Not a really terrible scenario, and it was soccer not RL, but funny none the less. Was at an ACL game between the Wanderers and a Chinese club at Campbelltown. Being a dead rubber group stage game after the A-League season was done and dusted, it was a very small crowd.
Around where the RBB were situated there was barricades (large plastic poles with a thin rope attaching them) down the aisles separating the active bays with the rest. Every 2-3 rows there was a cop watching the fans for any bad behaviour (overkill at it's finest, we are talking a fan to cop ratio of about 10:1 for the bays - 200 fans about 20 cops).
A scuffle in a non-active bay breaks out between a few Wanderers fans and a few Chinese fans. Looks like a yelling match with a bit of shoving. A few of the active fans notice it and start pointing it out to other fans. The police all completely ignore it,'s not the active fans.
The scuffle drags on for about 2-3 minutes with none of the police looking to see what's going on, about 20-30 active fans have notice it and are trying to get the police to break it up. Over where the drama is happening there's' about 20-30 fans waving at the police to try and get their attention too (obviously concerned it may escalate).
One of the police gets the idea to see what everyone is pointing at, and sees the scuffle and starts charging up the stairs to go and break it up, after 2-3 steps his holster gets caught in the barricade and he face plants on the step. Since so many people are watching at this point he cops it all the way up the stairs and over to the bay.