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Who should be the new team ?


Staff member
Sir Clifford GC said:
deadset Illawarrasaint
if you dont take ure hand off ure dick
you are gonna go blind
comments like yours prove u have No ****ing idea about the gold coast

LMFAO - post us another pic of yourself. I could do with another morning laugh...


I agree with MattM, whilst Perth and Wellington should get a team in the future, they are not ready as yet. Gold Coast in first.

Misty Bee

First Grade
My take-

Gold Coast:

They have twice the population of the Central Coast. Queensland desperately needs another team to develop players. As Diehard stated before, 40% of League players in Australia are Queenslanders. Yet only 18% of NRL players are Queenslanders.

Yet, these same traits were evident for the Seagulls, Chargers and Giants. None of these traits ensured enough support, or generated enough money, to enable the club to survive. Twice they folded due to lack of crowd support (or financial support). Once they folded simply because the Broncos asked for it. No one in Queensland cared less - in comparison when Souths were punted there was enough commmunity anger to provide the catalyst for their re-admission. The population of Souths area is dwarfed by the Gold Coasts.

The Gold Coast has long been a retirement area for Victorians. Hence the Brisbane Bears playing at Cararra. Hence lousy support for the other 3 Gold Coast clubs.

Central Coast

Fastest growing urban area in NSW, with great transport links to the North Shore -thus doubling it's potential market. With the North Shore (expluding Manly and Warringah) the CC's nursery swells very close to 1 million people.

They have a stadium. A pearler, close to transport, and crucially, close to the club (ensureing money through the pokies/bar/bistro after the game)

They have 2 Leagues clubs - thus guaranteeing financial backing. This was the reason that the Goal Coast died, when Seagulls went under.

The locals were very much behind the Bears relocation. Like all normal people west of the Rosevill Bridge, they didn't like Manly. Copping Manly as a home team is like a forced marriage to Amanda Vanstone.


Stadium - yes.

Juniors - apparently, yes.

Support? They have had good crowds there for League matches. This is Union heartland, however, and it is safe to assume that attendence patterns will be similar to the Warriors.

If the Gold Coast bid relies on the argument that juniors need better representation, then the same applies to New Zealand. The Kiwis, and threfore Rugby LEague intrnationally, will only benefit if they get more exposure to NRL. There is also more potantial to grow their junior base, because they can claim a greater market share of Union.

Financial backing?????

For mine, all 3 have strong claims. There is a definite advantage to bringing in 1 team at a time. The last tmie we brought more than 2, Queenslanders went berko and brought about Super League. We can't have this happen again.

That's why the Central Coast shuold be included. A decision now would allow them to have a team for 2006. IN that time, we can reasses Wellington's finances.

Gold Coast can do what the CC did - build a stadium, get a long term source of funding - and reapply.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Sir Clifford GC said:
deadset Illawarrasaint
if you dont take ure hand off ure dick
you are gonna go blind
comments like yours prove u have No ****ing idea about the gold coast

LOL - when they start the personal slander, you know they have lost the argument!

So, GC fans, why will your FOURTH attempt suceed when the other 3 didn't?

It reminds me of Monty Python's Holy Graille, where Prince Herbert was force to be married.

"The first castle we built sank. The second castle we built sank. The third one burned down, fell over and sank. But the fourth one stayed up. That'swhy you need to marry her - we live in a bloody swamp!"

doctor death

Misty Bee said:
LOL - when they start the personal slander, you know they have lost the argument!

So, GC fans, why will your FOURTH attempt suceed when the other 3 didn't?

It reminds me of Monty Python's Holy Graille, where Prince Herbert was force to be married.

"The first castle we built sank. The second castle we built sank. The third one burned down, fell over and sank. But the fourth one stayed up. That'swhy you need to marry her - we live in a bloody swamp!"


You're a wise man.

There is a link floating around showing Singo's detailed bid last year. He spent a huge amount of money having the whole issue researched in detail and the conclusions are clear. the CC Bears is a far superior bid on every point.

In comparison, the GC has put out a lot of spin and most of the lazy, incompetent journalists in rugby league have swallowed it in the last 2 years. Why? Because they couldn't be botherred checking facts. Worse, the media has actively ignored the Central Coast Bears bid. It's just easier to say "too many NSW teams" or "Queensland need another team" even tho GC has failed a hundred times. Simply look at the Footy Show. Micheal Searle is on every week. No airtime given to Singo or the Bears at all.

As for the growth of GC argument, Singo's research establsihes one thing. the majority of the GC growth is from Asia and the AFL states. On a "rugby league" follower immigration basis, growth rates are similar.

Thus, the one big GC spin about growth islaid to rest.

This is why the NRL is avoiding a public comparison of the bids - because publicity will expose how far behind the GC bid really is. It's true.

Sir Clifford GC

doctor death said:

You're a wise man.

There is a link floating around showing Singo's detailed bid last year. He spent a huge amount of money having the whole issue researched in detail and the conclusions are clear. the CC Bears is a far superior bid on every point.

In comparison, the GC has put out a lot of spin and most of the lazy, incompetent journalists in rugby league have swallowed it in the last 2 years. Why? Because they couldn't be botherred checking facts. Worse, the media has actively ignored the Central Coast Bears bid. It's just easier to say "too many NSW teams" or "Queensland need another team" even tho GC has failed a hundred times. Simply look at the Footy Show. Micheal Searle is on every week. No airtime given to Singo or the Bears at all.

As for the growth of GC argument, Singo's research establsihes one thing. the majority of the GC growth is from Asia and the AFL states. On a "rugby league" follower immigration basis, growth rates are similar.

Thus, the one big GC spin about growth islaid to rest.

This is why the NRL is avoiding a public comparison of the bids - because publicity will expose how far behind the GC bid really is. It's true.
good morning mike
say hello to Singo and flo for me


I would like to see details from all concerns before making an informed judgement. My worries for the GC bid is that I have not seen anything concrete from them. A great number of very good promises but promises do not mean crap in the end. The CC bid looks good but I do worry about crowd support


Gold Coast, central Coast, Wellington blah blah blah.Broncs are loving this.

We need a second Brisbane side .

Sir Clifford GC

doctor death said:
As for the growth of GC argument, Singo's research establsihes one thing. the majority of the GC growth is from Asia and the AFL states.

Singos research therefor establishes NOTHING

Interesting FACT? Mr Gibbons


Thats a bit unclear so i will
put the percentages there
NSW 22%
Victoria 7%
Other parts of Qld 25.6%
Other States 8%
Overseas 18.4%
Not Stated 10.4%

There for Mr Gibbons
out of the 89.6% who stated where they came from
47.6% came from Qld and New South Wales which is more than half of the people who answered.

Now knowing you mike, i know you are going to argue
the source so heres that
Then you are going to argue the age of the stats and the source of the stats, well they came from the last census and that percentage wouldnt change much in 4.5 years.

blows that arguement clear out of the water

I wonder what bear lies he will come up with now

doctor death

smeghead said:
I would like to see details from all concerns before making an informed judgement. My worries for the GC bid is that I have not seen anything concrete from them. A great number of very good promises but promises do not mean crap in the end. The CC bid looks good but I do worry about crowd support

I will search for the link re Singo's bid and post it.

Crowd support and CC? The CC has proven again and again that the support for the team will be overwhelming. This is on the Singo bid link as well. This is a region that has been stuffed around for 6 years - but still 18,000 turned up lst year for a non-event City v Country game. The initial crowds in 2000 for the Manly filth at Gosford were strong before Manly was rightfully kicked out snivelling back to Brookvale.

It's time for the Gold Coast Gunners to show some concrete in their proposal. Even their stadium funding is conditional on an NRL licence. But, if NRL don't expand OR don't fall for this blackmail, then the GC don't even have a guaranteed stadium.

Sir Clifford GC

doctor death said:
I will search for the link re Singo's bid and post it.

Crowd support and CC? The CC has proven again and again that the support for the team will be overwhelming. This is on the Singo bid link as well. This is a region that has been stuffed around for 6 years - but still 18,000 turned up lst year for a non-event City v Country game. The initial crowds in 2000 for the Manly filth at Gosford were strong before Manly was rightfully kicked out snivelling back to Brookvale.

It's time for the Gold Coast Gunners to show some concrete in their proposal. Even their stadium funding is conditional on an NRL licence. But, if NRL don't expand OR don't fall for this blackmail, then the GC don't even have a guaranteed stadium.
not going to respond to the facts in my last post mike


dodge said:
See DIEHARD, why can't you just be like these blokes? "CC has it's merits, a great bid, but GC is better"

Instead you deathride the CC bid and want it run into the ground, and why? For an ego trip? I don't understand... :|

I can think of one reason myself, the death riding of the Gold Coast bid by certain pro bears (not necessarily pro Central Coast) members causes GC supporters to swing into action.

doctor death

Hindyscrack said:
I can think of one reason myself, the death riding of the Gold Coast bid by certain pro bears (not necessarily pro Central Coast) members causes GC supporters to swing into action.

Central Coast Bears supporters have constantly asked the GC bidders for concrete rationale and facts behind their bid.

The response is some psychotic Manly pizza-eater and another goon spitting poison. You're in great company.

Sir Clifford GC

hmm no response to real facts so ill post it again for dr death

doctor death said:
As for the growth of GC argument, Singo's research establsihes one thing. the majority of the GC growth is from Asia and the AFL states.

Singos research therefor establishes NOTHING

Interesting FACT? Mr Gibbons


Thats a bit unclear so i will
put the percentages there
NSW 22%
Victoria 7%
Other parts of Qld 25.6%
Other States 8%
Overseas 18.4%
Not Stated 10.4%

There for Mr Gibbons
out of the 89.6% who stated where they came from
47.6% came from Qld and New South Wales which is more than half of the people who answered.

Now knowing you mike, i know you are going to argue
the source so heres that
Then you are going to argue the age of the stats and the source of the stats, well they came from the last census and that percentage wouldnt change much in 4.5 years.

blows that arguement clear out of the water

I wonder what bear lies he will come up with now


doctor death said:
I will search for the link re Singo's bid and post it.

Crowd support and CC? The CC has proven again and again that the support for the team will be overwhelming. This is on the Singo bid link as well. This is a region that has been stuffed around for 6 years - but still 18,000 turned up lst year for a non-event City v Country game. The initial crowds in 2000 for the Manly filth at Gosford were strong before Manly was rightfully kicked out snivelling back to Brookvale.

It's time for the Gold Coast Gunners to show some concrete in their proposal. Even their stadium funding is conditional on an NRL licence. But, if NRL don't expand OR don't fall for this blackmail, then the GC don't even have a guaranteed stadium.

Non Event Rep game? Imgaine how CC fans are going to treat club games, yet the Gold Coast can still pull 18,000 to trial games with part reserve grade teams. Last NRL game held on the Coast several years ago (2001) was a sell-out. Ticket Sales for the upcoming Dogs v Cowboys game are strong with GA tickets the only ones available, corporates full.

Of course the Gold Coast stadium is conditional on an NRL, whats the point of building a major stadium with no tennant? What a stupid point!

The Gold Coast bid can only have backers who are willing to back the club IF they are granted entry. The same goes for the CC bid.

Dr Deaf, you dont care about the Central Coast, you are just a bears tragic who wants his club back... I suspect if the Gold Coast bid involved the bears you would be right behind it.

Sir Clifford GC

Hindyscrack said:
Non Event Rep game? Imgaine how CC fans are going to treat club games, yet the Gold Coast can still pull 18,000 to trial games with part reserve grade teams. Last NRL game held on the Coast several years ago (2001) was a sell-out. Ticket Sales for the upcoming Dogs v Cowboys game are strong with GA tickets the only ones available, corporates full.

Of course the Gold Coast stadium is conditional on an NRL, whats the point of building a major stadium with no tennant? What a stupid point!

The Gold Coast bid can only have backers who are willing to back the club IF they are granted entry. The same goes for the CC bid.

Dr Deaf, you dont care about the Central Coast, you are just a bears tragic who wants his club back... I suspect if the Gold Coast bid involved the bears you would be right behind it.
:clap: :clap:
hit the nail on the head there hindy arse


I am actuallt not having a dig at the GC but no one has supplied any facts on this forum about the viability of the concern that does not contain conditional promises. I just want to see those facts along with the CC fact before I would even think of making a decision

doctor death

Hindyscrack said:
Non Event Rep game? Imgaine how CC fans are going to treat club games, yet the Gold Coast can still pull 18,000 to trial games with part reserve grade teams. Last NRL game held on the Coast several years ago (2001) was a sell-out. Ticket Sales for the upcoming Dogs v Cowboys game are strong with GA tickets the only ones available, corporates full.

Of course the Gold Coast stadium is conditional on an NRL, whats the point of building a major stadium with no tennant? What a stupid point!

The Gold Coast bid can only have backers who are willing to back the club IF they are granted entry. The same goes for the CC bid.

Dr Deaf, you dont care about the Central Coast, you are just a bears tragic who wants his club back... I suspect if the Gold Coast bid involved the bears you would be right behind it.

Crowds? The GC has had 4 go's and averaged 6,000 per game. The CC has been stuffed around and insulted with a desperate Manly takeover team but still the crowds turned up.

Listen, idiot. GC is all conditional. CC is all there now, ready to go - as promised. It's the difference between CC concrete reality and GC promises.

The Central Coast Bears will be a Gosford team. It will have links with the North Sydney Bears because that's how it came into being. Like the Swans, the origins in south melbourne are respected - but people don't say "swans is really Sth Melbourne". the CC Bears will be exactly the same.

As for Pizza Boy's stats, they're 5 years old and a full reading shows that the GC population will be 551K in 2011. the central coast/north Shore population is over 1 milion NOW and growing AND is a genuine rugby league area.

Stick to pizzas, big fella. leave the brains stuff to me.

Hindys, find some new mates who don't lead by the nose like an idiot with ********.