How many of those box office record movies will be remembered 20 years from now? Every great actor has appeared in at least one iconic film role. Will has not had that role yet (In "Ali" he was great, but the movie was crap).
The only blockbuster movies of his that I've ever liked is "I Am Legend" and "I,Robot" and even they had so much potential, yet failed to deliver on their "film classic" promise. Another movie of his I liked was "Six Degrees of Seperation".
Smith has delivered many likable performances, but has appeared in crap. "Independence Day" is one of the most overrated movies ever.
show me an actor who can switch being extremely serious to extremely funny like he's turning the tap on and off for fun in summer
you can not deny that his acting talent is through the roof
some of the movies he starred in may not have been good BUT whatever has his name on it goes straight to #1 and more importantly he always puts in a great performance
let's not forget his music career which stretches back to the 80s with numerous multi platinum albums ...
will smith is probably the only other man who could've said "i could sell out madison square gardens masturbating"
And I don't mind Will Smith, but I don't find him that great.
As I mentioned earlier - Anthony Hopkins, Denzel Washington, Edward Norton, Christian Bales...These are men who have proven to be outstanding actors in a wide range of roles.
You call being in 8 connective movies that were #1 at the box office, plus block buster after block buster over-rated?Am I the only person on earth who thinks that this guy is overrated? There is no doubt that he is the most bankable actor in Hollywood today. I even think he is a pretty good actor. But, geez he can appear in some tripe movies.
Choose some good projects Will!!!
Anthony Hopkins
Denzel Washington
Hugh Jackman
i'm a bigger fan of denzel than will smith ... but what movie was denzel funny in?
wow ... you found remember the titans hilarious? LOL
I cannot understand why so many people love "Independence Day". I think it is a dreadful film. So much flagwaving in it.
Gary Oldman
Dustin Hoffman
Daniel Day-Lewis
Benicio Del Toro
+ dozens more who are lesser known
i'm a bigger fan of denzel than will smith ... but what movie was denzel funny in?
If anything, Will Smith is underrated. He is consistently overlooked for awards despite never turning in a bad performance. Even in less than stellar movies he shines. I Am Legend would have downright sucked if it weren't for his performance. He's up there with DiCaprio is the most criminally overlooked actor.
Having said that, I could never buy him as a bad guy a la Denzel in Training Day.