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Willie Masons bags Union. Legend!


RUGBY UNION SUCKS.............It may aswell be soccer all they do is kick the ball. final score 3-6 woooooopeeeeeeeeeeee


Nathan B said:
'...win possession...'. Nice choice of word!

What are the statistics on kicks in rugby union these days? Still one in every 37 seconds of play?

If only winning the lottery was as easy as 'winning' possession in rugby!

And how long does it take to complete 5 tackles after which your required to kick?.... not much longer than 37 seconds.

Shot Nathan

Nathan B

mattyj said:
And how long does it take to complete 5 tackles after which your required to kick?.... not much longer than 37 seconds.

Shot Nathan

Not so fast...


I'm not shot: I wasn't the one claiming that league was all about winning possession. In fact, I made absolutley no judgment on the level difficulty of winning possession in either league and union. AND i made no reference to league at all. I was merely pointing out that, in rugby, you can hardly call it winning possession when all they seem to do is try and give it away by kicking it. Union is a field position game.

The point: if you want to try and prove that union is better than league, then have the brains to not talk about the 'art' of winning possession.

My advice to you...think before you type.


Mal Meninga said:
No you didn't. What private schools play league? None. No GPS, ISA or CAS schools promote league and are committed to union.
What Public school did you go to and beat private school teams? Joeys, View, etc etc etc carve up the schoolboy sides.

FWIW, I think Union buy league players to raise the the profile of their game.

Independent/Private Schools were always weaker. In the Australian schoolboys comps it was always. NSW CHS, NSW CCC, QLD and ACT in the 1 comp. Then you had NSW AIS, WA, VIC, SA etx in the other comp because it was always weaker.
Mates at Westfield High in Sydney always use to smash the league comps and got banned because they were so good. So they played union and smashed them too.
In Newcastle we also smashed the private schools even at their own game.


rugbynotsoccer said:
they are bigger because they need to stay on the feet and not burrow like in2 submission

They are bigger because they spend so much time grovelling on the ground for a pill,whilst other large forwards fall on them in the pretense of getting the ball back.


elidecelis said:
Read my signature and also consider Rugby didn't even want to talk to him last year.

yep they sure do play all around the limited world,at some of the finest nightclubs,another beer Wendell-oops . He wants to go outside and do a bit of pavement painting.


First Grade
Sir Knight82 said:
Actually the All Blacks at one stage were very interested in him.

:lol: :lol:

You are kidding aren't you?

More like Mason's manager was interested in the All Blacks.


Woods99 said:
Six tackles for us. Six tackles for you.

On the fifth tackle, the outside backs usually get a run.

In real rugby, you have to win possession, before you can play around with it.

In proper rugby Gasnier would handle the ball at least 20 times,and he will tackle approx 15 times .The fullback will run the ball,and try to either chime into the backline,or go it alone.Ball in play time minimum time 60minutes. Scrums over in a flash,as they should be.Its really the running game.
In union scrum collapse,reset,collapse,reset penalty.Amazingly 99.99% of scrums won with the feed,with all the use of scrum machines,and training.I mean those scrum formations is what turns the fans on,such excitement such exhilaration.
Lineouts after kicking the ball out on the full,to a relative in the crowd ,averages about 40 odd per match.Ball not thrown in straight.Forward wants to tie up his shoelaces stoppage,player down with cramp stoppage.Fullback who is supposed to be quick on his feet,caught in his quarter kick for territory.Kick,kick,kick and they wonder why the number of tries being scored in S14 is down this year.
Penalty "whats that for ref" bal blah balh,but the same thing happened
a few minutes back and nothing happened".A technicalty which b..all in the stands and the field know what its for.As Fitzsimonssaid when he played for the Wallaroos,he knew about a dozen rules,and could never understand the bulk of penalties,and to do this day claims half the players dont.
Ah yes ball in play time if you are lucky35 minutes.
On occasions large numbers of phases,which appear to gain nothing going forwards,but a lot of ground sideways,wow.Even the NZ commentators have stated this hardly makes for exciting union.
Win possession in union ? with the aid of the mad max of whistleblowers,predictable scrum wins,and rucks which look like a mine cave ins,and people struggling to breathe extricatethe ball to get the fat players off them.Such variety,such confusion.
The All Blacks play the game more like a rugby league team.


taipan said:
In proper rugby Gasnier would handle the ball at least 20 times,and he will tackle approx 15 times .The fullback will run the ball,and try to either chime into the backline,or go it alone.Ball in play time minimum time 60minutes. Scrums over in a flash,as they should be.Its really the running game.
In union scrum collapse,reset,collapse,reset penalty.Amazingly 99.99% of scrums won with the feed,with all the use of scrum machines,and training.I mean those scrum formations is what turns the fans on,such excitement such exhilaration.
Lineouts after kicking the ball out on the full,to a relative in the crowd ,averages about 40 odd per match.Ball not thrown in straight.Forward wants to tie up his shoelaces stoppage,player down with cramp stoppage.Fullback who is supposed to be quick on his feet,caught in his quarter kick for territory.Kick,kick,kick and they wonder why the number of tries being scored in S14 is down this year.
Penalty "whats that for ref" bal blah balh,but the same thing happened
a few minutes back and nothing happened".A technicalty which b..all in the stands and the field know what its for.As Fitzsimonssaid when he played for the Wallaroos,he knew about a dozen rules,and could never understand the bulk of penalties,and to do this day claims half the players dont.
Ah yes ball in play time if you are lucky35 minutes.
On occasions large numbers of phases,which appear to gain nothing going forwards,but a lot of ground sideways,wow.Even the NZ commentators have stated this hardly makes for exciting union.
Win possession in union ? with the aid of the mad max of whistleblowers,predictable scrum wins,and rucks which look like a mine cave ins,and people struggling to breathe extricatethe ball to get the fat players off them.Such variety,such confusion.
The All Blacks play the game more like a rugby league team.

100% correct. You have hit the nail on the head. People are starting to realise its boring and overpriced aswell. Everyone I know excited about going to the rugby because of the advertising/marketing comes away dissapointed and says exactly what is said above.


Staff member
Sir Knight82 said:
Actually the All Blacks at one stage were very interested in him.
Gee where did you hear that from?

Only one league forward really has excelled in union...brad thorn.
And then he was underutiliised for the AB's. Sad really.

Really why would any Yawnion team want to sign Willy? He is not overly endowed in the brain department. And I think (my opinion) that he is lazy on the field.

Mal Meninga

whatsdoing1982 said:
Independent/Private Schools were always weaker. In the Australian schoolboys comps it was always. NSW CHS, NSW CCC, QLD and ACT in the 1 comp. Then you had NSW AIS, WA, VIC, SA etx in the other comp because it was always weaker.
Mates at Westfield High in Sydney always use to smash the league comps and got banned because they were so good. So they played union and smashed them too.
In Newcastle we also smashed the private schools even at their own game.
What on earth are you talking about? By Australian Schoolboys state championships it's rated as

Division 2 -
Emerging states(NT, WA)
Lloyd Mcdermott

I'm pretty sure how that goes anyway....
NSW CCC are horrible. The NSW CCC are so horrible at the state championships they play NSW CHS 2's. NSW CHS hasn't won the state championships in years, it's usually down to GPS and CAS.
Joeys is usually reguarded as the "Nursery of Australian Rugby" and they are a private school. THe GPS, CAS, and ISA comps are stronger than the public school competitions, results in recent years prove it.


Nathan B said:
Not so fast...


I'm not shot: I wasn't the one claiming that league was all about winning possession. In fact, I made absolutley no judgment on the level difficulty of winning possession in either league and union. AND i made no reference to league at all. I was merely pointing out that, in rugby, you can hardly call it winning possession when all they seem to do is try and give it away by kicking it. Union is a field position game.

The point: if you want to try and prove that union is better than league, then have the brains to not talk about the 'art' of winning possession.

My advice to you...think before you type.

No, im addressing the fact that you said in Union they ball is kicked every 37 seconds and was comparing that to league.. So come again where am i wrong? I said nothing about gaining possession


f**k me mattyj!

Nathan B has explained what he was responding to very clearly and in english. How are you still having trouble???

Clearly you are thick as you have made 199 posts on a league forum when it seems you have no interest in the game.


The word I like to use for union is "antiquated". The reason Soccer is a smash hit world wide is due to its simplicity...something the rugger buggers like to denigrate League for. The thing is, they have got too clever for themselves and developed a game with rules that are not clever or technically superior, but stifling and frivolous.



JK said:
f**k me mattyj!

Nathan B has explained what he was responding to very clearly and in english. How are you still having trouble???

Clearly you are thick as you have made 199 posts on a league forum when it seems you have no interest in the game.

And i was taking him to issue over this comment

Nathan B said:
What are the statistics on kicks in rugby union these days? Still one in every 37 seconds of play?

JK said:
Clearly you are thick as you have made 199 posts on a league forum when it seems you have no interest in the game.

And your 2 million posts means your are intelligent?

Ive been employed by both Union and League for the past 7 years.

What do you do with your time? sit at home and hammer at your keyboard?

Ok mate:lol:

Nathan B

mattyj said:
No, im addressing the fact that you said in Union they ball is kicked every 37 seconds and was comparing that to league.. So come again where am i wrong? I said nothing about gaining possession

"...and was comparing that to league". Where did I mention league???

Sorry, but you've totally missed the point.

Whether the frequency of kicks in union is higher than that in league...IS NOT THE POINT!
Wether the frequency of kicks in union is less than that in league...IS NOT THE POINT!
Wether the frequency of kicks in union is exactly bloody equal to that in league...IS NOT THE POINT!

My point (once again): considering the large number of times the ball is kicked during a game of union, how can you really call it winning possession in union?


Nathan B said:
My point (once again): considering the large number of times the ball is kicked during a game of union, how can you really call it winning possession in union?

You WIN possession from a kick in Union because you have forced the opposing team into a position where the have to kick defensively to get out of their danger zone, all other kicks are attacking, just like when a league team is on attack.

Its not that much different to league when you have forced a team onto their own tryline and they have props and locks hit it up the guts to get out of their red zone, then on the 5th they kick. I'd say the opposition has WON possession there too.

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