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Will it all come to nothing...


I disagree the knights were near full strength only missing 2 players , the dragons were with out 3 of their playmakers , so the dragons were more disadvantage then the knights

The tigers play makers were coming off injurys, there was no excuses for the knights, they just dont have enough players what can take over from the ones they miss

Turn it up mate. We had Gidley, Hilder, Cross and Buderus out. Fa'aso is probably injured as well and Simpson could only play like 15 mins. You guys lost one good player, a defensive centre and a hasbeen utility.


I disagree the knights were near full strength only missing 2 players , the dragons were with out 3 of their playmakers , so the dragons were more disadvantage then the knights

The tigers play makers were coming off injurys, there was no excuses for the knights, they just dont have enough players what can take over from the ones they miss
Please tell me you are joking. We played a full strength Tigers while you played Melbourne's reserve grade team. Nuffy is right...it needs to be addressed. Teams who are good enough to have rep players suffer during rep season when they are unavailable. Makes no sense.


I love how the when the Dragons have the best rosters they always seem to win premierships with them, I mean when they had those unbeatable teams 3-4 years back that were belting every team they always went on with it and won the grand finals. Great great team. Always win the games that matter.

Face it mate, your team is a team of individuals our team is a real team. Come back when your team has the stats that actually count.
LOL Saints:lol:, the real question would be, could they get within 30 of us?

On the topic though I think K-Man brings up a good point, we have been playing great this season yet we are out of the top 8. I am just fearful that all our expectations of a top 8 finish will come to nothing with rep duties/injuries and a seemingly difficult draw.


Live Update Team
:lol: @ that twit attempting to tell us the Dragons are a better team.

But back on topic - it has been said already, but I really wish we would get a fair go with the referees. It appears as though they are determined to make our task as difficult as is humanly possible. All is definitely not lost and I am still certain we'll make the eight. We do, however, need to register some wins, no matter how we do it, during this origin period. The Warriors game in a fortnight could make or break our season IMO.


Dont panic. We were yet to put in a poor display, we put one in yesterday. We were lethargic, slow and lacked concentration for most of the game. Those kind of things i havent really seen the guys display yet this season. I think they will be better for the loss. The Tigers, well....they are lolable imo and I believe we will finish ahead of them.

I had a sinking feeling before the game, and when i realised it was blowing a gale in Newcastle I had an even worse feeling. Dont under estimate how much of a mental and physical toll the monday night game had on the boys. In particular with 3 quality players out.

I was looking at the draw the other day and basically its all down hill for us from the Melbourne game. Funnily enough, i thought that this would be the biggest challenge we have thus far faced as a side.

One thing i have noticed about this current generation we have is that they play MUCH better when they are expected to lose or they are behind, that is all Smith is it not...The real challenge is to get the lads thinking that they can and will beat anyone when they put in their max effort. Its rebuilding phase II, time to start to work towards building a winning culture.

I was really annoyed with yesterdays performance, It was pretty obvious after 10 mins we were not there mentally. So much so that I went to the NRL web site to check the score, something i never ever do. It was pretty clear, our line speed wasnt there, we were hardly making it out to our 50m line from the kick reception at the 20m line, the tigers were walking out of their own half with ease. I have no doubts we can turn it around.

We have shown in all but one of our games this year that we want to be succesful, they just dont now how to go about dismantling a side from the get go they should beat. Going from the mantle of being a battling underdog to a favorite is something they need to learn to deal with and only the best sides ever do.


lol oh god, we're doomsaying already after 1 lacklustre performance.

look, basically when we played melbourne a week ago we lost 2 matches in that 80 minutes. you could see the boys were off the pace yesterday... the melbourne game took it's toll physically and mentally. the bye is the best thing for us at the moment. we lacked leadership out there when we needed it in the second half to steady the ship. add to that a few dubious decisions from the officials and 2 40/20's that both resulted in tries... and it paints an ugly picture. it's quite surprising that we didn't get towelled by 30.

it's a long season guys, and there's plenty of time left... and plenty of games to win. there's absolutely no need to start writing the boys off yet. they didn't give up yesterday, they just didn't have the legs or the cool head to finish it when the game was on the line.

we have all the right ingredients... it's just a matter of getting the right consistancy so that the cake will rise.


First Grade
I agree we lacked composure and leadership. Our enthusiasm was missing too though, and that was something I hoped wouldn't happen this year. Our go forward was average, our defense was average. I mean, Simmo had one of the best workloads of our forwards and he hasn't played in 10 rounds.


Holding a full strength Melbourne to zero for 50 minutes in Melbourne, with a 8-1 penalty count, then backing up in six days without your rep players is tough to overcome.

we were poor yesterday.

Seriously though, had we been at full strength as the Tigers were, it would ahve been a win.

Thats all ifs and buts though.


maybe its the eternal pessimist in me

but i have been feeling this way since the Parra game

that our effort is there but the planets have aligned against us....

the planets being the draw, the rep season, the bounce of the ball, and the refs....


Eh one crap game is only a good as an idicator as one awesome game. Nothing more, we'll step up with rep players back, and the sooner Wicks gets dropped and Wes doesnt try playing fullback anymore, we will be back up there with the best.

Missed Kidley alot I think... Youngy I am sorry to say, you suck.

Hmm... I think we need some new blood after bye... Like just blood 2 or 3 players and try something new... or is that stupid?

Ive had enough, Lulia, Mcdoogal, Ciraldo and Wicks...


Live Update Team
Eh one crap game is only a good as an idicator as one awesome game. Nothing more, we'll step up with rep players back, and the sooner Wicks gets dropped and Wes doesnt try playing fullback anymore, we will be back up there with the best.

Missed Kidley alot I think... Youngy I am sorry to say, you suck.

Hmm... I think we need some new blood after bye... Like just blood 2 or 3 players and try something new... or is that stupid?

Ive had enough, Lulia, Mcdoogal, Ciraldo and Wicks...
Lulia - no
MacDougall - yes
Ciraldo - yes
Wicks - take or leave. Three weeks ago he was the flavour of the month. Funny how things change isn't it?


Something I've just noticed but Smith seems really hesitant about blooding players. What I mean is that Ciraldo, Lulia and Young (among others) who've gotten call ups this season have all played first grade before in some way. I'd be interested to see if we've actually blooded any rookies this year.


Other than Aku, which rookies?

I dont think there is any serious players in PL or NYC that are yet to play first grade pushing for a spot.

Has Sau played NRL?

I dont think we have the geniune talent there to blood at this stage.


First Grade
I reckon we introduced about 2 years worth of rookies to FG last year...
Panic at your own peril I say. We are going much better than i ever thought we would be. The boys were woeful and the Tigers not much better. It was the weakest defensive effort I have seen in the NRl all season from us. It was a good measure of just how far the boys have yet to go to make the top 8. I think we can still get there. Every team has one of these games and it is how you rebound that makes or breaks you. We had the chance to win the game and we didn't. We haven't been out of asingle match we played this season. Next year we will make the top four for sure. DeGois will take Farah's place as NSW hooker too.


We have the warriors we should beat,

then we are playing manly without our state of origin players, i dont think we will beat manly at just about Full strength, maybe kidly wont be right for selection & back up & play for knights,

then for state of origin 3 we are playing the DOGS,

i hope we get a run of playing Souths, penrith & parra, hopefully 3 wins there

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