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Where is your loyalty??


Funny reading the abuse people throw at Jamie Lyon for walking out on the club and the lack of loyalty to the eels fans. Yet on another thread a lot of fans are woo hooing the fact that Ashley Graham sought a release and got one and now lot of people are very happy. Why aren't you jumping up and down and complaining? Is it because Jamie Lyon is a superstar and Ashley Graham is at best a fringe 1st grade player? Why is it Jamie is Judas and you want players like Graham and Burt sacked or not playing. Where the hell is your loyalty to the players of Parramatta?? Rememer it is not a one way street guys.
P.S. I don't think the way Jamie Lyon handled himself was very good but he has not bagged our great club once since he left and if he did come back I would more than welcome him like I did when McKinnon, Grothe and other players returned to our great club.


i see your point, but jamie was one of our best players and bet around the bush

ash has acted swiftly


First Grade
eelz47 said:
i see your point, but jamie was one of our best players and bet around the bush

ash has acted swiftly

I'm pretty sure Jamie wanted to act swiftly... it's the club that didn't let him. it's impossible to compare the two because the club has handled the two situations differently. it would be interesting to know if the club has rejected any other players requesting a release, with those players subsequently just shutting up and staying with the club... this would be equivalent to the Jamie situation, with the player handling themselves differently, but that sort of reaction would mean that we'd never know.


Totally different

Graham came to the club with an attitude of "Can I get release?"
Not "Give me a release now" a la Lyon

The fact Lyon left isn't the problem

The problem was the way he did it

parra pete

eels1986 said:
Funny reading the abuse people throw at Jamie Lyon for walking out on the club and the lack of loyalty to the eels fans. Yet on another thread a lot of fans are woo hooing the fact that Ashley Graham sought a release and got one and now lot of people are very happy. Why aren't you jumping up and down and complaining? Is it because Jamie Lyon is a superstar and Ashley Graham is at best a fringe 1st grade player? Why is it Jamie is Judas and you want players like Graham and Burt sacked or not playing. Where the hell is your loyalty to the players of Parramatta?? Rememer it is not a one way street guys.
P.S. I don't think the way Jamie Lyon handled himself was very good but he has not bagged our great club once since he left and if he did come back I would more than welcome him like I did when McKinnon, Grothe and other players returned to our great club.

He just provided the ammunition for peanuts like Hadley to fire the bullets.
Forget the weak bastard who turned his backs on his mates and nearly sent the Club to the wall.

fish eel

No, Guru.

Big difference is: one player went through the correct channels and had a dialogue with the club. The other didnt even say a word to his teammates.


First Grade
fish eel said:
No, Guru.

Big difference is: one player went through the correct channels and had a dialogue with the club.

You don't think Jamie had a dialogue with the club? I don't like the way it panned out (with the worst part of it being the timing), but my assumption is that Jamie asked the club for a release, they refused, so he walked out. Ash's dialogue would have been different, asking the club for a release and it being accepted.

The other didnt even say a word to his teammates.

You think Ash spoke to teammates before asking for a release?

fish eel

Jamie didnt have a dialouge. He just walked. thats the point. Didnt even tell his mates he was going, just packed his bags and left.

Graham, on the other hand, seems to have gone about it the right way, rather than just walking, approaching the club in the first instance.


First Grade
fish eel said:
Jamie didnt have a dialouge. He just walked.

is that fact or an assumption?

are you sure he didn't ask for a release and get rejected before he walked?


i reject any notion that parramatta has been unloyal to ashley in this situation. our split with ash was amicable and agreed to by both parties whereas jamie forced his way out against the clubs wishes. he was also a senior player at the club and on a much higher wage. if you sign a contract you should be prepared to fulfil it, just as im sure ash wouldve been if we rejected his request for a release. the only similarity is they both have girls names.


I applaud the way Ashley Graham went about his release. But the fact of the matter is they granted him one because he wasn't a talent worth preserving in Blue and Gold. Jamie Lyon was and still is a brilliant footballer. We didn't want to lose him. He left anyway. The difference here is Talent. Nothing pissed me off about Lyon until it became clear that he wanted to join Manly. That photo with him posing with a Manly Jersey makes my blood boil. It's one thing to have the players accept him back but what about the loyal fans? If he comes back, the club and Jamie himself will have to go into a Public Relations frenzy to try and win our trust and support again.


Staff member
I think the timing of it all is the key

Graham cant crack a regular spot in our side after given a couple of chances this year. So sought to look elsewhere. Im sure he woudl have played out PL this year if Parra said no, as with other players who dont get granted a release, its just that a lot of these situations are private and dont make the media

Lyon left after rd 1 vs the bulldongs thumping, stating city life as the reason, but was more than happy to collect his huge pay cheque in the previous 5 months for training AND living in the city????


Post Whore
talk about comparing apples and oranges ....

I assume Ash's release is a mutual decision between him and Parra - we have plenty of young guys coming through and its doubtful he would have a future here .... he may not be a star at Nth Qld either, but he'll be closer to home there.

Lyon was a tosser in every aspect .... before, during and after him leaving was all utter bullsh*t from Lyon .... I don't care how good he is as a player, I'm hoping like hell he doesn't come back cos he's a dickhead - I don't want dickheads at our club.


Post Whore
parra_princess said:
I applaud the way Ashley Graham went about his release. But the fact of the matter is they granted him one because he wasn't a talent worth preserving in Blue and Gold. Jamie Lyon was and still is a brilliant footballer. We didn't want to lose him. He left anyway. The difference here is Talent. Nothing pissed me off about Lyon until it became clear that he wanted to join Manly. That photo with him posing with a Manly Jersey makes my blood boil. It's one thing to have the players accept him back but what about the loyal fans? If he comes back, the club and Jamie himself will have to go into a Public Relations frenzy to try and win our trust and support again.

Hang on, hang on...

You're telling me that if you were invited to watch a football match and treated as a VIP guest that you WOULDN'T go?

Just because Jamie was seen in the stands with the fans doesn't mean he didn't get special treatment pre-match and probably psot-match.


Post Whore
Eelementary said:
Hang on, hang on...

You're telling me that if you were invited to watch a football match and treated as a VIP guest that you WOULDN'T go?

Just because Jamie was seen in the stands with the fans doesn't mean he didn't get special treatment pre-match and probably psot-match.

i think its all about why would jamie lyon be treated as a special guest by manly eh


It's one thing to have the players accept him back but what about the loyal fans? If he comes back, the club and Jamie himself will have to go into a Public Relations frenzy to try and win our trust and support again.

This is exactly what I am talking about. How much loyalty and trust did a lot of saupporters give Ashley Graham over the last two years? But we expect back unconditionally from the players?
Let me go on record and say I didn't approve of Jamie doing what he did and it also made my blood boil. My blood also boils when some supporters continuely look for scapegoats. Graham, Burt, Morris, Cayless. FFS just support our team. Not for one minute am I suggesting we don't give constructive criticism when it is due but to say things like Graham cost the Eels both games at suncorp stadium is crap. Take a look at Friday nights game against the cowboys and you will notice how well John Morris did play but because he didn't play like Benji he needs to be replaced??

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