Under the rules, only if he played at it. He could not possibly have played at it in the 100ths of a second it took to come off Farah's boot and hit his forearms. Its just a ridiculous contention. Your synapses and physical reaction times just won't allow an intentional act to be executed that fast. Its impossible.
It is not!
He obviously played at it! 1000ths of seconds don't come into it. He was attempting to ground the ball through the time it came off Farah's foot, it was dislodged, went into his arms then went forward. In an attempt to ground the ball, no matter if Farah dislodged it or not, he has knocked it on.
What you are saying is like saying if a player bats a ball from his right hand into his left arm and then it goes forward he couldn't possibly have knocked on because he couldn't possibly have played at it in the 1000ths of a second from when it came off his hand and went into his arm accidently. It's absolutely ridiculous what you are saying.
If you are going to bring 1000ths of a second into it then I can say that all these no separation tries aren't tries because although the player is still in contact with the ball, in the fraction of a second when it hits the ground there is no downward pressure on it, then only after that fraction of a second does he put downward pressure on it.