Nothing shonky just add some arbitary figures.
Quotes from the inquiry
Q. Is it the case that the figure alongside "Public
relations" in particular is a arbitrary figure?
A. Yes.
CHAIRMAN: Q. What does it cover?
A. It provides a means of getting to the total for the
month, Mr Chairman, that's all. A total of $138,819 is
the figure that I had to get to for that invoice. The
formula I have in the computer just spreads it over
those other items.
Q. "Public relations" means nothing?
A. Sorry, I don't --
Q. Does "public relations", that phrase, on that
invoice, mean anything?
A. It's just another thing that Phyro would have in
its, I suppose, the things that Phyro Holdings would be
interested in, marketing, public relations, image
building and that sort of thing but it really doesn't
mean very much.
Ainvoice doesn't have to add up. I just hope most other clubs have a more professional accounting system.