That was a fun Raw wrestling-wise, and while it was awesome to see the commentators destroyed, having Byron Saxton out there by himself droning like he was at a funeral got a bit tedious after the first few commercial breaks! And why wouldn't they get him & King to sit down rather than stand the whole night? Did they wheel JBL Booker & Cole away on their plush leather chairs? So weird.
Will be nice not to have Cole for a while though (yes, no more OH MYYYYY VINTAGE YOUGOTTABEKIDDINGMAAAAY etc etc)
I do enjoy a rowdy crowd (except when they do the naricisstic "WE ARE AWESOME" chants), gotta give them a clap for doing the "WOOOOOO" between each ringout count in whatever match Lil Naitch Charles Robinson was refereeing! Reminds me of when WWE came to Wellington back in 2006 and while he was in the ring between matches people were doing "LIL NAITCH" and "DO THE STRUT" chants to which he responded with the Flair strut. Good times.
Though apparently they were chanting "YOU SUCK CENA/BRYAN/USO/TYSON" to the respective Total Diva girls during their match, there were a number of chants I couldn't quite make out when I watched the show yesterday, but not sure how I feel about those ones!
On one hand it's kinda creative, but then it's also a bit disrespectful, not just for the ladies in question but for everyone in the match as it was a nice change to get a competitive Divas match on Raw (it entertained me at least).