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What is the most useless job society has?

Most useless job

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At least you get the point adam, even if you do disagree.

Do your parents buy CDs, what about the grand parents? Clearly you do.

Do you dispute that younger people are the main buyers of music and concert goers.

Younger people would be the main buyers of pop/top40 music. Such as Justin Bieber.

Other genres have a far wider spread of age groups.

Also, why do you consider it exploitative? There are loads of products aimed at children, even more than that lesbian Justin Bieber. Like children's toys. And children's television.


First Grade
Ahh the self appointing winner, geez you are good just ask you.

The fact that you were unable to reply said more than i ever could. The content of your counter argument just cemented it.

You destroyed nothing, the music industry preys on the young.

Repeat it all you want but it's still BS. Just because some segments of the music industry target children (like Bieber as you mention) doesn't mean they all do.

I was having fun last night teasing Beiber fans like you so offended that thier music collection is being crapped on.

Again you have no argument so you resort to childish name calling. Pathetic.

I posted you a link showing that over 55% of the music sold in the UK was to people over the age of 30. So in your reply you reference outdated statistics from 2002 to refute them. Nice argument.

So Dolly Parton fan, are you in the 38% group, the 18% group or twizzles 5% group?

I also love the way you get so cocky like that one link won you the whole argument. Even if your link was up to date (its not), it still disproves your whole argument. You said that no one but kids buys music. Even in your link it shows plenty of music being sold to people who aren't kids. So you are still wrong even with your own reference.

I also like how you just ignored my other link which yet again disproved your silly theory.

You also continue to harp on the Dolly thing. Once again Dolly is a prime example of someone who doesn't target kids and goes against what you're saying.

BTW what is the difference between a clinical nurse and a nurse, does it mean you work in a clinic?

It takes 3 years at uni to become a registered nurse. I have since completed my masters and done extra training to become a clinical nurse specialist. It's basically just a more trained RN and we are allowed/capable of performing a lot more tasks.

Musicians prey on the young. If I type it enough you may get what I am saying, you can dispute Bieber fan, but at least understand it.

You can repeat it a million times but you won't be any less wrong. Again no argument,all you have is petty insults.

hahahahaha, nice one, now off you run I hear Beiber is releasing a new CD for your consumption.

Baby, Baby , Baby, ooh

It is so fun teasing music fans.

Such a condescending tone, again acting like you have somehow put up a reasonable counter argument. You basically ignored everyone i posted and responded to one point with an outdated reference which still proves you wrong.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
Billy,billy billy

Where do I start with such a music lover, how about with the petty insults
Your first post in this thread
thepettyinsulter said:
dumb and pathetic.
theuberhypocryte said:
Clearly you have some reason for your dumb bias. Is it because you got cheated on? Maybe your jealous that these people make tons of money doing what they love.
No idea but you come off looking like a moron.
But in your head I started with the insults, nice one Beiber boy.
BTW I suggest a thesaurus for you, pathetic, is clearly your favorite petty insult. Try a new word.

The fact that you were unable to reply said more than i ever could.
I replied idiot. In fact I replied too much for you, and you tried to insult about how I responded to quickly for your liking, then again being huge music fan, logic and thought would not be your friend.
I posted you a link showing that over 55% of the music sold in the UK was to people over the age of 30. So in your reply you reference outdated statistics from 2002 to refute them. Nice argument.
And yours is story on a BBC web site, quoting some industry group, from 2005, do you read what you link too?

Mine is three years earlier from the Government Statistician, your link was crappy hearsay, go on get more stories about how older people are buying the music, it so easy. Mine were official figures

Here is another for you

theboywhodoesnotreadhisownlinks said:
I also love the way you get so cocky like that one link won you the whole argument.
And I think it funny, you think thier will be a winner and loser in a debate where the subject matter is very grey...wanker..here is tip MC Hammer, You will not convince me musicians are useful, I will not convince you you're an idiot.

theherotothemusicalworld said:
Even if your link was up to date (its not),
Says the Brittney lover with a link from 2005, come on get some recent stuff, how did you say it, that is right google.com

listened to one to many megadeath songs said:
it still disproves your whole argument. You said that no one but kids buys music. Even in your link it shows plenty of music being sold to people who aren't kids. So you are still wrong even with your own reference.
Really learn to read, young people and people clinging to thier youth, go read it again, perhaps I can say it on a CD send it to you and play and you might get it. Reading is not a strong point for you

You also continue to harp on the Dolly thing. Once again Dolly is a prime example of someone who doesn't target kids and goes against what you're saying.
So you know for a fact Dolly does not want children buying her stuff, nice one.

[/quote]It takes 3 years at uni to become a registered nurse. I have since completed my masters and done extra training to become a clinical nurse specialist. It's basically just a more trained RN and we are allowed/capable of performing a lot more tasks.[/quote]fair enough, did not know the difference, and you made a point of pointing it out.

theuberhypocryteagain said:
Such a condescending tone, again acting like you have somehow put up a reasonable counter argument. You basically ignored everyone i posted and responded to one point with an outdated reference which still proves you wrong.
Go read you first post again, seriously some are just not bright. You reap what you sow pal.

Again with obscure bbc article from 2005 quoting some obscure industry group v official government stats.

Please keep posting. You're a riot.

How many CDs do you own?

How much do you reckon you have spent clinging to your youth?


Adam I will respond later, wife is rather insistant I get off the net for now and show her some attention. I like that idea too.


First Grade
Where do I start with such a music lover, how about with the petty insults
Your first post in this thread
But in your head I started with the insults, nice one Beiber boy.

I didn't say you started it. You use them to supplant having an actual argument. In all your posts you reply to like one part of my post and the rest is just you calling me a kid and a bieber fan.

BTW I suggest a thesaurus for you, pathetic, is clearly your favorite petty insult. Try a new word.

It fits, so no need to find a new one.

I replied idiot.

You replied to one sentence out of my entire post and simply ignored the rest as it was convenient for you.

And yours is story on a BBC web site, quoting some industry group, from 2005, do you read what you link too?

Yes an industry group who tracks music sales. What makes you think they know less about music sales than the government agency? It's not the governments job to track music sales.

For example if you wanted to look at videogame sales you would go to NPD or a similar organisation not the government.

My link was perfectly fine.

Mine is three years earlier from the Government Statistician, your link was crappy hearsay, go on get more stories about how older people are buying the music, it so easy. Mine were official figures

I see you again ignored my point. Even if you were right (and you're not as i mentioned above) it's completely irrelevant. You said that the only people buying music were kids. In the very article you linked it showed that people besides kids were buying music.

The very article you linked disproves your entire argument.

Here is another for you

Lol so you insult my link to the BBC and then link to something from the NY times. Also did you even read the link? If anything the data found within the link shows that the majority of sales for all genres of music were above the age of 20.

Why the hell would you link that? It completely debunks everything you have been arguing.

And I think it funny, you think thier will be a winner and loser in a debate where the subject matter is very grey...wanker..here is tip MC Hammer, You will not convince me musicians are useful, I will not convince you you're an idiot.

There is no grey. I'm not arguing whether or not musicians are useful. You made specific comments that all musicians prey on children and that no one besides kids buys music. That is not a subjective thing it is something that can and has been shown to be wrong.

I don't need to convince you for your argument to be wrong.

Says the Brittney lover with a link from 2005, come on get some recent stuff, how did you say it, that is right google.com

Your link is older? If you're going to tell me to get more recent stuff why don't you?

Really learn to read, young people and people clinging to thier youth, go read it again, perhaps I can say it on a CD send it to you and play and you might get it. Reading is not a strong point for you

Coming from you thats rich. Yet again you just ignored the majority of my post and you will ignore most of this one.

So you know for a fact Dolly does not want children buying her stuff, nice one.

I didn't say she didn't want kids buying her stuff. I said she doesn't target children. Listen to the content of her music, look at the way she advertises her music.

Again with obscure bbc article from 2005 quoting some obscure industry group v official government stats.

We are talking about record sales and demographics, the goverment is not the most reputable source when it comes to this.

Regardless your own links disproved your argument and you keep ignoring this fact. Honestly you found 2 links and now you are carrying on like they proved your argument when they did just the opposite.

Please keep posting. You're a riot.

Feel free to do the same. Try not to ignore half the points i made this time.

You haven't made a single valid point and neither of your 2 links change that fact.
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BTW beave, is that all your old man does, or does he run that farm also?

He does a bit of everything, a small amount of farming on his land, 'share farming' I believe. I'm not that up with how it works but I believe he just donates his land to other people that have machinery and so forth and he takes a percentage of the profits from the wheat or canola that was harvested.

He was in the army for 20 years and retired in 1998 and receives a pension from that, when he got out he did an apprenticeship (at age 40 odd) as a diesel mechanic at his town shire and now just does some odds and ends around the road gang, he tells me all the time on the more quiet days when he is on the 'stop n go' sign, he is thinking about his art and what he could do next.He is looking at taking on the sculpting full time if he gets his pieces out there and gets a good reputation, without trying to brag about him, he generally goes pretty good at most art comps. He is a brilliant artist, he used to do a lot of art for his squadrons boozer when he was in the army. He would do awesome caricatures of the different lads in his unit and get them framed to put around the walls of their piss shack.

I want him to do a cowboy piece and donate it to the leagues club up here when they move to their new facility in a couple of years. I haven't asked him or the club yet but I would love for them to be able to come to some sort of agreement.

Here's some more of that finished eagle. I really love this one. I love that the feathers are made out of sh*tty old mower blades and how he got the wing tips to look so much like a real wedge tail eagle.




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Fudge Packers.... that's a useless job! How hard is it to pack fudge into a box?


Anyhow. Weighing into the Muso debate, I bet Muso's think that playing Sport is the most useless job out there. Getting paid to put your body through immense pain and constant high intensity training to stay fit all for the pleasure of the viewing consumer.

A sports person must limit their social obligations as they can't be seen doing drugs, or getting wasted and trashing hotel rooms while sleeping with underage groupies. A Muso would argue that they can provide a product to the consumer and still live the extreme lifestyle without all the negative media pressure as a sports star would receive if said sports start conducted him/herself in the same conduct.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
I didn't say you started it. You use them to supplant having an actual argument. In all your posts you reply to like one part of my post and the rest is just you calling me a kid and a bieber fan.
You set the tone and then get offend by it, nice work, Bieber Fever boy. You are a classic.

the uber hypocryte said:
You replied to one sentence out of my entire post and simply ignored the rest as it was convenient for you.
You really cannot read can you, I did not respond to every bit of dribble, but one sentence, please.

You don't answer questions put forward to you, but expect everyline you type responded too.

You have avoided my questions from the start, putz.

I will try again knowing you are far to gutless to answer

How many CDs do you have?

theavoider said:
Yes an industry group who tracks music sales. What makes you think they know less about music sales than the government agency? It's not the governments job to track music sales.
You idiot, it is the governments stats office job to record everything, the industry will promote itself. And the group you use has zero credibility, go to thier web site the are a mouth piece for the worthless ones.

theavoider said:
For example if you wanted to look at videogame sales you would go to NPD or a similar organisation not the government.

My link was perfectly fine.
You link was outdated and irelevent, and you cannot provide another one, not suprised at all, they do not exist.

[/quote=Still cannot read]I see you again ignored my point. Even if you were right (and you're not as i mentioned above) it's completely irrelevant. You said that the only people buying music were kids. In the very article you linked it showed that people besides kids were buying music.

The very article you linked disproves your entire argument.[/quote] Will repost as you cannot read

Mr Angry said:
young people and people clinging to thier youth get offended, when I start on the worthless musicians.

Twice just for your music damaged head

[/quote=Mr Angry]young people and people clinging to thier youth get offended, when I start on the worthless musicians.

the fella so offened his music loving is be dissed said:
Lol so you insult my link to the BBC and then link to something from the NY times. Also did you even read the link? If anything the data found within the link shows that the majority of sales for all genres of music were above the age of 20.

Why the hell would you link that? It completely debunks everything you have been arguing.
Could not find any link anywhere, gee, what a complete suprise, I have provided two that show the older you get the less likely you are to buy music, as you grow up, most people just know this as they live life and know people. You on the other are in a frenzy for some self promoting obscure article from 2005 and cannot produce another at all. The best part you truly believe the older people are the ones buying, speaks for it self.

the self declaring champion of the music world said:
There is no grey. I'm not arguing whether or not musicians are useful. You made specific comments that all musicians prey on children and that no one besides kids buys music. That is not a subjective thing it is something that can and has been shown to be wrong.
In your mind no doubt, in your mind 60 year olds are Sanity's big customers.
Back in the real world people know the older you get the less likely you are to by music.
As said previously the vast majority of people enjoy the music of thier youth/era, when they got sucked in by the insidious musicians and thier fat muppet masters......they got you real well.

themusicindustrymuppet said:
I don't need to convince you for your argument to be wrong.
But you will keep trying...haha

Your link is older? If you're going to tell me to get more recent stuff why don't you?
My link in bigger than yours. It is Ok muppet I am sure you have convinced the good people of LU, the older you get the more likely you are to buy Bieber records. Keep up the good work.

he who does not answer simple questions said:
Coming from you thats rich. Yet again you just ignored the majority of my post and you will ignore most of this one.
Come on gutless one why are you so offened?

Is it because you you are a wannabe musician, or have I insulted your 1000 strong CD collection.

I am curious as to why a person who has a real job is sooo very offened by someone on the interweb insulting worthless insidious musicians.

he which much advise said:
I didn't say she didn't want kids buying her stuff. I said she doesn't target children. Listen to the content of her music, look at the way she advertises her music.
Listen to he music, FFS I would rather have to sit through and AFL game. Next you will be telling me about the latest banjo record from the Alabama hotpockets.
Yeah mate Dolly is not in it for the money, she does not have the world's largest and oldest fake boobs to sell her tripe, it is not about her image at all, no mate she does it for the music........it's all about the music.....you believe that too.

The moment you make a CD and try to sell it, it is not "about the music".

A man who clearly listens to Dolly as he knows the words said:
We are talking about record sales and demographics, the goverment is not the most reputable source when it comes to this.
haha you think a body set to promote the corrupt music industry is, you are a roit.

I will take an impartial observer anyday. But again you will cling your single link as you cannot find any proof, and common sense and life experience are clearly not on your side.

he who still cannot read said:
Regardless your own links disproved your argument and you keep ignoring this fact. Honestly you found 2 links and now you are carrying on like they proved your argument when they did just the opposite.
No both links illustrate perfectly the older you get and more grown up you become the less likely you are to get Beiber Fever.

One more time for the dummy

Mr Angry said:
young people and people clinging to thier youth get offended, when I start on the worthless musicians.

the demanding one said:
Feel free to do the same. Try not to ignore half the points i made this time.
Just so I can get an answer as to your wannabe musician status I have responded to every line.

You haven't made a single valid point and neither of your 2 links change that fact.
Ignore the links for all I care, the older you get the less likely you are to buy music, because people grow up. Now listen to a Dolly song and calm down before you gather up the courage to answer the question, which I will repeat again as that is how music work repetition.

Why are so offended by someone on the interweb insulting musicians?

Is it because you you are a wannabe musician, or have I insulted your 1000 strong CD collection?

Man up.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
Younger people would be the main buyers of pop/top40 music. Such as Justin Bieber.

Other genres have a far wider spread of age groups.
I would agree, people tend to stick to they liked as kids, when they where sucked in.

My mother-in-law still loves Gene Pitney, but does not have time for Brittney. I am sure this suprises no-one but thekid.

but would point out that the volume of Bieber fever and the profits likewise are far higher for Bieber, than say Gene Pitney.

Also, why do you consider it exploitative? There are loads of products aimed at children, even more than that lesbian Justin Bieber.
Because talentless twats are promoted by fat cat muppet masters and the kids lap it up. Then have the hide to say "it is about the music".

Like children's toys. And children's television.
2 Things here,

1. Toy manufacturers are in it for profit, they do pretend it is "about the toy".
2. Children television is educational, music videos are not.


While I may not agree with the way he words it, I can see what Mr Angry is saying.

In music talent has become secondary to looks and ass shaking as it's the image that sells rather than the talent. It's then aimed at kids with a "this is how you should act and look" package.

As for the money they make, well that's life. Long ago entertainers were little more than court jesters and street buskers. Even those who were exceptional were revered and admired as opposed to being given an absurd amounts of money. We live in material times where people are well off enough to spend enough money on these luxuries to provide entertainers with the money they generate.


First Grade
You set the tone and then get offend by it, nice work, Bieber Fever boy. You are a classic.

I'm not offended and i never said i was. You can keep up with the insults it doesn't bother me, at least with this last post you attempted to actually reply to all of my post for once.

You really cannot read can you, I did not respond to every bit of dribble, but one sentence, please.

You pretty much ignored the whole thing.

You don't answer questions put forward to you, but expect everyline you type responded too.

What haven't i answered? Point out specific things i haven't answered. I can show you exactly the points that you ignored if you can't do the same then don't bother saying that sh*t.

You have avoided my questions from the start, putz.

I will try again knowing you are far to gutless to answer

How many CDs do you have?

Not that many. There is a reason why i haven't answered that question. It has nothing to do with the discussion and it's just a pathetic attmept by yourself to paint me as biased towards musicians.

You idiot, it is the governments stats office job to record everything, the industry will promote itself. And the group you use has zero credibility, go to thier web site the are a mouth piece for the worthless ones.

No it's not. They don't record all the sales made by private companies. That isn't their job. When it comes to games, movies, books and music their are independant trackers to record sales and the goverment is not a reliable source for this information.

You link was outdated and irelevent, and you cannot provide another one, not suprised at all, they do not exist.

Again you can't call my link outdated if you post even older ones. How is it irrelevant? It specifically talks about the music puchasing demographics.

I see you again ignored my point. Even if you were right (and you're not as i mentioned above) it's completely irrelevant. You said that the only people buying music were kids. In the very article you linked it showed that people besides kids were buying music.
The very article you linked disproves your entire argument.

Will repost as you cannot read

Again you have ignored half my post and here is another example. You just ignored what i said about your link and didn't respond to it. Your link Shows that people besides kids and teenagers buy music which means you were wrong. You said no one but kids buy music, your article shows this isn't true.

Go on just ignore this point again, i've said it 2 or 3 times and you just ignore it because you have no counter.

Could not find any link anywhere, gee, what a complete suprise, I have provided two that show the older you get the less likely you are to buy music, as you grow up, most people just know this as they live life and know people.

One of the articles you linked to showed that the majority of music sales was to people above the age of 20. It didn't show what you are claiming.

The other one still showed older people buying music even if it was in lesser numbers.

Do you even remember what your argument was? You said that no one but kids bought music. So if i can show that anyone besides kids buys music you were wrong.

You on the other are in a frenzy for some self promoting obscure article from 2005 and cannot produce another at all.

Again referencing the age of my link. Yours is older, if you can't find more recent ones than you can't complain about mine being old.

I did produce another anyway about the age demographics of country music fans which you have completely ignored even to this point.

The best part you truly believe the older people are the ones buying, speaks for it self.

Wrong again. Never have i said that. I said that kids aren't the only ones buying music. That has been shown to be true in my links and yours.

In your mind no doubt, in your mind 60 year olds are Sanity's big customers.

Again i have never said that. You just try to put words in my mouth to suit your argument.

Back in the real world people know the older you get the less likely you are to by music.

This is not what you originally posted. You said no one but kids bought music. You didn't say that the rate of buying music just slows down.

If you want to change your argument now go ahead but don't pretent that is what it has been all along.

As said previously the vast majority of people enjoy the music of thier youth/era, when they got sucked in by the insidious musicians and thier fat muppet masters......they got you real well.

Vast of majority of people? You have nothing to back that up. Yet again you try and put all musicians in one basket which is ridiculous. They come in such a wide variety how can you possibly think they are all the same.

My link in bigger than yours. It is Ok muppet I am sure you have convinced the good people of LU, the older you get the more likely you are to buy Bieber records. Keep up the good work.

Again i never said that, don't put words in my mouth.

Come on gutless one why are you so offened?

I'm not offended and i never said i was.

Is it because you you are a wannabe musician, or have I insulted your 1000 strong CD collection.

Complete fluff. The majority of your post is simply personal insults. You have barely even mentioned the actual discussion were having.

I am curious as to why a person who has a real job is sooo very offened by someone on the interweb insulting worthless insidious musicians.

I'm not offended. I saw someone post something stupid so i responded.

Listen to he music, FFS I would rather have to sit through and AFL game. Next you will be telling me about the latest banjo record from the Alabama hotpockets.

More fluff irrelevant to the discussion.

Yeah mate Dolly is not in it for the money, she does not have the world's largest and oldest fake boobs to sell her tripe, it is not about her image at all, no mate she does it for the music........it's all about the music.....you believe that too.

Again ignoring the argument i actually made and fighting against something i didn't. Where did i say Dolly wasn't in it for money? You won't be able to find it because i never did. I said her target audience wasn't children, of course you completely ignored that and changed it to something that would

The moment you make a CD and try to sell it, it is not "about the music".

What a load of sh*t. People have to eat. Just because they want to make some money to get by doesn't mean they aren't doing it for the love of music.

Again don't bother replying to me talking about Dolly and bieber (which are apparently the only 2 artists you know of). I've said this before there are thousand of musicians. From the street busker to local pub/club bands, pianists, orchestra players and even the pop stars you are obsessed with.

haha you think a body set to promote the corrupt music industry is, you are a roit.

Every single entertainment industry has independant groups who track the sales of the product. This is true with games, books, movies and music. The government does not and is unable to track the sales of these private companies.

No both links illustrate perfectly the older you get and more grown up you become the less likely you are to get Beiber Fever.

I never disagreed. This wasn't your original argument. You said no one but kids bought music. This has been proven wrong in both your links and mine.

Ignore the links for all I care, the older you get the less likely you are to buy music, because people grow up. Now listen to a Dolly song and calm down before you gather up the courage to answer the question, which I will repeat again as that is how music work repetition.

That wasn't your original argument.

Why are so offended by someone on the interweb insulting musicians?

Is it because you you are a wannabe musician, or have I insulted your 1000 strong CD collection?

Man up.

I never said i was offended. You want me to man up what about you? What is your so called real job? What the hell do you do that makes you think that you can look down on so many people.

Go on make up some BS job. My guess is you do some sh*t kicker job and thats why you are so jealous of these popular musicians making so much money.

Here i am going to restate my position clear from all that BS to make it simple.

You said that no one besides kids bought music. To prove this you have to link to an article that shows 100% of music purchases being for kids. Neither of your links showed this.

One of them showed about 38% of music puchases being for people above the age of 20. The other showed more like 60% of music purchases being above the age of 20. How the hell does that support your argument.

Both of my links also showed a significant portion (over 50%) of the music buying audience were above the age of 20.

Don't reply to the rest of the above post. I want you to tell me how any of the links posted by either of us support your argument that only kids buy music.

Here is another one http://www.themusicvoid.com/2008/05...ad-of-adults-with-a-larger-disposable-income/. The data is a little older but it is from a different market. Yet again it shows the majority of music purchases. Again this goes against what you are saying.

Also before you jump all over me i have read the article. I know it says record labels target the younger demographic. I have never denied this and i know it's true. My beef is with you targeting all musicians and not jus the record labels.

Regardless the article shows that older people still purchase more music. They just don't happen to purchase modern music.

Here is another one http://paidcontent.org/article/419-the-music-industrys-demographics-problem/. This one shows that 2/3's of the downloadable music market are above the age of 25.

Every single link posted in this thread shows that there are people above the age of 20 buying music. It doesn't matter what music or how significant that number is you are still wrong.

If you want to change your argument to a more realistic one go ahead. If your belief is that older people no longer purchase modern music i agree with that. If you want to continue arguing that old people don't buy music period than you are wrong and every link in this thread shows it.

Then there is your other argument that all musicians every, single, one targets children.

I posted to you a specific link showing that the target demographic for country music is the 25 to 45 age group. This shows that their is at least one industry that doesn't target children which renders your argument moot.

Here is another one http://arts.endow.gov/pub/Researcharts/Summary34.html It discusses some other music demographics which also don't target children.

If you're opinion is that every single musician in the world targets children the information above proves you wrong. If your belief is that certain portions of the music industry do than i agree. However not all musicians do and that is what i diagreed with in the first place.

I would agree, people tend to stick to they liked as kids, when they where sucked in.

My mother-in-law still loves Gene Pitney, but does not have time for Brittney. I am sure this suprises no-one but thekid.

but would point out that the volume of Bieber fever and the profits likewise are far higher for Bieber, than say Gene Pitney.

Again you are arguing with something i didn't say, though this post has made it clear what you are doing. You have now changed your argument.

Before you said that only kids bought music period, now you are saying that old people do buy music just not the modern stuff.

I don't disagree with this, i have never said i did and maybe if you could have said this is what you thought in the first place you could have saved us both some trouble.

Because talentless twats are promoted by fat cat muppet masters and the kids lap it up. Then have the hide to say "it is about the music".

Again your entire argument is talking about the likes of Bieber when the crux of my argument is talking about everything else.

I never said Bieber was in it for for the music. I never said he doesn't target children.

What i am saying is that just because Bieber is a talentles hack how only targets children that doesn't mean every musician in the world is the same.

You are the one making generalisations not me.
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holy. f**king. sh*t.

you merkins can't seriously still be going on with this. talk about taking the piss.


my old man makes sculptures from old and used farm yard machinery, I will be sure to let him know you think his 'trade' is useless. Here's some pics from things he has done






the joy he gives people when they see his 'art' in public, I know for certain, gives him far more satisfaction than the $$$ he receives when he gets commissioned to do work for permanent public display in parks in the Riverina. But getting good $$$ doing something he absolutely loves is something I would say most people would love to be able to achieve..................... shock horror his art even appeals to kids out there.

Each to their own I guess.

Lucky I didnt miss this brilliance amongst all the useless posts in this thread....your old mans work is terrific - well done!


Staff member
People who hand out fliers at the train station...most people I know walk past them without a second glance; and those that do have a flier foisted upon them generally biff them away.

And a close second...the people that print those fliers.


First Grade
holy. f**king. sh*t.

you merkins can't seriously still be going on with this. talk about taking the piss.

It only takes a couple of minutes to make a post. It's a forum it's for discussion. I realise that most of this forum pretty much consists of 1 line trolls but that doesn't mean that people can't make longer posts.

No one is asking you to read them and you can just scroll down.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
the liar said:
I never said i was offended.
yeah mate sure you aren't. hahahahahha

BTW I am a clinical Astronaut, it is a like a regular Astronaut, but better.


First Grade
yeah mate sure you aren't. hahahahahha

BTW I am a clinical Astronaut, it is a like a regular Astronaut, but better.

So is this the part where you pretend you were trolling all along?

I don't really mind because the replies were starting to get a bit long.

Edit: also lol at trying to imply i was making up my job. Five minutes on google would have told you what it was. It's not like i said i was a CEO or something.

The fact that you would put that in your post tells me i was right on about you being a sh*t kicker.
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Mr Angry

Not a Referee
No Billy I would like to respond but you have to admit it is a long post.

I do apologise for the shot at your job, as I have previously said, seems a real job and very useful. Have more respect for your job than CEO.

My job is well documented on this site.

I will reply to your very long post, I simply do not have the time in the next couple of days.

That said though, I am still completely at lost to why this have made you put in such an effort.

Answer this and will reply to that long post in the next couple of days, when I have some time.

So it is you contention, you are not a musician.
It is your contention, that you buy little music.
It is your contention, that you were just reading this thread and have little interest in music, just felt musicians were being harshly treated.

Is that correct?

And no I am not trolling, It is certainly my view musicians are worthless.

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