back on topic, strayed a bit there...
Watching the womens volleyball last night. I really like watching the volleyball, but with the women - all too often found myself admiring their legs & backsides...
That's nothing new - but as a man approaching 50..... now I know what it's like to be an old perv. Nothing sleazy or rude... just admiring glances. Unlike my teens n early 20's where I just wanted to pull something and got nervous and thinking over and over what to say, if she came up to me or if i even dared go up to her. The Nerves and Anxiety was because their was something at stake - a possible chance, even if slight. Now there's no chance - and I'm not interested in chasing girls any more (I've got my lovely missus, the last girl I chased and caught). So now if I find myself in the presence of a gorgeous lady I don't get those nerves, can chat freely etc etc....
Where was my 40 year old brain when I was 20!!
Life's cruel that way...
At the same time - Im glad I'm not a young lad these days. All I had to compete with was other blokes, a girls' friends (ah yes the old c0ckblockers...), and myself - my own chat. Now - young blokes still have all that plus the added disadvantage of this biggest obstacle of all.
a mobile phone...
About 8 years ago, before I met my current missus, I used to get my hair cut in the CBD with a regular hairdresser - absolutely stunning she was - and after a while one night cutting my hair she whispered in my ear she "liked me" and we should go out for a drink. Single man then - giddyup.... she was much younger, quite smart though (not the stereotype ditzy hairdresser)... So we met up one night...
Had a few drinks at a local bar in the city but for the most part, she was getting messages on her phone and responding.. I couldn't believe it but to her it was completely natural and normal. Our chat was fine when the phone wasn't being used... but I couldn't have been more put off.. And now I see it all around me when I'm out - young couples, and sometimes old ones - sitting opposite each other at a cafe or restaurant - just looking at phones most of the time...
The art of conversation is dying...... perhaps with the millenial generation is could die out. Or if not them, their children...
F** I feel old.
And yes
@Mr Angry - I get what you meant earlier about the young girl at the shopping mall. We used to be the young roosters but now we are old c0cks...