I think have no talent.......any farkwit can play an instrument.
Futhermore, I think they are so hopeless, they would never be, doctors, lawyers, nurses, police, fireman, garabage person, cleaner, waiter etc etc etc or anything useful...........as they have no talent what so ever.
They hide behind a basic skill you can teach a 10 year old and hope they get exploited and marketed correctly to the youth of the time.
Low life bludgers of the highest order.
Who? Name one person who cannot play a triangle. So Bieber "has it"?thats not exactly true, some cannot play an instrument, they just dont have it
I reckon they wish they got the easy talentless road too. Prince William agrees......many wish they are born as prince, I ain't one. Others go down the useless musician path...hoping the right fat cat and marketing will give them an easy bludger life. Bieber and Dolly Parton prime examples.and some doctors, lawyers, nurses and shithouse cleaners can never be musicians and yet I reckon alot wish they could be
Absolute crap. Therefore Bieber has it then? Twiz admits he has Bieber fever, as he "has it". Others do not. hahahahahaMusic is something you either can or cant do, you can teach it to improve it, but some just cant be taught
Poor darlings...unlike the people who actually contribute to society and don't look for a free ride. the roadies probably do work hard.Some bands are on the road for months at a time, its basically a 24/7 job when they are on the road and some of those guys work pretty damn hard.
Have to disagree with you there Twiz. Anyone can play music if they want to. You must have missed punk.thats not exactly true, some cannot play an instrument, they just dont have it
I think have no talent.......any farkwit can play an instrument.
Futhermore, I think they are so hopeless, they would never be, doctors, lawyers, nurses, police, fireman, garabage person, cleaner, waiter etc etc etc or anything useful...........as they have no talent what so ever.
They hide behind a basic skill you can teach a 10 year old and hope they get exploited and marketed correctly to the youth of the time.
Low life bludgers of the highest order.
Yes arguements...........wankers have.arguably one of the better guitarists who ever graced the stage
So I google beaves panthers
Every dad would be proud.................hahahaha
Prime example people who could not real jobs..............seriously, Bieber has a better hair cut.
Thanks beave.
Kinda...give you that....but I we are talking about society....and they are losers...unless they pley music......clearly not doctors or any respectable job.so you judge people by how they look?????
kinda shallow of you Ang???????