Sure, but then I have a real uneasiness with some is the twats the NRL will happily hire given what they’ve done, whereas Folau tweets and talks... they punch, kick, sexually assault etc etc
Guess I’m getting old, but I’d rather read a stupid tweet (even be offended by one) than have my home invaded, my head stomped etc
Without really getting into politics (as much as possible, anyway) we've seen long term results of stupid tweets not being rightfully shut down as they should have been in the states recently. Nobody defends the Lodge shit, but they'll defend Folau's bullshit couched in religion all day. That's a problem, that actually can influence people.
Personally I'd be throwing around the ban stick at anyone involved in serious offences (DV? you're gone. GBH? gone. etc etc - flip side being only once they are actually convicted, rather than playing at being judge and jury). But this is all just whataboutism anyway - the subject was Folau, not Lodge.