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Who here can actually vote for the football club elections

Maroubra Eel

I have been a member for 2006,2007,2008. Yet to send my renewal for 2009.

In the annual report I am listed as a non voting member. My mate Luke who joined the football club a few weeks after me is listed as a voting member.

Beats me how this works. I wrote them an email to find out whats doing? I haven't heard back yet.

Goey Man

I received my annual report yesterday and flicked through it. I'm a voting member who is looking for a proxy as I'm in Canberra.


First Grade
I have been a member for 2006,2007,2008. Yet to send my renewal for 2009.

In the annual report I am listed as a non voting member. My mate Luke who joined the football club a few weeks after me is listed as a voting member.

Beats me how this works. I wrote them an email to find out whats doing? I haven't heard back yet.

No one likes you...


Post Whore
I have been a member for 2006,2007,2008. Yet to send my renewal for 2009.

In the annual report I am listed as a non voting member. My mate Luke who joined the football club a few weeks after me is listed as a voting member.

Beats me how this works. I wrote them an email to find out whats doing? I haven't heard back yet.

It's all part of their master plan to cut as many eligible members as possible from voting. ;-)
Make sure your facts are right - (considering years of membership) and then hound them until you are back on the list.



It's all part of their master plan to cut as many eligible members as possible from voting. ;-)
Make sure your facts are right - (considering years of membership) and then hound them until you are back on the list.



That goes for anyone, if you think you should be a voting member this year but are not listed as such PLEASE CONTACT THEM!!!!!!!

They have made mistakes on several occaisions in previous years, so talk to them!!


Agree with Hellsy, get into the lazy inept sods until they get simple things like this right.

All the revelations over the weekend about how people like Ray Hadley and his wife are voting members but claim they have never paid a cent in their life makes me really frustrated at the ineptitude of those in teh club responsible for how the membership list and info in general doesn't seem to have been properly upkept.

And this after they'd already lost half the details on the list a few years back or something, and got found out then? Amateur hour at our club behind the scenes, I tells ya. I hope that the NEW DIRECTORS that will be elected in three weeks time can get the place ship-shape and pronto. :D


I know of people that were made voting members straight away in error as well, so I guess sometimes it can work to members advantage :lol: :lol:

But yeah if you think you should be a voting member CALL THEM!!!!! And dont give up till you get an answer.
I have been a member for 2006,2007,2008. Yet to send my renewal for 2009.

In the annual report I am listed as a non voting member. My mate Luke who joined the football club a few weeks after me is listed as a voting member.

Beats me how this works. I wrote them an email to find out whats doing? I haven't heard back yet.

Hi Maroubra,

As you know I am not an official of the club, nor do I represent the club in any why shape or form. But some scenarios that might have caused this issue.

While you have the 3 Badges, do they all carry the same membership number? If your membership number has changed this could mean that your membership lapsed at one time or another during the 3 year process. Did you ever forget to pay at the end of the year and maybe receive a reminder notice to pay? Do you have the three receipts with the badges? are any of them dated Post the 31st of October (The end of the clubs Financial year) for that year? If any of these are true then you will have your answer.

If you don't get a response to your email, I would try calling the club, to speak with someone directly. I would say speak with Kevin Wise but I am not sure that the people on the front desk couldn't answer your question first. So try those on the front desk then if you get no sufficient answer ask to speak with someone higher.

Agree with Hellsy, get into the lazy inept sods until they get simple things like this right.

Bit if an assumption there is it not? Not all the data is available yet so I would think that we could reserve judgment.

All the revelations over the weekend about how people like Ray Hadley and his wife are voting members but claim they have never paid a cent in their life makes me really frustrated at the ineptitude of those in the club responsible for how the membership list and info in general doesn't seem to have been properly upkept.

I did read that article and laughed greatly. Ray is a voting member of the club, and has been spotted at Football club AGM's in the past, he normally leaves before the end of the AGM around about General Business, and arrives just before the start so as not to have members of the general public engage him but he has been spotted at the AGM's

And this after they'd already lost half the details on the list a few years back or something, and got found out then? Amateur hour at our club behind the scenes, I tells ya. I hope that the NEW DIRECTORS that will be elected in three weeks time can get the place ship-shape and pronto. :D

Well lost is a strong word, meaning the club was completely without the contact details of the members, I would say the better word would be an error in reporting. The data was still stored in the membership database, but the query that was built to list current club members failed to list all members correctly. The Club asked the developer of the software as to what the problem was and they reported they had not seen that problem before, the software developer flew down from Brisbane to work on the clubs installation of the software and rectify the Database problem. All members that were not listed in the Annual report and not sent notifications were again notified of the issue and were given a grace period to get their membership dues in along with being sent annual reports.

This is quite disappointing though, No one has seemed to think that their might be a reason except for ineptitude at the club. I guess we are all trusting of those that post in the forums then we are of Journos and their stories, but I personally would have asked some more questions like I have above before going out all guns ablaze.