You just seem a little peeved that there are musicians out there who can (presumably) make a better living than yourself doing something you think is silly. Mr Envy would be a more fitting username.
simmo so disappointed, that is the same as saying I do not believe in a monarcial system because I am not a prince.
Your argument that music is exploitation of kids is ridiculous.
Really is it? Seems many young people seem too, can you answer, how many Cds do you own?
When people point it out to you that there is plenty of music out there not aimed at kids, you brush it off with "Oh, it all sounds the same to me anyway" rather than backing it up with anything substantial.
How is this , which has already beeen said, people in my experince, loved music when young, got sucked in, and people always like the music of thier era, are you going to tell me your parents like today's music?
You and your own parents enjoy the same stuff?
Yet to see the many argue me, argue that point, thekid, came closest, Dolly Parton still sells, yeah our FFB are stocking up.
The only people offended here still PAY for music.
And then there are others who do not know what they are arguing or what they asked.
Music is rort, young people the suckers, talent is irrelevent, marketing everything,
Dispute that.