Brosef did you even read my comment lol? You my friend are one of the blasé League supporters I mentioned.
I would be more than happy to place a substantial bet with you that by the year 2064 Football will be the biggest code in the country.
& you are one of the mindless sokka fans who continually talk up your sport in this country.
How's it going this yr ..started good competition .
Cricket starts .bammmmm ..nosedive .
You my friend have been reading DT & Slothfield .
What you fail to understand is these facts .
While it is a long way off top class Sokka ,the AL will never surpass the other 2 big codes ,for the simple reason ,that people are not watching the best ,the elite ,as they go overseas for the big $$.
You also assume that people will flock to watch sokka(lol the yearly mantra chant) ,well here's some news .some people like physical sports ,the brutality ,the gladiatorial aspect .
Just as some see Rl as just that ,& don't like the brutality ,others do & find sokka as boring as watching grass grow .
You are one of the brainwashed masses ,who big note about how the future will be. Sokka sokka sokka .
& have the hide to criticise me about being one of Those RL supporters .
I accept that sokka is a long way ahead participation wise ..many parents start their kids out .
But it does not transfer into popularity as a mainstream sport ,competing for tv $$$$$.
As much as the sokka mob bleat ,sleeping giant....RL is dying ....we will take over ,there is no proof that this is happening or going to happen .
Just look at your tv ratings ..
But I'm sure in true cultist style you will tell me how it will happen ."..
So if you would like to compare ratings v RL,Cricket ,AFL. Please do .
That should be a good start as to where the sports sit in the popularity stakes .