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Who here can actually vote for the football club elections


But that is the point I have been trying to drive home Bart. Ray knows he is finacial as he has attended the meetings before.
I understand that MITS and have no doubt he has attended and therefore knows he can vote etc. But I think the issue that I have is that it seems he doesn't know how he and his wife are/stay financial - the same goes with the Rothfield example above.

No problem if someone paid up their memberships with their knowledge and consent as some sort of personal gift or favour... but (if I can find the article that mentioned Hadley and his wife again) we have two examples of (influential) people who seem to bear no knowledge or consent about how their dues were paid, which I personally feel is a very sloppy way for a club to run it's business? It's ok if you beg to differ on that point, as I said, we might have to agree to disagree on this.

See again with the Leabeater story I wonder how Mr Leabeater thinks he is a member, apart from thinking he was awarded something that was supposedly quite expensive from the club. I would not be surprised if Mr Leabeater was a Perpetual member of the Leagues club, like I am and have been since 1995. It would not surprise me in the slightest. Unless he can produce a Perpetual members badge, I don't beleive his claim.
I've said that I agree with the Leabeater ruling, even if he (and some of the sponsors it seems) was referencing their recollection of verbal advice they had previously received. Or Terry could just have gotten himself mixed up in a big way too.

Again, my issue is more what are the club doing to reduce the confusions in the future around the categories of and pathways to getting the various memberships - given there are numerous examples of confusions for people mixed with some examples of eligibility to vote (ahead of the three years for some, inspite of the three years for others) that fly against the grain of the information the club gives out. Maroubra's situation seems to be falling into one of those avoidable situations, were the club a bit more professional in this area.

There's also the issue of why all this information on memberships etc isn't freely available on some sort of web presence for the Football Club, with info about the structures around the different Boards and how the NRL enterprise is governed. People shouldn't have to be lucky enough to stumble upon threads in LU to be able to gain their understanding of how these things work.

It would actually cost the club nothing other than an extra HTML page on their existing web presence, and its not rocket science to do. Our friend the truckie and his rally come to mind - if he (or his media encourager Graeme Hughes) could simply have read the relevant official info at one click, then they too would realise how irrelevant a rally on that subject was, and how important memberships and involvement are instead.
I understand that MITS and have no doubt he has attended and therefore knows he can vote etc. But I think the issue that I have is that it seems he doesn't know how he and his wife are/stay financial - the same goes with the Rothfield example above.

I am quite sure he know how he stays financial and I am quite sure it is legitimate. The article talks about Suzanne being financial and not knowing about it, which could simply be a thing within their marriage that needs to be discussed.

No problem if someone paid up their memberships with their knowledge and consent as some sort of personal gift or favour... but (if I can find the article that mentioned Hadley and his wife again) we have two examples of (influential) people who seem to bear no knowledge or consent about how their dues were paid, which I personally feel is a very sloppy way for a club to run it's business? It's ok if you beg to differ on that point, as I said, we might have to agree to disagree on this.

See above, Hadley has mentioned in years gone by that he is a Financial member of the Parramatta club, he has also mentioned why. I personally think the article you are referring to, which is in Bec and Buzz is a bit of muck racking.

I've said that I agree with the Leabeater ruling, even if he (and some of the sponsors it seems) was referencing their recollection of verbal advice they had previously received. Or Terry could just have gotten himself mixed up in a big way too.

Again, my issue is more what are the club doing to reduce the confusions in the future around the categories of and pathways to getting the various memberships - given there are numerous examples of confusions for people mixed with some examples of eligibility to vote (ahead of the three years for some, inspite of the three years for others) that fly against the grain of the information the club gives out. Maroubra's situation seems to be falling into one of those avoidable situations, were the club a bit more professional in this area.

I believe that was Holic or Eelz47 and what happened in that case was after become a member they walked into the AGM late, simply wrote their name on the register picked up the voting slips. That year voting for the board that had no opposition. Voting meant putting your coloured ballot in the air, the same as voting for Life members. Either way it was luckily inconsequential, but I see that as a failure of the returning office who allows people to vote. They were ineligible to vote, and until this year should not have voted, they were listed as non-voting members. I believe that their voting forms were not signed on the back as a voting members are, and if they weren't then in a formal election they would not be counted.

There's also the issue of why all this information on memberships etc isn't freely available on some sort of web presence for the Football Club, with info about the structures around the different Boards and how the NRL enterprise is governed. People shouldn't have to be lucky enough to stumble upon threads in LU to be able to gain their understanding of how these things work.

It would actually cost the club nothing other than an extra HTML page on their existing web presence, and its not rocket science to do. Our friend the truckie and his rally come to mind - if he (or his media encourager Graeme Hughes) could simply have read the relevant official info at one click, then they too would realise how irrelevant a rally on that subject was, and how important memberships and involvement are instead.

No the actual cost of putting the information up would be quite negligible. Putting up the membership form as a PDF document would also do that. But, I do wonder what sort of effect it would have on Blue and Gold army sales. See you would have 2 sorts of "Membership", the first appears to be quite like that of the Red V or other sorts of Memberships which hold only voting rights to player of the year (as referenced in the other thread).

We are talking here about needing the income from the fans, that these Fan Clubs and Season ticket holders are quite valuable, but then you also want to put a membership form up for the football club, a group which controls The Junior League and Junior Representative Football in the Parramatta District.

Now I am not tight, but what do you think a person solely interested in the NRL side would do if they saw that on our Website. Pay the $45 for the Blue and Gold Army, or the $25 for the football club? I would guess the football club as it is cheaper. Then I can imagine the disappointment and the angst against the club when said member finds out they have joined something that has no relivance to the NRL side that they are a fan off.

The accusation that people want to vote but can't vote in this election simply seems to re-enforce the apathetic attitude that the Parramatta Eels fans have.

I will give you an example, we had the membership form to the football club on the website for 4 years as far as I can remember from 1997 - 2000 when the leagues club took over the NRL Side. In those days, it was pushed as our membership.

Yet the year the Eelite Young Adults club was introduced I believe in 1998 or 1999, it received more members in a year than the football club had in over 60. More than 1500 people. These same people had the operturnity for years before to be Football club members, but failed to do so. Why?

I don't think a simple HTML website will clear up the apathy of Parramatta fans, which I think is the bigger hurdle to joining. Parramatta fan want to watch their side play, they expect them to win, and say they will oust Denis Fitzgerald (and in the past Brian Smith) when they don't.

We have 4500 season ticket holders. A Good percentage have been Season Ticket Holders for over 10 years. Some were season ticket Holders back at Cumberland Oval, when a Season Ticket ment you got let into the ground 10 minute early to sit on the Splintered wooden seats. Yet these people are not Members off the football club, Why?

Do you think people become Blue and Gold army members because they want a vote? This club is almost now as large as our Football club. Do you think these people expect to be able to vote on Denis Fitzgeralds future.
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I am quite sure he know how he stays financial and I am quite sure it is legitimate. The article talks about Suzanne being financial and not knowing about it, which could simply be a thing within their marriage that needs to be discussed.
I guess I'll have to take you on your word at that then. I still think the club could be a little more organised, communicative and transparent in these membership matters - that's my main belief.

See above, Hadley has mentioned in years gone by that he is a Financial member of the Parramatta club, he has also mentioned why. I personally think the article you are referring to, which is in Bec and Buzz is a bit of muck racking.
Could well be. But do you thionk the club can/should be a little more organised, communicative and transparent in membership matters MITS, or are you happy with how things are and the individual cases of confusion which seem to regularly arise?

I believe that was Holic or Eelz47 and what happened in that case was after become a member they walked into the AGM late, simply wrote their name on the register picked up the voting slips. That year voting for the board that had no opposition. Voting meant putting your coloured ballot in the air, the same as voting for Life members. Either way it was luckily inconsequential, but I see that as a failure of the returning office who allows people to vote. They were ineligible to vote, and until this year should not have voted, they were listed as non-voting members. I believe that their voting forms were not signed on the back as a voting members are, and if they weren't then in a formal election they would not be counted.
Agreed, but I ultimately see that as a responsibility of the club who is engaging the returning officers that oversee their vote. Again, I see it as an example of how the clubs could be a little more professional in how it organises its own governance, which is/was my main/only point in this thread. I would like to see things improve for the club's own sake,

No the actual cost of putting the information up would be quite negligible. Putting up the membership form as a PDF document would also do that. But, I do wonder what sort of effect it would have on Blue and Gold army sales. See you would have 2 sorts of "Membership", the first appears to be quite like that of the Red V or other sorts of Memberships which hold only voting rights to player of the year (as referenced in the other thread).
You probably know my thoughts on membership, STHs, B&G A and the overlaps and omissions between the categories. In fact our views on that might be the same? We already have more than two types of "membership" as things are, hence some of the confusions and barriers to participation at our club.

As it is, accountability of the NRL operations couldn't be more distant from fans members in a public club. There might have been a reason for that 10 years ago, but in my opinion there is not now.

We are talking here about needing the income from the fans, that these Fan Clubs and Season ticket holders are quite valuable, but then you also want to put a membership form up for the football club, a group which controls The Junior League and Junior Representative Football in the Parramatta District.

Now I am not tight, but what do you think a person solely interested in the NRL side would do if they saw that on our Website. Pay the $45 for the Blue and Gold Army, or the $25 for the football club? I would guess the football club as it is cheaper. Then I can imagine the disappointment and the angst against the club when said member finds out they have joined something that has no relivance to the NRL side that they are a fan off.
Even more reason to revisit - and simplify our club's membership and board structures imo.

The accusation that people want to vote but can't vote in this election simply seems to re-enforce the apathetic attitude that the Parramatta Eels fans have.
Maybe. It also could be an indicator that the club(s) can do much more to promote participation by their members in their governance? That follows my main beliefe theme that they need to get more professional about it.

[valid historical examples and figures]
Yes, no-one is arguing that the fan base of a club will be by nature apathetic. I'm simply talking in reference to the case that has befallen Maroubra Eel, who is hardly apathetic and has infact gone about wanting to vote obver three years in exactly the right way.

The thing is it has taken Hellsy's online push over the course of three years to turn some of that apathy around. What has the club done in that time to tackle the apathy and build a culture of improved participation? Sweet FA imo.

Even as a long-term season ticket I certainly wouldn't have known about the football club or cared about paying and participating in the decision-making of the organisation without the luck of coming across Hellsy's thread here. Many Leagues Club members are part of the general Parra fan-base don't know how they can influence the directions of the NRL operations through the director elections. My point is simply that the club(s) should be doing much more to educate and involve the general fan base, and reap the benefits of greater participation instead of do very little and bemoan the fact that people haven't been/weren't taking up what I'd call proper membership, or haven't been (welcomed to?) join in for the greater good.

I don't think a simple HTML website will clear up the apathy of Parramatta fans, which I think is the bigger hurdle to joining. Parramatta fan want to watch their side play, they expect them to win, and say they will oust Denis Fitzgerald (and in the past Brian Smith) when they don't.
Is that reason not to do it though? Hellsy and her nominating and seconding helpers (of which I know you are one) achieved 200+ memberships, through a mere internet thread and some personal energy. Where is this same energy matched by the employed professionals of our club(s)?

Do you think people become Blue and Gold army members because they want a vote? This club is almost now as large as our Football club. Do you think these people expect to be able to vote on Denis Fitzgeralds future.
I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to promote the opportunity and even throw in membership as part of the deal... you never know, many B&GA members (or STHs should the club deem to include them more in the governance side) might actually like to. I wonder if our ill-informed truckie just had the wrong type of membership, because the virtues of the others that come with some opportunity to influence aren't/weren't pushed enough by our club?

I guess the simple way to work out if we agree to disagree MITS is whether you think the club can improve it's professionalism around governance and fan/member participartion or whether you think it's OK how it has been in the past lets say five years (post-Trish)?

If you think that side of the club's operations can/should be improved, then I'm not sure why you're taking umbrage in specifics when someone says so. If you don't think it can/should be improved, then fair enough that's your view but it's one we don't share. (Which is fine, I'll still happily have a bourbon with you after the meeting.)
I guess I'll have to take you on your word at that then. I still think the club could be a little more organised, communicative and transparent in these membership matters - that's my main belief.

Could well be. But do you thionk the club can/should be a little more organised, communicative and transparent in membership matters MITS, or are you happy with how things are and the individual cases of confusion which seem to regularly arise?

I think we are talking about the exceptions and not the rules here. The issues you have bought up in relation to ME's membership and the stories in the paper are in my opinion not the norm, if indeed true.

Agreed, but I ultimately see that as a responsibility of the club who is engaging the returning officers that oversee their vote. Again, I see it as an example of how the clubs could be a little more professional in how it organises its own governance, which is/was my main/only point in this thread. I would like to see things improve for the club's own sake,

Again I think you would need to know more about this particular story to actually act on it. An unless we are physically banning people from picking up forms, (again the signatures of validity, were not provided for these forms so in a contested election they would have been useless) then I can't see how the club could be much more.

You probably know my thoughts on membership, STHs, B&G A and the overlaps and omissions between the categories. In fact our views on that might be the same? We already have more than two types of "membership" as things are, hence some of the confusions and barriers to participation at our club.

As it is, accountability of the NRL operations couldn't be more distant from fans members in a public club. There might have been a reason for that 10 years ago, but in my opinion there is not now.

Even more reason to revisit - and simplify our club's membership and board structures imo.

Firstly the same people are accountable. You want to talk about NRL matters you raise it at the Football club board. I welcome you to do so on the day, but in the context of control then yes the football club means little (the voting for directors) unless they hold the position on the leagues club board. As you know I worked on the report. One of the Main questions raised before the report was the situation in regards to Post Match Functions. I stood at the AGM and asked those questions particularly for fans that do not have the same access to the players that we do living in district or close to it. That was also addressed on the day and I blame my poorly worded question for the response we got. For more information check out my post on in the Join the Football Club Thread.

Secondly. I think now is exactly the time to keep the clubs structure. Why? Simple math’s. The leagues club made $2M profit this year, next year who knows. The combined football operations received a grant that put the leagues club in the hole, right? But if the Football Club had the NRL license the Leagues club doesn't have to put itself in debt to cover the NRL and NYC losses. It can simply give the entire football operations $2million and say it did all it could. With the NRL and NYC side being a sub company under the Leagues club, the terms of the transfer of the license to the Leagues club is to guarantee the monies required for the operation of the NRL license. As such the bills have to be paid.

So I ask you, do you want a clearer easier way for John Q Public to have a vote to oust a person that hasn’t run on a ticket for over 20 years, to take place or do you want a side to represent Parramatta in the NRL. Because from where I am sitting that is the choice and consequence.

Now some may say that is poor management, it would appear 3P agree that the NRL operations need to make money, indeed Denis said that himself at the Season Ticket Holders Meeting. But at least while the club endeavors to turn the tables on the effects of new laws and economic downturn that we can still use previously acquired funds from the Leagues club to continue to operate.

Maybe. It also could be an indicator that the club(s) can do much more to promote participation by their members in their governance? That follows my main beliefe theme that they need to get more professional about it.

Yes, no-one is arguing that the fan base of a club will be by nature apathetic. I'm simply talking in reference to the case that has befallen Maroubra Eel, who is hardly apathetic and has infact gone about wanting to vote obver three years in exactly the right way.

The thing is it has taken Hellsy's online push over the course of three years to turn some of that apathy around. What has the club done in that time to tackle the apathy and build a culture of improved participation? Sweet FA imo.

Even as a long-term season ticket I certainly wouldn't have known about the football club or cared about paying and participating in the decision-making of the organisation without the luck of coming across Hellsy's thread here. Many Leagues Club members are part of the general Parra fan-base don't know how they can influence the directions of the NRL operations through the director elections. My point is simply that the club(s) should be doing much more to educate and involve the general fan base, and reap the benefits of greater participation instead of do very little and bemoan the fact that people haven't been/weren't taking up what I'd call proper membership, or haven't been (welcomed to?) join in for the greater good.

Is that reason not to do it though? Hellsy and her nominating and seconding helpers (of which I know you are one) achieved 200+ memberships, through a mere internet thread and some personal energy. Where is this same energy matched by the employed professionals of our club(s)?

I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to promote the opportunity and even throw in membership as part of the deal... you never know, many B&GA members (or STHs should the club deem to include them more in the governance side) might actually like to. I wonder if our ill-informed truckie just had the wrong type of membership, because the virtues of the others that come with some opportunity to influence aren't/weren't pushed enough by our club?

I guess the simple way to work out if we agree to disagree MITS is whether you think the club can improve it's professionalism around governance and fan/member participartion or whether you think it's OK how it has been in the past lets say five years (post-Trish)?

If you think that side of the club's operations can/should be improved, then I'm not sure why you're taking umbrage in specifics when someone says so. If you don't think it can/should be improved, then fair enough that's your view but it's one we don't share. (Which is fine, I'll still happily have a bourbon with you after the meeting.)

On the Fan / Member Participation, yeah I agree we can always do better, and I have thought so since about 2004. Since Donk's left. I hope things in that manner can get better, at least for Season Ticket Holders and other fan clubs to increase our membership, I personally don't think throwing Football Club membership in with the deal is a viable solution. I don't think in the big picture of things that everyone wants to vote for the Board of Directors. If they do, then yes as I have already suggested before to the club, and has been suggested by others, Put a PDF form of the Football club membership under the Junior Reps area on the NRL website.

As to the Governance thing, I think you are taking 2 or 3 comments from a message board, and two pieces from the paper and drawing a conclusion that in my opinion is just not true. We are yet to see the outcome on ME's case. I await it with baited breath to find out the reason, but I am quite sure there will be one either way. I think membership of the football club is governed quite well.


I think we are talking about the exceptions and not the rules here. The issues you have bought up in relation to ME's membership and the stories in the paper are in my opinion not the norm, if indeed true.
My basic point and interest is in the club reducing the number of examples of confusions about memberships and eligibility. I'm not saying these situations are the norm, but there have been too many imo.

Again I think you would need to know more about this particular story to actually act on it. An unless we are physically banning people from picking up forms, (again the signatures of validity, were not provided for these forms so in a contested election they would have been useless) then I can't see how the club could be much more.
In seeking to put this situation as a failure of the returning officers and not the club, it's actually the club that can/does/could know more about the situation and has the power of direction over how it makes sure its elections are run. I bet we see a very stringent procedure for checking eligibility for obtaining ballots this year - but unfortunately I suspect that won't be driven primarily by a desire to be more professional about operations.

Firstly the same people are accountable. You want to talk about NRL matters you raise it at the Football club board. I welcome you to do so on the day, but in the context of control then yes the football club means little (the voting for directors) unless they hold the position on the leagues club board. As you know I worked on the report. One of the Main questions raised before the report was the situation in regards to Post Match Functions. I stood at the AGM and asked those questions particularly for fans that do not have the same access to the players that we do living in district or close to it. That was also addressed on the day and I blame my poorly worded question for the response we got. For more information check out my post on in the Join the Football Club Thread.
COntrol aside, I think questions of directors at the AGMs are one of the few ways in which we as fans/members can get issues into the sphere of consideration. Because there is no AGM for the NRL partnership, and because the same Directors involved until now have been sitting on both Boards, then I agree it is perfectly valid to raise NRL matters at the Footy Club AGM. The Footy Club Annual Report carries an NRL report from the Coach, so it must be valid to raise related issues there, as well as the Leagues Club AGM given our structure.

Secondly. I think now is exactly the time to keep the clubs structure. Why? Simple math’s. The leagues club made $2M profit this year, next year who knows. The combined football operations received a grant that put the leagues club in the hole, right? But if the Football Club had the NRL license the Leagues club doesn't have to put itself in debt to cover the NRL and NYC losses. It can simply give the entire football operations $2million and say it did all it could. With the NRL and NYC side being a sub company under the Leagues club, the terms of the transfer of the license to the Leagues club is to guarantee the monies required for the operation of the NRL license. As such the bills have to be paid.
Good points. If we/the Directors/the majority are wedded to the current structure for those reasons, then I still think the Board(s) need to make more effort to involve other people - a wider range of members - in the workings of the NRL Partnership. There are many ways that the Directors involved could be doing this if they are willing, to increase the member participation into and through both Boards and the Partnership board thing itself. So far I don't really see that desire among Board or Management, Hellsy's memberships thread here stands as an example of the absence of effort in that direction on the part of our club. I think that should change.

So I ask you, do you want a clearer easier way for John Q Public to have a vote to oust a person that hasn’t run on a ticket for over 20 years, to take place or do you want a side to represent Parramatta in the NRL. Because from where I am sitting that is the choice and consequence.
I don't think we have to be paranoid about letting supporters of the Parramatta seniors, juniors and now Wenty teams that represent us from becoming voting members who can have a say and participate in the direction and governance of the club.

I have said several times that I don't believe ousting Fitzgerlad achieves instant anything, don't believe in rallies to achieve that isolated goal, and am glad that the challenging ticket seem to have minimised the focus on that in their publicity thus far. I don't think allowing or even encouraging people to become informed and participate as members means that there will be no Parramatta Eels MITS?

The consequence as I see it is simply that the Directors elected by the membership (and their professional staff in the communications/fan relations/or whatever it's now known as) have to work a fair bit harder and communicate much better with the membership in the two years between elections. There would be nothing stopping that happening for any club that runs in the same manner (democratically), other than the lethargy on the part of the incumbents and the lack of skill of certain management/staff key to those endeavours.

On the Fan / Member Participation, yeah I agree we can always do better, and I have thought so since about 2004. Since Donk's left. I hope things in that manner can get better, at least for Season Ticket Holders and other fan clubs to increase our membership, I personally don't think throwing Football Club membership in with the deal is a viable solution. I don't think in the big picture of things that everyone wants to vote for the Board of Directors. If they do, then yes as I have already suggested before to the club, and has been suggested by others, Put a PDF form of the Football club membership under the Junior Reps area on the NRL website.
Well maybe not throw it in with the STH/B&GA deal - but at least maybe promote the choice, and educate the fans about the governance of the club. The Club has done nothing to promote Footy Club membership, or Leagues Club membership in the sense of pushing participation in the fortunes of the team. The PDF form idea has been suggested - what we should be wanting to know is why aren't managers/staff just making simple things like that happen? Who/what is the problem back there? Mixed with the other exceptions/examples it does start to feel a bit suspicious if you ask me, and I don't want my club giving me the creeps and the feeling that people's participation isn't welcome.

As to the Governance thing, I think you are taking 2 or 3 comments from a message board, and two pieces from the paper and drawing a conclusion that in my opinion is just not true. We are yet to see the outcome on ME's case. I await it with baited breath to find out the reason, but I am quite sure there will be one either way. I think membership of the football club is governed quite well.
You're of course entitled to your opinion, but based on the 2 or 3 comments and 2 or 3 bits in a paper I simply formed and expressed different one on the governance standards that we have been used to accepting and explaining away.


I'm always happy for people to challenge any of my views... they are simply personal opinions that don't claim to be fact. But I'm afraid I will provide answers when someone does want to discuss my opinions.

I've been happy to simply agree to disagree on this for quite some time now. I think there is room for more than one opinion on any matter. Bottom line - I think our club's governance could be improved, MITS doesn't.

fish eel

I'm always happy for people to challenge any of my views... they are simply personal opinions that don't claim to be fact. But I'm afraid I will provide answers when someone does want to discuss my opinions.

I've been happy to simply agree to disagree on this for quite some time now. I think there is room for more than one opinion on any matter. Bottom line - I think our club's governance could be improved, MITS doesn't.

TBH, I think you can still use another 1154 words to say that again. ;-)
I'm always happy for people to challenge any of my views... they are simply personal opinions that don't claim to be fact. But I'm afraid I will provide answers when someone does want to discuss my opinions.

I've been happy to simply agree to disagree on this for quite some time now. I think there is room for more than one opinion on any matter. Bottom line - I think our club's governance could be improved, MITS doesn't.

Yep I agree, I hope we can get it done.


Yep I agree, I hope we can get it done.
Yep. I've said elsewhere, I think things will be on the improve from now on, regardless of these election results or who is CEO.

I think the fans/members have a lot to contribute to the club, and sometimes it falls to us to let them know where improvements are needed - if only through typing stuff on here for the club people to read...


Post Whore
Does the football club do proxy votes?

That question has been asked, and to date, we don't have an answer. Hang around and keep an eye on this thread and no doubt, someone will be able to answer it soon. That of course, is, if the club knows.

Oh, and welcome.
