Start shopping for a replacement now. He has become a compromised coach. The team has failed under him in a diseased kind of way. The players have no life or spirit what so ever. I don't think that I have ever seen a more listless bunch of guys play for Parra and that includes the ugly nineties considering the calibre of players we have.
Sure we have a couple of weak spots and we need Hayne firing at the back to really give the comp a shake, but to be as bad as they are without him is a complete reflection of the coach that is so damning and shows him up for what he hasn't brought to the table as a coach, teacher, motivator, tactician or anything else other then clichés, so much so that words fail me.
Whatever he has brought to the club has infected their heads in such a way that we now play like lifeless zombies. This cannot continue for too much longer without breaking the club wide open.
A stand needs to be taken by management real soon otherwise this negative mental lethargy that has afflicted us will spiral out of control to the point of a full blown case of chronic cancer that may place us in the wilderness again for another 5-10 years. Unfortunately at the moment there aren't any great coaches out there that have the experience, strength, personality and ability to make an instant positive difference that is need to the whole club...except for maybe one.
Ricky Stewart. Yes I know I hate him too, but he has the ability to bring in mateship, loyalty, belief in each other and above all, the all important missing ingredient at our club...enthusiasm. And yes I know this is a very drastic response to our predicament, but we need something to circuit break the rot so to speak and instil a new mindset within the playing group or else we are LONG TERM goneskys.
If not we may as well change our moniker to reflect the team that we have now become...the Parramatta Zombies.