, even when i posted more than one in the very post you were qouting.

You are offend and lie about it. People not offend walk away, they don't make posts this long. You are full of sh*t buddy.

Well then by this definition you would also be offended. You don't have to be offended to continue on a discussion.

I asked what crap you listen too, you fail to answer, and still do not. Coward.

It's irrelevant to the discussion and is just a pathetic attempt by you to portray me as biased/extremely young.

I listen to a variety of music with classical probably being my favourite. That however is completely irrelevant to the discussion.

Don't call me a coward. I don't have to disclose any personal information about myself (just like you haven't in this conversation).

Well you clearly are, you think they are great except Beiber of course, he is crap to you, but the same as all rest, showing your age Billy, yet to gutless to say what you do like, except Dolly of course, you know the words. hahhaahahah

Clearly you ignored my last post, im not going to repeat what i've said because you can't read.

Will simply disagree, the gov don't care just record what happened.

They don't record what happened. The government do not record sales from entertainment industries be it music, books, games or movies. They are all tracked by independant companies.

Why would the government track this data?

Again your link is from people who make money from it, the government does not.

I have linked other articles which you are just ignoring. Also as i have mentioned many times your own articles proved my argument anyway, so even IF you discount all the data i provided you are still wrong.

Either way, I am right, young poeple keep the music alive not old people.

This is not what i was arguing with. You said no one but kids bought music. By changing your argument you're simply conceding that you were wrong.

Sorry here, and for adam as well, people of 20 are f**king kids, I have not made myself clear here, kids are people under 25 to me.

20 year olds are not kids. I consider 13-18 to be teens, anything below that to be kids and anything above that to be adults. I would say thats a fairly ordinary definition.

You probably should have clarified this in the first place and it would have saved a lot of trouble.

Young people billy, young people. If you can scum up the courage to tell what you listen I can get your age from it.

I mostly listen to classical, however i can guarantee you won't be able to work out my age from that.

Also i don't understand why you keep throwing aroung words like courage and coward. Were posting on a message board FFS i really don't think there is any courage involved.

I would also like to point out again that you have posted no information about yourself and continue to call me out for the same.

Yes I can and I will yours is an obscure reference which you have yet to back up. You stated it was easy and cannot back it up.

I posted other articles.

Point conceded, the Alabama hot pockets and banjo players have an older audience. Uneducated people like country.

I don't care about your petty pot shots, i don't listen to country music. Regardless i only had to prove that one type of musician didn't target young people to prove your entire argument wrong.

This is where you are very, very wrong billy, my original arguement was musicians have the most worthless job, check the title.
I was then asked to expand, which I did.

Yes and i responded to the that.

I have not change it billy, I have expanded on it, as I was asked to.
I was asked to expand on why I thought they where worthless.
I said they prey on the young.
I was asked to expand on that, I did, I said, the music industry gets whilst you are young, sucks you in.

Except i have shown that not all types of musicians prey on the young which means you're wrong.

I was asked to expand on that, I did, I said people tend to love the music of thier era, and dislike anything that comes later, you being a Bieber hater have proved this.

This is not what you said. You said only young people bought music. You have since changed your argument most likely because the original one was so terrible.

Pretty simple really, they all want to make a motza from selling music, as they cannot get real jobs.

How is this any different form any other form of entertainment? Moreso what is a real job?

No you a liar because you are offended.

Already covered.

Dolly is in it for the money, at least you conceed here. It ain't about "the music" which is my point.

I didn't concede anything i never said dolly wasn't in it for the money, that was yet another example of you making sh*t up.

Also just because someone wants to make money that doesn't mean it isn't about the music.

bullsh*t it is all about the money, cannot get a real job.

What is a real job then? Why does it even matter if they want money anyway? That is why people get jobs.

All worthless, you make a difference between them I do not, all the same. Want to make money.


ye they promote thier industry, government does not, they are in fatc indepenent.

I'm not going to argue this point anymore i covered it above.

As pointed out, you are wrong my original argument was they are useless, I have expanded since.

Yes and i have covered why you're wrong.

Correct the original arguement is they are useless, I stand by it.

You ignored another one of my posts. Why are they useless. I can guarantee that there are countless musicians out there that you could never match no matter how much you trained.

They clearly possess a ton of skill which alones means they are not useless. They are providing a service which people want and pay for.

FTR I work in IT security, and ensure hacker from around the world cannot hack government web sites and government databases nor get your personal information. Not really relevent. but answered.
A garbo does more for society.

Yes and you only got that job for the money. No different from a musician getting a job to earn money. Just like you they are payed to provide their services.

ahhhh the old you jealous because you are against arguement, weak as piss.

As opposed to just repeating Bieber fan over and over.

Kids by music, granny do not.

Retreading old ground. I have shown that people who aren't kids buy music. I have also never said that grannies buy lots of music (although they do buy some).

This sums up your arguement, Beiber has the same talent as the rest, but you run him down but not the others.

Bieber does have some talent, you don't become as rich as he is without having some talent.

However there are far more talented musicians out there.

Yes you are a sucker, but a sucker who thinks your tastes are superior. FTR you are not alone.

Why am i a sucker? I buy music which brings me countless hours of enjoyment.

And my position is, if you think Beiber is a talentless, you are more like me than you think.

I don't care whether im like you or not its irrelevant.

What I like about Bach and mozart, they did indeed do it for "the music" as they died poor.

Like everyone if they were given a chance to make lots of money they would have.

Musicians are about money and expoilting kids (young people).

Again retreading old ground. I have shown you that not all musicians target children or young people. You are wrong plain and simple.

I won't disagree that some do, doesn't mean that all do.

Otherwise they simply play at home and enjoy it.

Why? Whether they are playing at home or selling their music they are still enjoying it. Why should they turn down the oppurtunity to also make money form it?

The moment you try and sell your music, you are a Bieber, who ironically you hate.

This is complete and utter BS. Just because you sell your music doesn't mean you are the same as Bieber.

And I wish him luck beave, as I have said, had a real job for many years, served the country.

Real jobs, I rate them, musicians I do not, they can't do one.

Actually musicians and other popular artists do just as much for the country as you do. The assumption that musicians are incapable of performing any other jobs is ridiculous. The reason most people take regular mundane jobs (like a bricky) is because they don't have the ability to do anything else. That plus they just want to get a regular paycheck (something which you seem to deride musicians for doing).

Musicians have found that they have a skill/passion and have followed through with it. That doesn't mean they can't do anything else
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Mr Angry

Not a Referee
So still to cowardly to answer what you buy. Besides you classical stuff. you stated I should listen to Dolly's words you but you deny it now.

the coward said:
What is a real job then?
One that contributes to society, like a nurse, garbo, soldier.

What personal stuuf do you want?

My CD collection, the Twelve man 3 CDs that is it.

Told you what I do, what else you asking?

I sum you up as a person who thinks thier music interests are superior, hence you run down Beiber.

I run them all down, I admit, I am biased, I think they are worthless.

You only think what you do not like is.

Anyways, billy you have been fun, you hate Bieber but love other other stuff, and think your tastes are superior, good for you.

The fact you cannot tell people what you listen says it all, over to you for the last word between us.


First Grade
So still to cowardly to answer what you buy. Besides you classical stuff.

How moronic. There is no courage involved in posting on a message board. I could simply make up what music i listen to and prove your petty argument wrong.

I have simply strayed from doing this as it is just you trying to deflect from the actual discussion and turn it into a personal attack.

Also saying i mostly buy classical music is an answer to your question.

you stated I should listen to Dolly's words you but you deny it now.

I have a partner who listens to music, i listen to the radio and in general have listened to a wide variety of music. That does not mean that im a fan of all music nor does it mean that buy every song i mention.

I don't deny saying that either nor do i have any reason to.

One that contributes to society, like a nurse, garbo, soldier.

Musicians do in fact contribute to the economy.

What personal stuuf do you want?

My CD collection, the Twelve man 3 CDs that is it.

Told you what I do, what else you asking?

I don't want any personal information from you, it's the internet we can all make up whatever we want. I am simply saying you can't call me a coward for not posting my interests when you don't do the same.

I sum you up as a person who thinks thier music interests are superior, hence you run down Beiber.

There are ways of assessing a musics quality.

I run them all down, I admit, I am biased, I think they are worthless.

You only think what you do not like is.

I may not like Justin Bieber but i am willing to admit that he clearly has skills that others don't and that is why he has made so much money.

Anyways, billy you have been fun, you hate Bieber but love other other stuff, and think your tastes are superior, good for you.

Again there are ways of assessing the quality of a musician. I also don't look down on other people for their taste in music.

The fact you cannot tell people what you listen says it all, over to you for the last word between us.

You know i find this to be an incredible statement from someone who supposedly works in IT. You of all people should understand the anonymous nature of the internet.

I could simply make up anything i want just to prove a point. What is the point of moving this discussion onto a subject which neither of us can prove in anyway. Again i will say it, it's simply a way for you to deflect from the actual discussion to attempt to turn it into a personal debate.

Not to mention that i have in fact listed what type of music i listen to and you somehow continue to ignore that.


Assistant Moderator
Classic thread.

No offence Billy, but did anyone else other than you (and maybe Angry) actually read your second last post?

Please don't let this interruption stifle any future creative urges.


First Grade
Classic thread.

No offence Billy, but did anyone else other than you (and maybe Angry) actually read your second last post?

Please don't let this interruption stifle any future creative urges.

Hardly anyone views this sub forum so im going to say no. I don't really care it didn't take long and was only really intended for one person.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee

I have had my say, feel good too.

My music is better than all of you. As my era is better than yours.

Beave was the best, his old mans stuff is awesome.

Been here many years, many lie, I am me, as those who have met know, I am the same in person.

A prick.


Assistant Moderator
Hardly anyone views this sub forum
I disagree.

LU has 130,000 unique visitors per month. So more than a few will lurk in when we're asleep. And this forum is quite high on the message board.

You have a world wide audience Billy, and we're not playing to an empty room. Scary to think.


First Grade
But it makes people happy? So which is it?

Also, I presume you mean prohibited drugs, alcohol, viagra fine by you.

But prohibited bad...mmmmmk

Uh huh, drugs make people happy. Dumb dumb dumb dumb, dumb dumb dumb dumb.

And by me, alcohol, viagra, hmmm not fine, not fine at all. But it ain't breaking the law. Drug dealers are, plus ruining lives (i.e. making them happy, ha! hey crack addict, ya happy?), and if I'm not mistaken, breaking the law does not add to society. Hmmmmmm....