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Widders Gone!!!!!


PJ MARSH thats who.

Do w forget he played there before at parra.

Its got to be a monutain better than what we have now!


jayjayselmes said:
PJ MARSH thats who.

Do w forget he played there before at parra.

Its got to be a monutain better than what we have now!

Fair enough, but that is in your opinion only.
I haven't seen PJ play an 80min game of footy for an awful long time

jayjayselmes said:
and yes jeremy was marginaly better than tim smith

He was, but he is suspended so there is no arguement here


eelavation said:
can someone please call a doctor for JayJay, it appears that he's just about to burst a foo foo valve.

take it easy mate.

lol foo foo valve.


First Grade
I'll keep quiet for now but I'll be very annoyed to say the least if we let all these players go and don't end up signing a few quality players.

I also find it concerning if we are trying to keep Delaney over Widders.

Parra Guru

We will miss you Deano!!!

I wish him the best of luck because he's a top bloke, and if his services are best suited to the Bunnies then so be it.

So has anyone heard the latest on Delaney??

wittyz chick

Parra Guru said:
We will miss you Deano!!!

I wish him the best of luck because he's a top bloke, and if his services are best suited to the Bunnies then so be it.

So has anyone heard the latest on Delaney??

Titans ... still I think [that's what my uncle says anyway :(]


i am a bit disapointed,with the signings the bunnies have made they could be a force next year....
but us i rekon hagan has got a few things up his sleeve and can't wait to find out what,he hasn't mentiond one thing in the press and has all this money at his disposal,god i hope he makes a few good signings


First Grade
eelavation said:
I bet that was Eelementary :lol:

honestly guys..do people honestly believe that we won't be signing anyone up???

Sounds like it :lol:

I don't think anyone believes no one will be signed, more the quality of the signings compared to those that have gone elsewhere.


I wish Widders all the best, its a shame he's going. But I wonder who'll be the impact player for next year.

Widders has been great since he came to club, a great bench player. I reckon if he didnt come to Parramatta, I dont think his career wouldve ended up what it is today. Widders has been terrific on the field, and also off the field. He's done well for the Rugby League community, and I hope he keeps it up while at Souths.


is it just me or is this whole player movement senario bl**dy confusing and disturbing?

I mean...widders, morris, mckinnon, morrison, .. all wanted to STAY at parramatta... i would have thought this was a big change from a few years ago when everyone was exiting...

i find it hard to fathom that our juniors are up to taking over those positions.. other than hayne for mckinnon... we dont have anyone like the other 3 in our club bar pj for morris.. who apparenlty is also being told to go...

on top of that u got brian smith trying to lure jamie to newie...

WTF is going on parra?? new direction and all that sh*t is fine.. but when the fans have nfi on wat direction that is i find it hard to understand.. new direction and retention has to head in the direction of a title... but loosing experienced top graders isnt going to win you one... if they resign delaney over widders.. thats a travisty ... delaney has been rubbish.. even morris in the centres would be better than him...jesus

and wat the hell is going on with hagan... does he want to come to a club that has about 6 PL players in them.. who in my honest view wont really make an impact.. like tsulous and delaney and lewis... etc.. folkes said only 1-2 players out of every PL team become FG players.. smith, smith, and hayne in my view are the only players with long term futures.. and well done on keeping them.. but.. unless u get people like fitzgibbon and asotasi, jamie etc.. people like tahu and hindmarsh are going to leave to other clubs.. and that my friends will be the BIGGEST tragedy of them all..

unless we grab some key figures post june 30th.. as there are alot of players of contract this yr.. we are going to be screwed next yr.. worst than this yr and worse than 2004...


First Grade
some one needs a stick of dynamite shoved up there bum and the fuse lit then maybe theyll wake up to themselves and realise what a mess there making.

and this my friends is the exact reason i did not want brian smith to leave.


In the long run it will be the best thing for the club

morrison was ALWAYS going regardless, and the other people we are "releasing", are nothing flash, morris, mckinnon and widders have had their time and i think were due for a cleanout

We might not see it yet but i dont think our management would just release players left right and centre if we didnt have ideas already. we all just have to wait and see what happens, either way we will have 17 players willing to put in for our mighty eels


Calm down people - Who said that we arnt going to grab some high profile players ? We need a cleanout. If you dont think so why dont you have a look at the table ?
I have every confidence in the ability of the club officials perhaps us fans should whinging and let them do their job.


We had better sign a few good props and forwards. Time will tell. If we regain the core of our squad, bring on the kids and make 5 good purchases and 3-4 support players, we will be up there.

Remember that we declined from 2002 onwards - with a similar squad to the one that made the GF in 2001 (that got rapidly dissimilar from 2003 onwards when there was a massive exodus).

Lets see who Hagen has in mind.

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