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Who's your most loved/hated players and why?

Red Bear

Love - Present day include Burgess, Hindmarsh, Minichello, Benji, Farah, Ellis
Previously Wishart, Florimo, Hodgson, Brasher, Taylor, Dallas, Menzies

Hate - Ennis, Slater


Just current players

fav: entire Roosters 2010 roster (especially Mini, JWH, SKD, Pearce, Myles and Carney)
least fav: entire storms 2010 roster (except Finchy), entire broncos 2010 roster, Ennis, Hayne, Soward


Loved: Lance Thompson, took a paycut to keep the team together, gave his all.............and then got f**ked over out of the club, my dislike for Brown and immense hatred for Barrett began that day, when the squeeze was on Thommo took a paycut, Trent showed his true colours at the end of 2005, a greedy talentless f**k who had not developed one iota in ability or mental capacity from age 19.

Hate: Thurston, greedy whinging overpaid merkin who does not go within a bulls roar of justifying the dollars at club level, apart from having a premiership ring (which he won as a passenger with the dogs in 2004) he is truly the modern incarnation of barrett.


I really dislike Matt Gillett and Josh Hoffman

Im one of those dickheads who supports a club who hasn't won a premiership in the modern era of rugby league, and i just hate everything about anything that might be good to do with the Broncos.

ps: i also spend more time hating the broncos than i do supporting my own club.
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Knights player - Buderus
Non-Knights player - Mason

Hated player - everyone at the storm
just dont like any of them


Favourite players

Current NRL - Jarryd Hayne, Sam Burgess, Billy Slater, Michael Jennings, Benji Marshall, Gareth Ellis, Fui Fui Moi Moi, Josh Miller, Darren Lockyer, Petero Civoniceva, Chris Lawrence,Kristan Inu, Robbie Farah, Lachlan Coote, Josh Dugan, Tim Grant, Luke Lewis, John Sutton, Preston Campbell

Past NRL - Adrian Morley, Gordon Tallis, Ellery Hanley, Martin Offiah, Nathan Blacklock, Tawera Nikau,Garry Schofield, Stacey Jones, Gary Freeman, Mal Meninga,Allan Langer, Ruben Wiki, Ali Lauititi, Cliff Lyons, Greg Alexander, Mark Geyer, Ryan Girdler plus many more.

Most Hated

Current NRL - Ben Creagh,Beau Scott, Paul Gallen, Willie Mason, Israel Folau, Mitchell Pearce, Trent Barrett, Justin Hodges, Mark Gasnier,

Former NRL - 1. Geoff Toovey 2. Anthony Mundine 3. Karmichael Hunt 4. Ricky Stuart these are the ones who stand out basically anyone else who goes to Rugby Union or Aussie Rules is in my hated list. Though i can understand the appeal of playing Rugby Union overseas.


Favorite players:

Kurt Gidley- not the flashiest player but he always gives it his best shot, he never backs down. He has saved Newcastle's arse with great last ditch defense on many an occasion.

Akila Uate- I played alongside him back in the day at Woy Woy, he was a quiet bloke. I love watching him play and the way he's always smiling, he looks like he's having a really good time.

Nathan Hindmarsh- a workhorse, if you had a team with 13 players who tried like Hindy does every match, you would win a few Premierships. There are few players in the current NRL who deserve a Premiership ring more than him.

Most hated:

Greg Inglis- arrogant, talks like a caveman, has no sense of loyalty and is a woman bashing piece of s**t who will walk away from Rugby League as soon as someone throws a big enough paycheque at him. You heard it here first.

Michael Ennis- grub. I felt so happy when Brisbane got knocked out of the 2008 finals, seeing him down on his hunches after the way he was carrying on like a grubby little smartarse throughout the game. He is the modern day incarnation of Benny Elias- a dirty little grub who would do and say anything to get an advantage over his opposite number.

Justin Hodges- wannabee tough guy, excuses being a cheap shot merchant by stating he's "Defending the brotherhood".

Brett Finch- such an annoying gimp. A Daddy's boy who you just wish would piss off.

Billy Slater- a grubby little bitch. I can't believe people actually like him. The day someone drops him in a 1 on 1 fight I will stand and applaud.
Mitchell Pearce: because he is one of the best halfbacks to play in the NRL. Future Aus. halfback, future immortal.

Chris Sandow: Rubbish player who celebrates every try as if it's the first time he's gotten laid. Always goes for the cheap shot in an attempt to boost his zero tackle count.


Like (non Roosters)
Chris Lawrence (saw his first first grade game and was a fan instantly)
Lachlan Coote (pretty underrated I think)
Michael Jennings (loved his AFL comments and great fun to watch)
Ben Barba (fun to watch, was the first NYC player that really stood out to me)
Akila Uate (another underrated one. Would love to have him at the Roosters)
Mark Gasnier (usually I hate the union guys but he was one of my favourites before he left)
Andrew Fifita (will be a monster if he keeps developing)
Darius Boyd (never thought he'd be this good but I like watching him)
Dave Taylor (can't help but like him even though he plays for the scum)

Cameron Smith (there's something really slimy and untrustworthy about him)
Billy Slater (tool. great player but a grub)
Chris Sandow (easily my least favourite. Makes me wish Adrian Morley was still playing here so he could flatten the little turd)
Michael Ennis (same reasons as most people I'd guess)
Sam Thaiday (his Origin antics)


Favourite (I don't love them coincidentally): Manu Vatuvei, Sam Rapira, Zeb Taia, Michael Jennings, Ukuma Ta'ai, Lewis Brown, Jamie Soward, Sam Burgess
Least Favoured: Brett White, Adam Blair, Jeff Lima (all have grapple-itis when wearing the faggy purple of Melbourne), Ben Creagh (no hoping gimp who keeps getting Blues selections), Paul Gallen (dude would be an epic player if he stopped the niggle), Jonathon Thurston (since the judiciary thinks he's above all else), Matt Bowen (dive merchant extraordinaire), Billy Slater (cat who looks like he wants to get on the biff every time he's tackled.. until someone actually wants to fight back, then he runs like a cat)


Trying to think of people who haven't been already mention in this thread.

Like: Corey Parker. Really good player for us, although it is hard to like anyone who has there name tattooed on their harm.

Dislike: Nathan Friend. Just once I would like to see him stand at dummy half and not have his arms in the air appealing for a penalty.


Top 5 current and former

1. Scott Hill
2. Matt Rua
3. Michael Jennings
4. Cooper Cronk
5. Billy Slater


Post Whore
Most loved players:

* Benji Marshall - a freak.

* Petero Civoniceva - a gentleman and a beast.

* Hindy - has saved our bacon time and time again and is a legend off the field.

* Sam Burgess - a brilliant player with great manners. Huge fan.

* Slater - don't like him, but as a player he is electric.

Most disliked (can't say I hate anyone) players:

* Robbie Farah - honestly, VERY talented. But IMO a little soft.

* Brett White - honestly, I never saw how he got the wraps he did.

* Jamie Lyon - super player, but I dislike him for obvious reasons.

* SBW - ditto as per Lyon.


Favourite current Knight: Zeb Taia
Favourite current non-Knight: Billy Slater
it amazes me how often i see a post of yours and think that i posted it.

Favourite Players:
Knights: Zeb Taia - embodies the Newcastle spirit and puts in 100%, even when his team mates around him won't. also incredibly skillful, runs brilliant lines (even when his mates arn't). awesome player. i wouldn't trade him for many players in the game.
Non-Knights: Billy Slater - i would hate the sh*t out of him if i didn't love watching him play so much. once again, always gives it his all, every play is a miniature contest that must be won at all costs. represents everything i love about an elite player... brilliant skill and 100% effort.

Most hated:
Cameron Smith - cannot f**king stand the hairy bastard. he is so easy to hate. i respect him, but i hate him immensely.
Jarryd Hayne - because he doesn't push himself at all. could be so much better with the right attitude. should observe how Slater plays the game. when he's on he is brilliant to watch in attack. needs to up his effort on the field and at training to get off my hate list.

that's just out of current players... if i can be arsed some time in the future i will add all-time favourites and hateds... but they will be decent sized lists i would say.
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Post Whore
Another bloke I like and respect immensely is Kurt Gidley. Not a massive fan of his as a player (he's good, though). But what really made me sit up and tale notice and respect the man is how he handled himself throughout Origin - every man and his dog was calling for his sacking, or for him to at least have the captaincy taken off of him. And he never lost his cool, and kept giving 100%. Whether or not he was efficient is another matter altogether, but his attitude impressed me.
Favourite Tiger: Chris Lawrence
Least Favourite Tiger: Daniel Fitzhenry

Favourite Non-Tiger: Sam Burgess
Least Favourite Non-Tiger: Billy Slater


I've always liked Lockyer and Thurston despite being from NSW. Tim Brasher is probably my favourite all time player with Ryan Girdler.

Can't stand Ennis. Never have, never will. Poor sportsman, overrated player, grade a douchebag. I hope every game he plays in, regardless of who he's playing for he loses.